RFK in, Tusli in, Kash in.
I haven't been this optimistic about the country since Obama was elected. That turned out to be a huge disaster, so hopefully my judgement now is better informed.
RFK in, Tusli in, Kash in.
I haven't been this optimistic about the country since Obama was elected. That turned out to be a huge disaster, so hopefully my judgement now is better informed.
There’s 2 things that Trump needs to do to solidify the Republican bastion when he leaves including midterms. The first is popping the housing bubble currently before it implodes in the next 5-10 years again and the left gets an avenue to repeat the Obama years. The second is to make the budget balanced by midterms. Anything else will lead to runaway inflation and the left going back to status quo.
Fuck the Republicans. I want a MAGA/MAHA bastion.
I guess saying the populist bastion would be more accurate. The two party system has at least done us the favor of showing themselves as serpents.
That I can get behind 100%.
The Republican party is dead, Trump killed it. Long-live the Republican party!
The first and only thing Trump actually needs to do is fix the elections.
Single day, paper ballot, hand counted at each polling location not at a centralized clearinghouse where boxes can be 'found' in a bathroom or appear at 3 am out of nowhere.
Everything else will work itself out with honest elections, anything but will be meaningless and reversed in a few elections (or one).
It is amazing that there are no repercussions for losing ballots. Every person at that polling station should immediately be arrested.
Afaik, the President doesn't have the authority to do that because the power to manage elections rests with the states.
The Federal government has a great deal of authority over state elections for federal offices:
The President can get congress to regulate state elections that have any Federal office.
Also the DoJ right now can put people away for false registration or illegal voting, or conspiring to do so, altering records - which could stop at least some of the cheating.
And it also seems that federal funding can be withheld at a whim. So I'd tell them enact election Legislation that checks at minimum certain boxes or fuck you and your roads. Literally bully them into passing legislation you like. Is that legal?
It is, that’s literally why every state has the drinking age at 21, because this bullying was used
I dunno, he wants to lower interest rates, which will do the opposite of pop it
Honestly I wish they would just pick an interest rate and just leave it there. Or better, just get off this stupid system of government controlled currency supply, and let the interest rates be decided in the market
Hmmm. There is a counter theory. Many people won't sell homes because they have a low rate now and don't want to get a new house with a higher interest rate. If they suddenly dropped, a lot of people wouldn't feel trapped and would sell. This sudden sell off would lower prices and the floor would fall out until sanity was met.
Definitely I think something like that short term is plausible. But low interest rates do mean people can afford to borrow more and keep pumping up price so I think it will pump up asset prices in the long run. leads to inflation as well since businesses will borrow more money and a lot more money is introduced into the economy.
how? this isnt the same issue as the 08/09 bubble where inflated market values were driven by cheap rates and borrowers being allowed by banks to borrow beyond their means, not put anything down and even getting a loan for the down payment and a second loan for the mortgage. The current "bubble" is government caused inflation by creating money.
The battle for Trump would be to audit the Fed to lower interest rates and also create a deflation period so your money would be worth more.
If you look at housing it is way above inflation. The current bubble is caused by corporations mass buying homes and mass “immigration” both legally and illegally with the government paying a good share of rent/mortgages for both. Houses jumping over 100k in value over 4 years isn’t normal nor is it sustainable.
Corporations are mass buying homes, but its not that significant a number. Its still wrong and I think should be illegal anyways.
This is something significant that Trump could do. I want a deportation ticker on every MSM feed and the weather app on my phone just like those scumbags did with their covid "death counter"
Now, get Paul to audit The Fed.
Both of them. Ron is still kicking.
I dunno. Giving that job to Ron might just make him have a heart attack out of sheer excitement.
Thought he would get in after Tulsi and RFK Jr got in but checked something weird.
It was 51 to 48 confirmed but Mitch the bitch voted yes and it was his bootlickers voting no? Wtf is going on? He finally lost the plot or something?
McConnell has always been a warmonger, so Tulsi and Hegseth are no surprise. He's also a polio survivor, so Kennedy being a no is also no surprise. Bonus points for giving a middle finger to the Orange Man.
That said, he is also very much the insider. I think he'd vote yes if things depended on his vote, simply because his man John Thune would be very embarrassed if Trump's nominees went down.
McConnell survived polio. Kennedy is perceived as being anti-vaccine, including anti-polio vaccine. This is what is often cited to explain his opposition to Kennedy.
That's a very moral and simple position that ascribes far too much humanity and dignity to the Turtle that we have no reason to believe still exists within him.
It was silly of me to think a politician might actually vote yes or no for a candidate based on reality instead of perception.
instead of FBI, OPEN UP!
it will be FBI, DO NOT REDEEM!
Now he should fire every single agent who had anything to do with the January 6 political witch hunts within the week.
In retrospect it's too bad Matt Gaetz, my favorite, didn't stick it out.
Murkowski and Collins voted no. The latter gets a pass because Maine, but the former is inexcusable. McConnell voted yes, a bit surprising.
Gaetz even pointlessly left Congress despite the copium being that he would return in this session. It seems like hardly anyone noticed or cared, too. That whole thing stinks.
Yeah, that was odd. The implication was that he was moving on to something potentially bigger/better ...
But he ended up running a podcast? That's hardly an upgrade. I don't really understand the reasoning behind that.
Simplest solution I can think of was that he got cold feet.
Conspiratorial was that he had a beef with someone in Trumps inner circle.
Yeah, it's weird. I thought he left to prevent the 'ethics' reports his enemies has authored from coming out, but he later said that he fully expected it to leak (as everything in Washington does)...
Sad part is Obama was probably better than McCain or Romney would have been
In all honesty it was probably for the best Obongo won, since that allowed time for frustration with Democrats to build up. Those 2 would've caused major damage to the Republican party that Trump might not have been able to overcome otherwise.
Trump was always running as the underdog so if the Republicans won in '08 or '12 then he would have ran as a Democrat instead.
It's not that simple though. The structure of the Dem primaries is much more conducive to being rigged against someone the big donors don't want. It would have been much more difficult to get in through the Dems. Not to mention just how different his platform would have needed to be.
You think the democratic platform would've allowed him in? The Republicans in his own party already showed him plenty of resistance back in 2016, the Democrats would have been far worse about keeping him out, let alone that his policies are pretty much the exact opposite of what a 2010s democrat would've wanted.
I don't know that this was true... His policies were almost exactly what Obama ran on, what Kerry ran on, what Gore ran on, and what Clinton ran on. He just wasn't as diplomatic about it.
I liked what he was saying in '16, I just figured he was another rich demagogue who didn't mean it. I didn't think he was Hitler, just that he wasn't sincere. It was probably only because of Gamergate that I had become completely disillusioned with the mainstream media so I no longer trusted their smears, otherwise I would have likely believed the lies told about him and hell, might have even repeated the "she's the most qualified candidate ever" mantra.
Actually, nah. She was awful. That was evident to anyone who listened to her.
So... ending NAFTA, stopping Obamacare, bringing back American manufacturing and production, reducing taxes, ending foreign war involvement, ending illegal immigration, cleaning out corruption, and generally deregulating industry was exactly what those guys ran on?
Wow, coulda fooled me.
Ending foreign wars, illegal immigration, cutting corruption, and bringing back jobs, yeah.
At least, those were the things that were important to me at the time. There was a lot of overlap.
Obviously they were just lying to get elected; doesn't change what they said out on the campaign trail.
"Hello saaar, I am John from the FBI. Please send money to this bank account or we will do the needful and investigate you."
Red street shitter vs blue street shitter.