ActOneSceneOne 23 points ago +23 / -0

For years the elite and faggot class wielded words as weapons; their enemies have finally decided to wield weapons as weapons.

Oh, Jabed Ahmed and Athena Stavrou (very British names), are still trying. "Far-right" riots? Sure. The Independent also has a "race correspondent" (https://archive.ph/PwuBV) and she is throwing out the dictional shrapnel at maximum rates. Unfortunately for her, the people with actual shrapnel will not stop until "race correspondent" is no longer a thing.

ActOneSceneOne 4 points ago +4 / -0

Now now, don't be a glowy and suggest solutions that worked throughout history.

ActOneSceneOne 12 points ago +13 / -1

How would you feel if you didn't have breakfast this morning?

ActOneSceneOne 22 points ago +23 / -1

There are people with no internal monolgue -- legitimate NPCs

ActOneSceneOne 20 points ago +20 / -0

"Kamala Harris now leads Donald Trump in seven national polls"
"Hulk Hogan posing with a neo nazi"

You weren't kidding. The worst part about Reddit being 95% bots is that 5% of them are not bots.

ActOneSceneOne 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's because he looks like the man that didn't commit to her; she can't do this kind of damage to a man, though, so she does the damage to a person that can't fight back.

ActOneSceneOne 4 points ago +4 / -0

I don't get the "conservatives are weird" propaganda that's been running hot the past few days. Every Twitter account I've seen use the word "weird" has had collages of trannies/drag queens/etc posted in their replies before locking them.

Is the phrase in itself supposed to be the entire attack? Women think singular phrases like this are enough to alienate a person or group of people forever and it reeks of that to me: "Ew, that guy at the bar is a creep"

ActOneSceneOne 17 points ago +17 / -0

Men choose by ideology; women choose by whether or not the person sits down to pee. We are not the same.

ActOneSceneOne 22 points ago +24 / -2

When you realize how easy it is for a woman to get pregnant, it should then dawn on you how truly awful a spinster must be to end up that way.

Vance is not inaccurate, though I'm getting sick of the 'cat lady' barb. It's so low-effort that it loses all bite, like the "you must live in your parent's basement" shit people who argue with women get

ActOneSceneOne 11 points ago +11 / -0

Harris has encyclopaedias worth of retardation and is entering the race behind. Even deliberate isolation will be difficult to pull off to avoid the horse shit they need to do to make her palatable.

Uh, but in the meantime I've taken up lockpicking.

ActOneSceneOne 7 points ago +7 / -0

Best thing to do is keep face and Termet will hopefully figure that out. Don't even react to the commie migrant trying to posture up -- just keep the arm extended and assume that they forgot how to shake hands

ActOneSceneOne 50 points ago +50 / -0

More like 1/3rd brazenly wish us dead, our children raped and they think its funny. The remaining 2/3rds are more clandestine about it.

ActOneSceneOne 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah -- all other things being equal, the lethality of the shot is apparently the difference between conspiracy and legitimacy here.

ActOneSceneOne 6 points ago +6 / -0

Keep in mind, he swore that Frodo and Sam were gay lovers and sperged out when told that he was wrong and stupid for thinking so. That's my Lethn baseline and its all downhill from there.

ActOneSceneOne 3 points ago +4 / -1

Globalism is easy to conceive as a concept; too easy, in fact. The flooding of migrants to Western nations and the forced assimilation to their culture -- its no different than an invasion from foreign belligerents. He who lacks even the most basic wisdom and sense could observe this riot full of non-English in the heart of England and get a foul taste in his mouth. What makes globalism differ from a basic invasion is that the invaders are welcomed with open arms and the enforcement of the new law is done by the old government.

Globalism was quite easy to implement once women's voices became louder and louder at the policy-making level. A woman's worst trait, her neuroticism, only benefits her at best; her group-appeasement only benefits the smallest of communities. Applied writ large it will budge the strongest of ballasts.

Women do not know rhetoric nor logic, but they do know emotional appeal. They wield that hammer and turn every social problem into a nail to bludgeon. Why do weak men allow bad times while strong men create good times? The strong men laugh at those women while the weak men simp for them.

ActOneSceneOne 11 points ago +11 / -0

Is this why they made Usopp black in the live action One Piece?

ActOneSceneOne 8 points ago +8 / -0

Type the word "nigger", please

ActOneSceneOne 18 points ago +18 / -0

We're a social animal, even grumps like myself. Yet we need to deliberately isolate in order not to be drubbed by constant propaganda and exhibitionism, and even then we are not clear of the blast radius. When anti-social patterns are non-detrimental to a persons life, then that culture may not be in a good spot.

deleted 48 points ago +48 / -0
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