Reminds me a bit of the opening salvos of the Ukraine War. People just going around and then shells, mortars, and bombs just start going off like crazy.
Reuters say fifteen people were injured, but no life-threatening injuries. Which is surprisingly good news when four thousand pounds of bombs get dropped on you.
That still leaves cripples, invalids, and all sorts of situations with people left alive. "Not dead" shouldn't be treated as an automatic win, it's just as easy to use for gaslighting as many other positively spun terms.
Can tell not everyone is alert enough to the weasel wording and PR speak when they're saying shit like "no casualties" here.
There were at least 15 reported casualties here, just no fatalities. Propagandist spin maestros love to use those two like they're synonymous so they can switch at will to selectively down-play or overstate the harm through careful phrasing. And they've done it so much now that the confusion has even seeped into common usage.
And yes some of those casualties are probably going to have their lives changed forever. Permanent deafness, missing limbs, brain damage, they're all pretty likely outcomes for anyone in that car at the very least.
I am quite sure that confusion is partially by design too, the number of times I've seen media productions do a quick verbal slight of hand switch from fatalities to casualties whilst using both technically correctly is too damn high to be a coincidence.
Honestly, I didn't even take "no casualties" to mean that - I thought FrozeInFear meant the casualties were currently unknown. It wouldn't make sense to say no injuries have occurred yet, since if injuries were going to occur it would be when they got bombed.
According to Websters 1828 dictionary "casualty" always referred to accidental death. So this is not a case of them changing definitions, but definitely trying to downplay things.
8 500 lbs bombs and no deaths is an automatic win.
It's not a good win, and everyone now gets a free TBI with or without a hospital stay, but being alive after that is still a win given the circumstances here.
Like with the crash in Washington DC, these MIC goons really think that the whole world is their playground, and that they can do whatever the hell they want.
Now, why his wingman decided to also deliver payload on the wrong area
I am going to do something I wouldnt otherwise and invoke engrained culture. Korea, from everything I have ever seen, places a ton of emphasis in authority and says you are never allowed to question it no matter how much it makes sense to do otherwise. It is extreme even compared to a lot of other Asian nations.
It is something I have thought a lot about due to comparing two disasters:
When the Costa Concordia sank off the coast of Italy, the crew decided to lie while they fled the sinking ship and left passengers behind. But the mostly Western Passengers said "I dont believe a word you are saying, I can literally feel the boat sinking under me." and started organizing their own evacuation until the crew was forced to actually step in and do a real one themselves. In the end, loss of life was still around 30, but out of the thousands on board that is a pretty small lose of life in the grand scheme of things. This was also helped by a captain in the Italian Coast Guard not believing the captain as he reported the ship was fine, so he overruled the captain and launched his own rescue operation.
When the MV Sewol sank off the coast of South Korea, the crew decided to lie while they fled the sinking ship and left the passengers behind. The mostly Korean Passengers listened to the captain and crew, not leaving their cabins even as the ship started rolling over and capsizing. As a result, over 350 of the 450 on board drowned, and the majority of those rescued were done so by private and non-Korean sources (including an American Marine Assault Ship that happened to be in the area and scrambled SAR helicopters when it picked up the distress traffic from other boats) because the Korean Coast Guard saw no urgency in the situation as the crew had not declared one (the Coast Guard then covered this up after the fact).
So I would imagine there is some of that "Good soldiers follow orders" attitude at play for why he would not question where they were dropping bombs.
Imagine driving down the street in your small town on a nice sunny day, and the world just suddenly fucking ends in an explosion.
The competency crisis is all too real.
Reminds me a bit of the opening salvos of the Ukraine War. People just going around and then shells, mortars, and bombs just start going off like crazy.
I think he means wahmen
Reuters say fifteen people were injured, but no life-threatening injuries. Which is surprisingly good news when four thousand pounds of bombs get dropped on you.
That still leaves cripples, invalids, and all sorts of situations with people left alive. "Not dead" shouldn't be treated as an automatic win, it's just as easy to use for gaslighting as many other positively spun terms.
Can tell not everyone is alert enough to the weasel wording and PR speak when they're saying shit like "no casualties" here.
There were at least 15 reported casualties here, just no fatalities. Propagandist spin maestros love to use those two like they're synonymous so they can switch at will to selectively down-play or overstate the harm through careful phrasing. And they've done it so much now that the confusion has even seeped into common usage.
