Imagine seriously believing that an unelected, supranational cabal of WEF bureaucrats passing censorship laws = “democracy”, and that a USVP urging them to restore free speech and open communication = “fascism”.
It’s not even worth trying to argue with these people anymore, they should just be stripped of their citizenship and deported with all the rest. Fuck em.
Imagine seriously believing that an unelected, supranational cabal of WEF bureaucrats passing censorship laws = “democracy”, and that a USVP urging them to restore free speech and open communication = “fascism”.
This. I mean, it's nothing new, but I don't see how it is possible to spell it out any clearer than Vance's speech.
You came out of nowhere to win the first round of an election? You're a russian agent, election cancelled!
You are praying a couple hundred feet from an abortion clinic? Jail.
You burned a koran and your friend got murdered by muslims? Also jail.
You posted an unapproved meme online? Believe it or not, jail.
Anyone who looks at that and says "yeah, that sounds good to me!" is beyond saving short of a radical, genuine change in thought patterns.
This. The left in America ran roughshod over all the rights it claims to champion during the Biden regime, and it continues to do so in the countries with leftist governments.
The fact that these fuckers will jail you for speech they disapprove of when given the chance should tell you everything you need to know about their belief system.
The fact that these fuckers will jail you for speech they disapprove
The right's problem is that it stopped doing this to its opponents, ''free speech'' is how we've ended here, the right still larps about 1700s patriotism and le constitution while the left weaponizes free speech and language. Don't forget that your ultimate free speech also means a 200kg blue haired land whale can groom your kids in school because technically it's freedom of expression/speech.
Good God almighty, do their memes suck 😑
Imagine seriously believing that an unelected, supranational cabal of WEF bureaucrats passing censorship laws = “democracy”, and that a USVP urging them to restore free speech and open communication = “fascism”.
It’s not even worth trying to argue with these people anymore, they should just be stripped of their citizenship and deported with all the rest. Fuck em.
This. I mean, it's nothing new, but I don't see how it is possible to spell it out any clearer than Vance's speech.
You came out of nowhere to win the first round of an election? You're a russian agent, election cancelled!
You are praying a couple hundred feet from an abortion clinic? Jail.
You burned a koran and your friend got murdered by muslims? Also jail.
You posted an unapproved meme online? Believe it or not, jail.
Anyone who looks at that and says "yeah, that sounds good to me!" is beyond saving short of a radical, genuine change in thought patterns.
They didn't actually listen to his speech.
I think they recognized that the speech wasn’t actually directed at them. It was directed at the people who are going to overthrow them.
How can we brainwash them to hate actual globalist authoritarians?
Control the media, schools, and reddit.
You accuse a Muslim who helped gang-rape a child of being a bad person?
Go to jail for a longer sentence than he got. That's "Justice UK Style" eh?
don't get too angry about the foreigner that killed a bunch of little girls, that would be racist.
It's all good if you get a loicense for that accusation first.
They support "democracy" until the will of the people very clearly states we've had enough of their shit about trans kids and jogger worship.
They unironically want fascism, their only problem is that the wrong people are in power
This. The left in America ran roughshod over all the rights it claims to champion during the Biden regime, and it continues to do so in the countries with leftist governments.
The fact that these fuckers will jail you for speech they disapprove of when given the chance should tell you everything you need to know about their belief system.
Leftists worship power. This is their only fixed principle.
The right's problem is that it stopped doing this to its opponents, ''free speech'' is how we've ended here, the right still larps about 1700s patriotism and le constitution while the left weaponizes free speech and language. Don't forget that your ultimate free speech also means a 200kg blue haired land whale can groom your kids in school because technically it's freedom of expression/speech.
Their memes also suck because they write fucking paragraphs or require you to be "in the know" about their stupidity.
Who was the original author who made this trash? I want to harass 'em on Twatter.
What redditards either gloss over or completely forgot.
The views and beliefs of your bog average, completely run of the mill ww2 soldier, would have them labeled as nazis today.
Case in point, The Battle of Athens
Unlike modern day, they'd just KILL the degenerates especially for targeting their kids.
All I say is trial by jury first..
I think the "WW2 mural painted over because it was 'too white'" is all the counterargument you need to drivel like this.
Or I would if it was still 2016 and I still believed you could reason with these people.
they really, REALLY have no idea what fascist even means.
It's a magic spell to banish their enemies. They really are NPCs, they lack any actual knowledge of anything and are only responding to stimuli.
I mean these people have been brainwashed to see racism and fascism literally everywhere
Fascism is when limiting government bureaucracy.
Also, if the WW2 gen could see what happened to their countries they would choose to stay home. Maybe even to speak German.
none of their memes are grounded in truth, it is why their memes suck so badly.
Your caricatures suck when I think your Hegseth character is Elon until I read his name tag.
Opportunity lost to have him gravedigging with his shirt off with his tattoos.
Or at least have his sleeves rolled up to show off his sleeves.
I wish Musk, Vance, and Hegseth were this based.
We're going to do all the things the same people the fascists opposed then wonder why fascism is on the rise as a kneejerk reaction again.
The average WW2 serviceman would be considered a Nazi by their standards.
Meanwhile germany is arresting people for memes
"our enemies are le hitler" yawn
"I'm much calmer now. Look, I'm not a man of science, but you seem INCREDIBLY passed away. But it's good to see ya." -Deadpool
Those are manji lmao
They are fanatically cultist people espousing what their leaders and beliefs system tells them. It doesn't need to make sense.
As always, with few exceptions: projection and self-hatred. It's all the left have to work with.
They cannot meme, they are not funny, they have no clue about how ironic and/or hypocritical they are being.
Nazis suppressed free speech which is exactly want they want to do. Stalin is their hero, apparently.