8BitArchitect 52 points ago +52 / -0

You create/fund a massively popular game, then you tank it so hard that Steam won't even cover for you like they normally do when a game gets "review bombed". Good job Sony.

Even with this backtrack you aren't getting that goodwill back. You could've continued selling the game for $40 almost indefinitely on that goodwill and people still would've bought your game for that even years out. But now you've made people hesitant to buy it even if it's on sale. I haven't seen a fuckup this colossal on a released game maybe ever.

8BitArchitect 5 points ago +5 / -0

Centrists fuck

You're assuming the (male) population groups itself roughly evenly into those three camps, when absent outside information it's just as reasonable to assume that the population splits itself up closer to the distribution seen in the study.

8BitArchitect 3 points ago +3 / -0

Obama had some level of charisma when given sufficient preparation. Hillary got less likable when they prepped her for PR events. And she still almost managed to win the 2016 election because the establishment Republicans wouldn't run anyone with the combination of charisma and policies to beat her. An old New York Democrat (and former friend of the Clintons) had to run as a Republican to beat her, and the establishment Republicans were pissed, because they'd rather have an establishment Democrat (and one of the worst ones, at that) in office than a Republican they didn't control.

8BitArchitect 7 points ago +7 / -0

It's not an NPC, it's a troll (or maybe a paid shill, but I wouldn't except the excessively "cheerful" behavior, blatant flip-flopping, and dated account name from a paid shill.) Nothing posted on that account is genuine.

8BitArchitect 2 points ago +2 / -0

He didn't end up with her, except maybe in a possible version of the future (that Picard S3 might have partially confirmed, but his daughters don't look like they're mixed enough to be the product of an already mixed-race black dude and a white chick. At least not to me.)

8BitArchitect 30 points ago +30 / -0

Jury duty is an incredible inconvenience to the working class and the self-employed. I actually had jury duty today, and one of the other potential jurors was complaining that he wasn't getting his parking comped because his work truck wouldn't fit in the lot, so he had to park elsewhere. I jokingly told him "At least the pittance they pay you for showing up is enough to cover the parking, right?" and he replied "Well, I had to pay $10 for breakfast, $20 for gas, and I lost $1000 because I couldn't work this morning, and I could have just not shown up and paid a $100 fine." He also said several other things that led me to believe he would probably make a good juror (if perhaps a bit too inclined to side with the state.)

But that's the problem with our current jury system; the working class can't/won't serve as jurors, much of the middle class is "smart" enough to get out of jury duty, so the only people you see in the jury pool are welfare class, some retirees, and politically-motivated individuals (usually not aligned with what we'd consider "good" politics, either.) I'm not sure if there's a way to mitigate the issues with jury service being a bad deal for the individual without causing other issues (maybe have jury pay be a straight tax credit at your hourly/daily rate? But that creates problems at the other end of the income bracket...)

Ultimately, jury duty is the only actual "civil service" left in our society, with the individual serving doing so to their own detriment, where just about every other form of "civil service" ultimately serves as a form of personal enrichment (or is at least a job with the backing of the state, and state benefits when the individual retires), and this causes resentment among the citizenry.

8BitArchitect 33 points ago +34 / -1

The Jews have a really fucked up view of God and prophecy. From what I've read, they literally believe that 6,000,000 Jews had to be burnt in a fire to return to the promised land, and apparently they believed they could force the issue.

8BitArchitect 6 points ago +6 / -0

Sometimes they get their penis later in life from chemicals or radiation or something, like superheroes.

8BitArchitect 20 points ago +21 / -1

They don't want to ban hateful comments, they want to shoot people over "hateful" comments.

8BitArchitect 11 points ago +11 / -0

As I recall, the day of the shooting, he and his parents were called into the office because a teacher had concerns, and the parents offered to take him home, but the admin staff said "thats not necessary." How come no one at the school is being charged?

8BitArchitect 2 points ago +2 / -0

Why QBasic and not something more modern (Python, for example?) And if you're concerned with them learning low level concepts (which python admittedly would be bad at) why not supplement with c/c++ (or even some form of assembly of you want to get really low level?)

8BitArchitect 3 points ago +3 / -0

It does, it's just not intended to let you hide/ignore comments (only top-level posts). That seems like it would be a useful feature but for whatever reason the devs haven't implemented it.

8BitArchitect 6 points ago +6 / -0

I really wanted to join in on the IPO then immediately sell/short it. But that would have required way too much work for the small financial gain and ability to be smug.

8BitArchitect 31 points ago +31 / -0

Bluestorm is a shitty troll. You can safely ignore anything he says/posts.

8BitArchitect 4 points ago +4 / -0

That's a weird way to write "hate".

8BitArchitect 6 points ago +6 / -0

He gets paid. Kinda makes getting bored less relevant.

8BitArchitect 1 point ago +1 / -0

In what way? I remember the tranny thing and vaguely the anti-GG comments, but that was almost a decade ago so I don't remember the specifics and I certainly don't remember them caving.

8BitArchitect 2 points ago +2 / -0

Warframe is run by some of the horniest non-porn-game devs I'm aware of. Despite the fact that they're pretty deeply infected with the woke mind virus, they seem to get away with having hot female characters because almost none of them have actual faces.

8BitArchitect 11 points ago +11 / -0

There are two possibilities: 1) He's just a troll. 2) He's the counterpoint to the Jewish IQ myth.

I'm inclined to believe 1), but given that it's an election year, 2) can't be completely discounted.

8BitArchitect 24 points ago +24 / -0

So this guy has to know that the idea of a scapegoat comes from judaism, right? The priest would impart everyone's sins onto the goat and then set it free into the wilderness. So SBF is taking on the sins of all the bankers?

I can't tell if this guy is "le based nooticer" or running interference for zionists, but either way he's doing a shitty job.

8BitArchitect 13 points ago +13 / -0

So am I completely off base in thinking that this was essentially a result of Crowder publicizing the DW contract?

8BitArchitect 2 points ago +2 / -0

If you prefer IV to V I wouldn't waste my money on VI. V at least had some fun mods and scenarios to make use of the new mechanics and make up for the dumbed down ones. VI I couldn't even get one game finished.

8BitArchitect 7 points ago +7 / -0

"The court ruled that the stay on SB 4, that had been extended by Justice Samuel Alito just the day before will be lifted, allowing state authorities to enforce the immigration law."

OK, I thought so. They extended an existing Stay yesterday, then ruled in Texas' favor today. Weird, but (ultimately) the right decision.

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