And yes some of those casualties are probably going to have their lives changed forever. Permanent deafness, missing limbs, brain damage, they're all pretty likely outcomes for anyone in that car at the very least.
That's on me. I thought 'casualties' was more or less interchangeable with deaths.
Hasn't been the case as long as I've been alive, but most people think it's the case.
Trying to look over historical battles and watching people get confused between deaths and injured is effectively a recreational sport for me.
I am quite sure that confusion is partially by design too, the number of times I've seen media productions do a quick verbal slight of hand switch from fatalities to casualties whilst using both technically correctly is too damn high to be a coincidence.
Honestly, I didn't even take "no casualties" to mean that - I thought FrozeInFear meant the casualties were currently unknown. It wouldn't make sense to say no injuries have occurred yet, since if injuries were going to occur it would be when they got bombed.
According to Websters 1828 dictionary "casualty" always referred to accidental death. So this is not a case of them changing definitions, but definitely trying to downplay things.
Not dead but your cock and balls were mutilated by flying shrapnel and you have to shit out of a bag for the rest of your life.
8 500 lbs bombs and no deaths is an automatic win.
It's not a good win, and everyone now gets a free TBI with or without a hospital stay, but being alive after that is still a win given the circumstances here.
Yeah, I was gonna say those gotta be 500 lbs bombs with the size of those blasts.
That's fantastic news that that's all we lost.
...someone is REALLY going to lynched for this..
That bastard is going to ride out the rest of his military career cleaning toilets with a toothbrush!
Worst bombardier ever.
Worst Korean bombardier? Or Worst Korean bombardier?
Worst Korean BBQ ever!
Well, practice makes perfect.
PBBT. If only.
I know you're thinking they should fire the guy, but what are the chances he's going to make that mistake again?
That's an oopsies.
So, were it a tranny or female pilot or just the local retard, haha
C.W. Lemoine is covering this. He's a squared away former fighter pilot. Looks like user error.
You don't say
I mean, it still could have been technical.
Fuck, how did it not cause casualties?
14 casualties, but none severe.
Sometimes people just get fucking lucky.
lol, damn!
Like with the crash in Washington DC, these MIC goons really think that the whole world is their playground, and that they can do whatever the hell they want.
Good news: nobody died.
Bad news? Your ordnance might suck.
Probably the only way to apply for North Korean citizenship. /s
Any inclement weather or something that would cause issues, or did someone just get too trigger happy?
According to the reports that C.W. Lemoine saw, the target location was entered into the targeting computer incorrectly.
Now, why his wingman decided to also deliver payload on the wrong area... ugh...
I am going to do something I wouldnt otherwise and invoke engrained culture. Korea, from everything I have ever seen, places a ton of emphasis in authority and says you are never allowed to question it no matter how much it makes sense to do otherwise. It is extreme even compared to a lot of other Asian nations.
It is something I have thought a lot about due to comparing two disasters:
When the Costa Concordia sank off the coast of Italy, the crew decided to lie while they fled the sinking ship and left passengers behind. But the mostly Western Passengers said "I dont believe a word you are saying, I can literally feel the boat sinking under me." and started organizing their own evacuation until the crew was forced to actually step in and do a real one themselves. In the end, loss of life was still around 30, but out of the thousands on board that is a pretty small lose of life in the grand scheme of things. This was also helped by a captain in the Italian Coast Guard not believing the captain as he reported the ship was fine, so he overruled the captain and launched his own rescue operation.
When the MV Sewol sank off the coast of South Korea, the crew decided to lie while they fled the sinking ship and left the passengers behind. The mostly Korean Passengers listened to the captain and crew, not leaving their cabins even as the ship started rolling over and capsizing. As a result, over 350 of the 450 on board drowned, and the majority of those rescued were done so by private and non-Korean sources (including an American Marine Assault Ship that happened to be in the area and scrambled SAR helicopters when it picked up the distress traffic from other boats) because the Korean Coast Guard saw no urgency in the situation as the crew had not declared one (the Coast Guard then covered this up after the fact).
So I would imagine there is some of that "Good soldiers follow orders" attitude at play for why he would not question where they were dropping bombs.
Yeahhhh... You're not wrong about that. Your point is valid.
Accidentally followed the false flag drill.
Pilot Ho Lee Sheet was quoted as saying “Ruh Roh” right before accidentally dropping the bomb.
Imagine the BP style commercial:
“So solly ☺️…”
“We so solly ☺️…”