AccountWasFree 0 points ago +1 / -1

Digital can still have the same problems. A hard-drive goes and there's a reasonable chance it won't be recoverable. Ideally, multiple points of storage is the solution, both physical and digital, but that's not really practical for the vast majority of people.

AccountWasFree 0 points ago +2 / -2

My point was that the draft isn't a bad thing for the Ukraine because of the mindset that the Ends justify the Means. In this case, the ends is specifically about defeating Russia, so therefore any means, like a draft, is fully justifies in their minds.

In reality, it's all bad. The ends don't justify shit for anyone with principles.

AccountWasFree 1 point ago +2 / -1

I've got a bunch of my faves on DVD, with a few terabytes of films on hard-drive. The only reason I "have" Netflix and others is because I don't pay for it, the rest of my family shares the account and I can see shit if I absolutely must away from home, and most times I don't even do that, because I can do literally anything else.

But yeah, preserve originals, because this shit is only going to get more and more common.

AccountWasFree -3 points ago +2 / -5

Because one is considered for a just cause.

Until everyone learns that the most evil mindset in all the world is "The Ends Justify The Means", this shit will keep happening. No, it doesn't matter which "side" pulls this shit. Russia is wrong to pull this shit and so is the Ukraine. There is no "good" side in this war. The enemy of my enemy is not my friend.

AccountWasFree 3 points ago +4 / -1

I give zero shits if this breaks some kind of rule or whatever: This is why media archival is important. I'd say get it physical, but that gives these fucks money half the time. Pirate that shit and make sure it's the original stuff. Historical revisionism is one of the worst things out there, and should be condemned in all measures.

AccountWasFree 10 points ago +11 / -1

Not quite. Back in 2017/2018, Peter Boghossian, James A. Lindsay, and Helen Pluckrose submitted an excerpt from Mein Kampf, rewritten in Feminist language, to be peer reviewed and posted as an article. Other article entries that were also accepted include such bastions of truth as "dogs also engage in rape culture" and "men can reduce their transphobia by anally penetrating themselves with sex toys".

If you want to know more about it, just look up "The Grievance Studies", which was their attempt at exposing the shit state of affairs that is the peer review system.

AccountWasFree 8 points ago +9 / -1

The fact anyone takes any area of academia seriously after it came to light that Mein Kampf can get through "muh peer review" with absolutely no consequences with that revelation, should be an indication that the lies are part of the intended design.

AccountWasFree 1 point ago +2 / -1

You make a good point for Uber, but it could work in theory for an established business by utilising a swap-over system for vehicles. Just drop into the depot and swap vehicles.

Regardless, it's still a MASSIVE increase to operation costs, and you need larger depots to store all those vehicles. As per usual, leftist politics love to push out small and independent business.

AccountWasFree 11 points ago +12 / -1

Let's not mince words: And who is going to work for them then? If the only people who can afford an electric vehicle is anyone in or above the upper middle class that have that kind of disposable income, who's going to drive around for pennies to ferry the kind of losers that don't want a car in the first place?

This will be reversed, or Uber will be out of business.

AccountWasFree 14 points ago +15 / -1

Most conservatives aren't "Conservative". They have decades of compromise under their belt and nary an example of conserving anything.

AccountWasFree 0 points ago +1 / -1

The "cost" of less refugees is specifically using them as slave labour. Their "cost" is that goods and services cannot be done at wages that the local population don't want to do for those prices.

It's almost like leftists love the idea of a slave class without calling it as such. But then again, they've always loves slavery.

AccountWasFree 4 points ago +5 / -1

Never assume that.

For now, he seems alright. But NEVER buy into the idea of some sort of loyalty. Politicians can and do turn on a dime, ESPECIALLY once they have gotten established.

Just because he is good today, does not mean he will be good tomorrow. Be ready to jump ship if needed, because politicians need to be kept at arms length. They are not leaders, they are representatives. If they fail to represent, then they need to be gone. It's that simple.

AccountWasFree 9 points ago +10 / -1

Corporatism is the merging of the state and business. It's explicitly the goal of Communism/Socialism. That's what "seizing the means of production" means. They take it over through the state under the guise that it represents The People. Corporatism is leftism. Corporatism is government backed monopolies. Corporatism is antithetical to Capitalism.

