Vee4Vendetta on Gab: 'It doesn’t get more shady than this, Mark Zuckerb…'
Vee4Vendetta on Gab: 'It doesn’t get more shady than this, Mark Zuckerberg and META are tracking every single site you go to OFF Facebook and InstagramIt’s called, “Your activities off META technologies” and they’re keeping a log. Just imagine what else th...
They've been doing this for years.
I was going to say, I think something like this was discovered a long time ago.
Not only that, you don't even need a Facebook account to be tracked by Facebook.
A good way to think of the way they make those profiles is a jigsaw missing a piece. By using the surrounding pieces that are present you can work out some info about the piece that is missing. Might not get everything but the actual result will also be far more detailed than just the jigsaw analogy since it will be using data taken from [the surrounding] others referencing you in various ways, be it directly naming you or otherwise. The more surrounding pieces the more accurate the profile ends up and all done without any participation of the one in question.
Reminds me of the excuse that google does with "all the information is anonymized". But with enough data points, you can eventually tie the anon info to a specific individual.
This is called mosaic theory.
Correct, they create ghost accounts, using both the facebook like button widget to track internet activity and using their app to scan the contacts list of users. So if your number is in the phone of 5 dimwits who use social media apps, they have a profile already built on you.
And that was 16 years ago, it's probably much more detailed now.
The rise of Facebook blocking browser extensions wasn't just a statement thing. They're still essential equipment. It's weird realizing it's been nearly twenty years and this still hasn't changed.
For anyone thinking, "This doesn't affect me: I don't have Facebook." . . .
Yeah, they have a profile on you, too.
So... Why are they bringing this up now? It's been standard Facebook practice for over a decade.
Clickbait. And because Zucker is having a "redemption arc" they want to snuff out, even though I've literally met no one who actually has turned their opinion around on him to the positive.
Its CCP propaganda to make Tiktok look harmless by smearing All American companies.
Chyna controls the media.
Gonna need a bit more context. Is this just them tracking every time you click a link on Facebook or are they injecting themselves into the browser and extracting your browsing history from there?
The way this used to work in the past is on desktop systems is the FB site leaves a cookie behind with your browser, and this cookie interacts with all FB advertising, everywhere, and these interactions are phoned home.
Only way to stop it is delete all FB cookies, whether you have an account or not.
I think this is using FB SSO on other sites.
They've been doing this through every website that has a "share on Facebook" button since the company started.
No shit even Patreon was doing this a decade ago?
Next you're going to tell us that they're trying to track people on websites which embedd their meta-shit? stuff like tracking pixels?
Wait until you hear what Palantir is up to...
And how exactly do they do that?
That “share” button. Or the “login with fb” button. Or any ad they serve you.
All those make requests to their servers and those requests carry cookies
They track all of your metadata basically. When you don't subscribe, they will use other peoples data to find your identifiers, like finding your contact info in other peoples phones, in order to create a ghost profile of you anyway.
That's literally how the entire internet has worked for a long while now. Google set the precedent and tech for it, and now most major companies are either doing it or buying the data from the ones that are.
Its not great in any way, but the ship on it sailed well over a decade ago to treat it as some "shocking new revelation."
No shit
Like some kind of "Life Log"?
Vine was acquired by Twitter and killed off under Jack Dorsey. It never had anything to do with Facebook.
Ah, got my billionaires confused. My bad.
I'm still surprised that Elon didn't bring Vine back as as TikTok competitor day 1. The splash that "Vine is coming back!" headlines would have made might have actually gotten it a foothold to start.
Welcome to 2009.
Globohomo technocracy is here
They’ve done this for 2 decades.
Next thing you gonna tell me is that my phone listens to me?
as they present it to you, they only track sites you visit through Facebook, either through the app or through Facebook logins on your browser.
it's what they don't tell you they are tracking that matters.