It looks like they're using Irish tactics and deliberately targeting any migrant hotels they know of and simply setting them on fire. The elites have not toned down the rhetoric, they're doubling down hard and it's only serving to piss everyone off, looks like calling people racist doesn't work now.
The media are doing a pretty shit job of reporting on everything actually, might be because it's the weekend, but this is probably going to get a lot more serious if the government tries to clamp down.
Once again the question that needs to be asked. Will this peter out or will the "revolutionaries" take the next step and start going after the authorities that are arrayed against them?
I honestly think this is a revolt, never seen anything like this for decades, but you are right, the big test will be winter and the government buildings themselves. Hull I think is fair to say quite middle class for the town it is, if the unrest keeps spreading then the government is fucked.
If its not a revolt, then this will be like "January 6th" in the US: the gov will be rounding up folks on trumped up charges for YEARS. Anyone involved already has got a choice as to get ready for prison or keep going until [RULES ONE THROUGH THREE VIOLATION].
Also watch for sweetheart deals or no prosecution at all (oops we can't find them!) for the people literally torching the buildings, while throwing the book at random mums in the crowd.
That's the last lesson in these sorts of things. Law enforcement are the peons of the people who have lead countries into this state. It sucks, but just because they go to the same pubs and are working class, doesn't mean they shouldn't be the first issue tackled when enacting grassroots democracy.
We've seen that before and I would not be surprised considering who the biritsh have been bothering. Remember Cod Comedy? Guy made autistic videos online, police to this day won't leave him alone. Random mum will be attacked by the police for years to come and that is what makes me fear the protests could end prematurely.
First thing I worried about would be them getting the Jan 6 treatment
Ya know, I just noticed the last word for r3. Never have given them a thorough reading.
They government should be fucked. They have absolutely earned this and a great deal more.
Our government is just as shit. We are lucky the majority of immigrants we get are Christian and generally good people. I think the Dems are in for a surprise when all the illegals vote for Trump because they hate the anti-Christian left.
What fucking country are you in where that is true? Cause it sure as hell isn't the US.
Mexico South is pretty catholic isn't it?
Cultural Catholicism that's a holdover from hundreds of years ago doesn't count for shit.
Mexican immigrants are more socially conservative than native Americans. Doesn't mean you should allow immigration, but denying reality is pretty strange.
I disagree, the majority of the illegal immigrants are dependent on government welfare which is perpetuated by the Democrats. the Democrats are not shy about reminding them of this.
I hope they don’t lose heart. I can imagine the BBC is making them out to look like evil people. Amazing how such a large percentage of people in the UK oppose this but the keep bringing in “migrants”
Decades, or centuries?
The English don't revolt. Even when they should have revolted, they didn't.
I think this is the government excuse that they are looking for. I think we are going to see a lot of heads getting kicked in, and a lot of horses trampling people, like in Australia and Canada.
The working class in the deep Labour places are not linked in with the dissident right, and don't have any political organization to appeal to... which means the hatred and animosity of the Labour party and their affiliates, along with the Stalinist ruthlessness of Kier Stahmer, suggests to me that they are going to get purged, violently.
Someone on the dissident right needs to basically step in and re-organize them into a political force; or they are going to get literally killed.
I don't know, I seem to recall a handful of English colonies fighting a bloody war against the world's greatest empire and winning several hundred years ago.
I think that very mechanism proved that the Americans could not be English.
I think that very concept is what makes us different. We are, truly, the "Anglos In The Woods"; and that the British-English had very badly strayed from their ancient English rights. The Americans were heavily Anglo-Saxon at the time, but very much mixed with Scots, Welsh, Irish, Scotch-Irish, and German quite quickly. They not only attempted a "conservative" revolution that demanded the return of ancient English rights; but also became non-English. Even then, many of the early American colonials were already of a revolutionary bent. They were the veterans of Roundhead military during the English civil war, but were also dissatisfied by the elitism of the Parliament immediately onward.
My point is that the capacity for open revolt exists within the English people.
I don't disagree. It's just very rare. That good sense has been exploited for centuries.
Those cheeky bastards. Could've just paid the 2% tax to the crown, but instead started a war and then instituted an income tax of 3% to pay for it.
To that I post, don't underestimate Yorkshire, we're not like Canadians especially who are too polite to fight back, which is why I point out, a clampdown would be a massive mistake. Especially if the police do quotas and start looking for random people to arrest.
It might be a mistake, but who's going to stop them?
