posted ago by SpaceGeneral ago by SpaceGeneral +61 / -3

This post has no objective educational or instructional value. It's just me bitching, so by all means ignore it.

But man, I knew on an intellectual level reddit had been turned into a hivemind, but having not been there for a few years, I had no idea how bad it's gotten or how far it stretched.

I skipped Cyberpunk 2077 back when it came out because I heard about all the bugs and garbage optimization. By the time any of it got "fixed", more details about CDPR getting captured by the communists had gotten out, so I forgot about the game. Well, a buddy gifted me a copy on sale, so I figured I would finally get around to at least checking it out so as not to be a dick to him about it.

Apparently it doesn't have third person view, and never got it. Weird, but alright. I fire up an old reddit throwaway and just ask on the CP2077 sub if anyone knows if there's a mod that gives you third person view.

Holy. Fuck. I had no idea that such an innocuous question about a technical aspect of an old game would cause such a shitstorm. I got people ranting for paragraphs about how a third person mod wouldn't be respecting the creator's vision of the game, to how it's impossible to really "get" the narrative of the game if you aren't locked into first person because so much of the emotion wouldn't carry over if you didn't feel like it was you looking through the MCs eyes, to of course being accused of being a sexist misogynist gamerbro because I must only want it so I can make a female character and stare at her ass. No one even answered the fucking question about whether a mod exists or not for that (it doesn't, not one that works apparently). Just a dozen angry rants about why I'm a bigot for even asking.

For a viewpoint change mod for a game.

I knew reddit has a list of approved opinions for shit like Trump or BLM or faggots and all the rest. But it's become such a perfectly tuned machine for creating flawless echo chambers that its flowed over into everything about every topic. You just are not allowed to exist there if you don't already know of and completely agree with the "correct" stance on absolutely everything. I wouldn't be surprised if you would get banned for racism asking about the wrong color of wood stain on a carpentry sub.

Anyways, just bitching. Reddit still sucks, even more than it did a year or two ago. I used to be in that "well as long as you go to the niche subs to just act technical questions and leave politics out of everything, it's still kinda ok". Nope, apparently not even that anymore. I just deleted the thread and the throwaway account. Like forgetting something in your fridge for two months, cracking open to take a peak, and then realizing what a mistake that was before throwing it away.

As for CP2077. It's meh. As I'm sure you all knew about 3 years ago. Even in the fixed state it's kind of boring. Probably a lot to do with it lacking the fantastical aspect of Witcher 3 and only having human enemies outside a few bots. Even if CDPR hadn't been taken over by blue haired front holes, it's kind of mediocre. I don't hate some of it, that's really the only praise I can give.