Those poor innocent black children just aren't allowed to live their lives in peace in this racist society. Other poor black children keep showing them disrespect so they have no choice but to pull out the pistol and spray. White people need to give up their guns so this will stop.
Not just a bit anymore. Tiktok has spiked that number up considerably as more and more of the little tards try to record themselves acting tough and end themselves.
Thank Yahweh for the jews fudging stats and redefining words or black people would also lead in school shooters, child abusers, child murderers, child rapists and serial killers
Young people in the United States were killed by firearms at a rate nearly three times higher than by drowning. This means that for every child who died from drowning in 2023, nearly three died from gun violence.
Black children and teens in 2023 were more than eight times as likely to die from firearm homicide than their white peers. Since 2015, firearms have been the leading cause of death for Black youth, according to CDC data.
Since 2018, firearm suicide rates have been highest among American Indian or Alaska Native and white children and teens. In 2023, American Indian and Alaska Native youth had the highest firearm suicide rate of any racial group.
Are they? More than half the states have constitutional carry now. If the covid hype didn't die down, the feds were poised to declare gun violence a 'national health emergency' to abuse their authority to infringe on our right to bare arms like they did our right to assembly. And worries that Trump would have been perturbed by the assassination attempts and gone full gun-grabber hasn't manifest. What threats to gun rights are there that I'm not aware of?
Her mismanaging of the Epstein files has ruined her credibility, going after guns will cause a revolt in Trump's base and force his hand to replace her.
You'd think nominating her in the first place would cause a revolt, yet here we are. Do keep in mind that Trump would hard sell it to the base, i.e. "taking guns away from terrorists" or whatever.
I believe the proper spelling is Yoots. Acceptable alternative would also be Yoovs
Those poor innocent black children just aren't allowed to live their lives in peace in this racist society. Other poor black children keep showing them disrespect so they have no choice but to pull out the pistol and spray. White people need to give up their guns so this will stop.
Since 2019?
What could possibly have happened in 2020?
Well for one thing they changed the definition of "child" to include 19 year olds.
And what's the shooter data like?
... Yeah, that's what I thought.
I do so wonder what black children are doing with those guns? Any chance it's gang warfare, police shootouts, or drive-bys?
Add in a bit of accidental gun deaths from kids playing with them.
Not just a bit anymore. Tiktok has spiked that number up considerably as more and more of the little tards try to record themselves acting tough and end themselves.
Oh so the data indicates that the problem is niggers behaving like niggers? What a surprise.
Fucking journos ...
Firearms did not kill anybody and cars did not drive into crowds. People did.
I wouldn't go that far.
Thank Yahweh for the jews fudging stats and redefining words or black people would also lead in school shooters, child abusers, child murderers, child rapists and serial killers
Are Democrats going to go gun-grab on Indian and Inuit reservations?
No. They are going to grab the guns of White people.
When the inevitable ethnic violence starts, I will feel no sympathy for these people.
WTF?! Black people are finally learning to swim? That means we CAN teach them to do anything! We can train them to be more like US!
Maybe they should make murder illegal
Interesting that this is all of a sudden getting talked about
Hopefully the trend doesn't continue. Gun rights are precarious right now.
Are they? More than half the states have constitutional carry now. If the covid hype didn't die down, the feds were poised to declare gun violence a 'national health emergency' to abuse their authority to infringe on our right to bare arms like they did our right to assembly. And worries that Trump would have been perturbed by the assassination attempts and gone full gun-grabber hasn't manifest. What threats to gun rights are there that I'm not aware of?
Pam Bondi is a gun grabber, and 2A activists got zero traction in their efforts to stop her confirmation.
Her mismanaging of the Epstein files has ruined her credibility, going after guns will cause a revolt in Trump's base and force his hand to replace her.
You'd think nominating her in the first place would cause a revolt, yet here we are. Do keep in mind that Trump would hard sell it to the base, i.e. "taking guns away from terrorists" or whatever.
Well, they have recently declared that suppressors aren't arms, therefore aren't protected by the 2nd Amendment.
That's a lot of poisoning...