They shot Ashley Babbitt through the throat and gave the cop that did it a parade and a medal. This is because even MAGA isn't well organized enough to stop the institutional crackdown. The British working class have just been fully purged from the Labour Party. They don't have any real political representation and I guarantee the Unions will turn hard against their own members, just as they did here in the US. They're starting from scratch, and I don't think they realize that that means that when cops start shooting them, every institution is going to cheer.
I've said this before, but people don't understand how serious this statement is: "the right needs to learn how to take casualties".
You're gonna lose people. And the right needs to learn how to suffer from those loses, and continue to push hard in an affirmative manner towards better policies, and control of institutions, or otherwise build anti-parallel institutions. Just fighting back won't do anything. A tit-for-tat response is probably what the state wants more than anything. Hell, Trotsky and Alinsky were trying to point this out. This Boomer Jihad will die, whether by fire, imprisonment, or exhaustion. It's not a political movement yet. That's the problem with truly grass-roots organizing.
And after the whole summer of love when Babbit was murdered all of a sudden the media found a cop they liked. Or they all of a sudden cared about cops.
More than that, the right needs to learn that it might be them. A lot of people on the right are OK with the general idea of people being imprisoned, maimed, shot, persecuted, terrorized, losing their homes, families, jobs, income, and a litany of other horrible things that can happen to someone when going up against a tyrannical monstrosity that rules with an iron long as it's not them. We have A TON of people who are more than happy to show up to the victory party with their meme and flags hanging off the back up their pickup trucks and FJB t shirts. Oh they'll be sure to raise a beer in honor of the fallen, but they sure as shit don't want it to be them. We've got a ton of people standing around hoping someone else will do it and they can sort of fall into the back of the charge and it'll be over before they have to personally see any fighting or hardship.
Also, the right has a really nasty habit of immediately throwing anyone who does more than make memes under the bus. As soon as someone actually takes any action like the kind the right talks about all the time, they are instantly called a glowie false flag fedop and thrown to the wolves. Not much motivation to be the guy who stands up when you know your own side will disown you and call you the villain in order to virtue signal to the enemy team about how righteous they are.
I agree. Look at how the left organizes. Most of the Antifa members are drug addicts and criminals. Same with the old communist movements in Europe. These people are disposable foot soldiers. It doesn't actually matter to the left's cause if any particular individual Antifa member is imprisoned or killed. The right needs its own equivalent. My own suggestion would be to recruit convicts and young single men.
Unfortunately, the right has spent the last 20+ years condescending to young single men and telling them all the problems they face with finding jobs, houses, and dating must all be in their heads and they're just too lazy and cowardly to man up and go get em. Try telling a right leaning married man in his 50s what sort of women a man in his 20s has to choose from, and he will straight up not believe you and blame the entire thing on you. The right has pushed away all those young single men into the arms of the left by being arrogant entitled pricks to them for their entire lives. Don't count on too many to show up with a rifle just so some 57yo guy with a wife, 4 kids, 3 cars, a bass boat, a pickup, and a retirement fund can keep it all.
You've successfully failed in the stupidest way possible to take that point.
We don't need expendable foot soldiers. In fact, we actually need heroes: good men willing to sacrifice to do the right thing, and a community that is prepared to support them and their family.
"Let's do what the communists do!" Is not a solution to every problem.
I have to wonder how this would go between three factions.
The Horde might jump in if it looked like the government was in peril because their free ride would be over. Then again they might let a power vacuum manifest so they can force sharia, and they're not above going door to door to clear out a city to make it theirs if they have to since they're still using the 7th century playbook. I wouldn't doubt there are groups who would be very happy to start arming them if they say the word.
not just authorities... the NGOs too. they need to be removed or forcefully defended against as they have declared a violent proxy war, encouraging violence and sex crimes against our women and children and teenage boys.
The Saxon has learned to hate.
Is learning. They will have learned enough when the morticians start running out of room.
If they're going by the Irish "troubles" playbook cops should start getting a bit nervous right about now. If I were a cop I'd stop leaving the house in uniform or telling people what I do for a living.
Then again if I were a cop in the UK I'd have probably would have thrown my badge at Starmer and quit last week.
So far I have yet to see any evidence they're going to go the old "troubles" way. They'd stand a chance of really winning if enough of them did, but I don't see them doing it.
That's thinking too narrow. Any given forest fire will burn itself out. To make a bigger fire you need more lightning to strike.