AccountWasFree 15 points ago +16 / -1

Ya know, all this drama about KF just reminds me of the days where doxxing wasn't as harshly vilified as it is now (though still seen as wrong, just not as bad as it is now). Like these people are throwing a shitfit over their own actions being documented, but they're fine with people like Zoe Quinn talking about how she misses Helldump.

These degenerates are fine with harassment. Always have been, including driving a person to suicide. They only hate when even a modicum of that mentality is used against themselves.

AccountWasFree 1 point ago +2 / -1

I don't care what you believe or how you justify it. I will not get in bed with evil. And I'm not sorry about it. I'm not ever going to apologise for having principles when the alternative is to justify unironic tyranny.

I'm not envious of the power they wield at all.

Yet another calling card of the tyrant. The lie, one they themselves might actually believe, that they're not power hungry, as they desperately clamour for more and more power over other people.

AccountWasFree 1 point ago +2 / -1

Not at all. But you don't care about that. You care about justifying the subjugation of the public.

The greatest lie a tyrant will sell you is the idea that their tyranny is a necessity to prevent another evil, but at the end of the day it's still evil. Evil is evil. I won't accept it just because you dress it up. The lie is that your evil will fix things, when it only seeks to replace. You're not against feminists, you're envious of the power they wield.

You are no different to Feminists. You are the same evil, and should be treated as such.

Collectivism, tyranny and totalitarianism. It's all evil, no matter who wields it.

AccountWasFree 1 point ago +2 / -1

So your solution is to build a greater evil? Brilliant!

Your arguments are no different to commies bitching about reigning corporations in. Authoritarians are all the same.

AccountWasFree 1 point ago +2 / -1

Yeah yeah, we get it. Your tyrannical regime would be good this time, because the ends justify the means or some bullshit. I've heard it all before, it's just the same ignorant, short-sighted bullshit as any other authoritarian. Dress it up however you like, it won't change the core facts that you're hoping to use evil for your own sake.

AccountWasFree 15 points ago +16 / -1

Not really. You'd be surprised just how few truly care or wish to uphold free speech, or even freedom at all. Most are more than willing to sell out so they can bring about their brand of Successful Society™, complete with all the same tyrannies as before but this time it's flying their flag instead of the awful flag from The Other Side™.

Most people are eager to utilise power for their own ideals, thinking themselves immune to corrupting nature that power brings.

The irony lies in the fact that Imp acknowledges this with the quote he pulled while unironically calling for the censorship of his ideological opposition. The only truth here is that Imp is telling on himself: that he knows he would censor those he disagrees with, and projects that onto everyone else. He wishes he could be tyrannical, and thinks everyone else wants that as well.

AccountWasFree 27 points ago +29 / -2


As per usual, Imp more interested in focusing on the trees for the forest.

AccountWasFree 2 points ago +3 / -1

I mean, that's a fair point too. I think it's definitely preferable, but I'm willing to set the bare fucking minimum as simply not engaging in infringements of human rights. Standards should be higher, but a baseline also needs to exist.

AccountWasFree 6 points ago +7 / -1

That's assuming 8chan and Stormfront have tried going back, which I doubt they will.

AccountWasFree 6 points ago +7 / -1

Honestly, that's kind of fine. I don't have a problem if they disagree with people. They're allowed to ultimately have their opinion. The problem was censorship.

They're allowed to believe wrong things so long as they do the right things, like uphold free speech.

AccountWasFree 7 points ago +8 / -1

I definitely hope that they learned their lesson and that they stand by these words in the future. It doesn't change what they did, but it's hopeful that maybe the tide is turning. I'm not holding my breath, but I'm not discounting the idea either.

by folx
AccountWasFree 1 point ago +2 / -1

That's not entirely true. There's often returns on co-opted media that rides on the coat-tails of prior entries or an established fanbase. For example, The Force Awakens made money despite being woke.

That said, an established audience doesn't automatically mean success either. Take The Watch for example, which fans of the Discworld series just let die a quiet death because it was shit. But I would say that there are enough instances of established audiences being used to get a return that it's the majority of times, but hopefully there is a tide turning, and LotR Rings of Power seems to be the litmus test for that.

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