Another knifing incident will go bigger.
Another after that will go bigger still. Etc.
The only way for the government to prevent that from happening is total press and social media control so that knifing attacks don't reach national attention.
Without that, the system is entering an amplification feedback loop where each successive attack will provoke larger and larger retaliation.
Not to mention that if it becomes clear that the government is doing something that could easily be taken as a sign that they are trying to give themselves more power (IE cracking down on social media "misinformation") or even starts using guns themselves, that could inflame things as well. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if criminal elements start finding something lucrative in the chance to give somebody an edge.
Oh good. I was hoping we would reach that point sooner rather than later. This means there's hope to turn things around.
fact. study after study shows whites are the least racist by far. it's not even close. leftist white people have an affirmative negative affinity towards whites, but even conservative whites are less racist than EVERY non-white group.
when these foreigners are doing evil shit like raping and murdering children, they can get fucked, and anyone sanctioning their import is an enemy of the people who needs to be removed.
We're getting back to being racist I think, thankfully, Can't wait for 1933 to come again.
In fact, according to those in-group bias studies, Whites aren't nearly racist enough.
Technically whites are racist against whites.
For years the elite and faggot class wielded words as weapons; their enemies have finally decided to wield weapons as weapons.
Oh, Jabed Ahmed and Athena Stavrou (very British names), are still trying. "Far-right" riots? Sure. The Independent also has a "race correspondent" ( and she is throwing out the dictional shrapnel at maximum rates. Unfortunately for her, the people with actual shrapnel will not stop until "race correspondent" is no longer a thing.
The fact it's still going on is actually surprising.
I don't think winter will matter as much as if this lasts a MONTH, long term damage will have been done to the credibility of authorities. By then you'll have organised groups and if Labour and the media continue to try to isolate them as 'far right' so they can't resolve this politically, some WILL go militant.
I expect they will use the China strategy and use a scamdemic to derail the momentum
I give it a 50/50 chance that there will a major false flag at the end of the Olympics.
Israel-Iran conflict might happen first.
I think that's the hope. Create militancy to crackdown on the right. You want their kids raped and dead so you can put Liz Truss in prison for 10 years for "inspiring hate speech" or whatever.
Half-measures will just mean more pain for those who resist the destruction of their people. Hopefully the spirits of their ancestors can guide them.
The UK media have been lying non-stop since brexit. Does anyone believe them?
edit :
found this on reddit :
Only Guardian readers and BBC watchers believe any of this crap, unfortunately there are a fair number of them and they're the types who look at me funny when I say I don't watch television.
Subreddit has been deleted. Can't challenge the narrative on preddit.
End of the day, they're all disarmed. The state has the teeth, they don't. The larp will only be allowed to go so far before the teeth come out.
Their police aren't really armed, how much of the military is white and how much is kebab? Bombing ones own cities isn't usually on the short list of options, even for tyrants.
Shinzo Abe got shot even though guns are banned in Japan. 3D printers are a thing. (Disclaimer: this is not an advocation for anything and thus not breaking rule 2, this is just pointing out that being disarmed by the state doesn't mean being completely disarmed. )
The Government seems really intent on blaming free speech and Internet freedom for the rioting alongside their usual boogeyman of the far right.
The UK government in particular has a hard on for regulating podcasters, there's a lot of movement now to make them fall under Ofcom and they'll probably try and target other websites too and use this unrest as an excuse. Even the Lotus Eaters who are milquetoast as fuck really were thinking they might have to find some loophole or reconsider where they're based over it.
I know I'm completely fucked if I stay here, I need to get to a jurisdiction where I'm not going to be forced to do DEI hiring or anything like that. If I got even slightly popular and could found a studio it would be dead on arrival if I stayed in the UK.
Don't hire anybody. Outsource to contractors on performance based contracts.
It's all a game of how far they (the British immigration-addicted elite) can get away with something. If the rioters can keep the momentum going for the remainder of the summer, the face of the British establishment may finally show its true face.
We see that cunt Stermer over here on TV and I just want to smash his face in.
Why contain it?
Is there any identifiable leadership, either people or organizations?
I've been reading some of the multigenerational migrant "Britons" are actually taking advantage of the rioting and join in in on the chaos and going after the British government for Starmer's stupid position.
That's kinda funny.
Without elite backing nothing will change. Unless an MP with real power steps up to champion the cause, it's all just noise.
They cant vote their way out... best case scenario is a kosovo type conflict. But... gaurantee nato, un and usa under biden/harris will bomb the native brits.
I don't care that their cause is just, this tactic is never justified.
How many times does peaceful means need to emphatically fail through unjust and evil measures before you're willing to accept that violence is, sadly, the answer?
I don't say that with glee. I don't say that happy at the idea of violence. It's awful that it will eventually come to this, but it inevitably will become the choice of "let injustice flourish, or fight back".
Better yet, instead of wringing your hands over it, what is the solution here? Voooooote harder? Vooooooote for some other establishment stooge of a different party colour? How many times have you voooooted and actually voted FOR someone you actually and wholly support? Or has it always been against the other, supposedly worse side from winning? Has that ever actually worked out in your favour and made actual progress? Or has it actually just maintained the status quo of perpetual state growth at the expense of the public?
I hate that it will come to violence. But it will come to violence at one point. It just disgusts me more what will happen if that doesn't occur.
Voting is a proxy for violence. If real democracy isn't permitted, then the powers that be have admitted they want the real thing and not the proxy.
Well of course voting is a proxy for violence, though few are willing to accept that conclusion when taken to the logical extreme. Every law, every single one, is a threat of violence. Voting is, ultimately, what decides laws. Ergo, voting is violence.
terrorism does not help the cause. normies hate it.
if you actually want to change something through violence, you have to get organized and focus on the sources of the issue. the migrant hotels are not the source of the issue, they are a symptom, and these riots don't seem to have organization.
Without organization, they are ultimately doomed to fail. this is how public support for black lives matter declines so sharply, and it is how public support for the anti-immigration movement will decline. without public support you just have more resistance, or worse support for the opposing side.
generating enemy soldiers is not a winning strategy.
One of the biggest lies is that what normies think matters. The reality is normies will go along with whatever the winner tells them to once the war is over. The winner writes the history books, normies eat up what they are told, if the winner tells them that they have been the good guy all along, that's the story everyone believes.
Rule number one in war: win.
There are no other rules. Every other rule comes after the war is over, and the winner decides them all.
it's all about hearts and minds. if you don't get the people behind your cause, they will reject you like white blood cells rejecting a virus.
Are you sure it was the violence, and not where the violence was targeted?
Hell, are you sure violence was even a metric? Because it seems like the life cycle of BLM has ALWAYS been correlated quite nicely with elections. Almost like their growth and decline might have something to do with that.
You're determined to bury your head in the sand and do nothing all because you don't get to control the PR. Here's a newflash for you: You will never have the mainstream media on your side. Ever. It will never, ever happen. And so, if you cannot control the media perception of you, why are you still so determined to play by that rulebook? Is it fear? I wouldn't blame you. I'm scared myself. I admit it. I don't want to lose my life, either literally or in the figurative sense of what I have going for me. But I'm not going to wring my hands because of violence when violence is being used against the innocent public every single day.
You want to ignore the problem? Fine. Don't have a hissy fit because others are done ignoring it.
it is election season right now, and BLM is virtually silent. I'm 100% sure this is because The Summer of Love left a bad taste in the public's mouth.
I'm not determined to bury my head in the sand, I'm determined to find solutions that don't make things worse. metaphorically speaking, the UK has a fire in the kitchen (the fire being mass-immigration related crime, with the authorities turning the blind eye). I'm seeing all these people saying we have to do something, which I agree, but then they bring in a tank of gasoline and say they are going to throw it on the fire. I'm desperately telling people to not throw gasoline on the fire, because that will only make things worse. yet these retarded people would rather throw a gasoline on the fire because it's "something".
It's being used against proper targets and not random shop owners like the George Groid chimp outs of 2020, so it's all good.
I agree, that makes these riots marginally better than the summer of love. but the anger is still directed at the symptom and not the cause. as a result, public support will decline, the crackdown will be severe, and the end result will be worse than when they left off.
You also think that race mixing is good. So maybe you should shut up.
how many times must I say that pointing at the advantages of something does not equal support for it. my stance on race mixing is 100% neutral, can you smooth brains even comprehend the concept of neutrality?
EDIT: apparently not
I might agree if it were random arson that had a high chance of collateral damage. But it isn't. This is not the BLM style of burning down random stores in their neighborhood because they're throwing a tantrum. This is the targeted destruction of infrastructure created as a foothold in an operation to destroy their nation. It is not terrorism, it's a strike against enemy supply lines.
They would be justified in airstrikes at this point, but have to settle for the tools available.