Because then you get lectured about how you need to "man up", "lift" and "touch grass" in order to be a "real man" and "wife up" one of the women on Tinder, Hinge or Bumble otherwise you're a "misogynistic" "incel" "anti-social loser" who lives in their "mothers basement".
Sigh. And that's all I'm saying about this video before I end up going into an Imp style Rule 16 violating rant.
My experience is that happily married men such as yourself aren't the ones engaging in this kind of shaming, and they often sympathize with the manosphere's concerns about the divorce courts even though they decided roll the dice themselves. It's the ones that are obviously miserable and probably raising someone else's kids that get offended when guys like me say mean things about marriage on the internet. I'd pity the latter if they weren't trying lure others into the same trap they fell for. As it happens I'll laugh when they get divorce raped and rope themselves.
I think "such as yourself" does the heavy lifting. I'm mainly talking about married men who participate in dissident right spaces such as this site. You're definitely correct about the broader population.
We just don’t like being told by pimple-faces 18 year old MGTOW kids that our marriages, that are working well, are wrong and will just end up in failure.
The younger generations are fucked. I seen someone mention in a post about the younger generations views on "age gaps" so I went to the gen x forum and gave it a search. I had some good laughs.
They make such a huge deal about age, but the women dont care to fuck 50 year olds if it pays for their college tuition.
Just dont have the nerve to fall in love with someone older than yourself I guess.
Like those retards who pretended to be a 18 year old girl and lure a 20 year old and then beat the shit out of him call him a pedophile.
Because then you get lectured about how you need to "man up", "lift" and "touch grass" in order to be a "real man" and "wife up" one of the women on Tinder, Hinge or Bumble otherwise you're a "misogynistic" "incel" "anti-social loser" who lives in their "mothers basement".
Sounds infinitely preferable than allowing these gutter sluts to ruin your life. Keep in mind that misery loves company, and the losers doing the lecturing are footing the bill for some whore who's fucking Tyrone on the side. They just want to feel better about the poor decisions that they're trying to shame other men into.
You did attempt to appeal to emotion rather than refute any of my arguments.
Women cost money, not only prostitutes, all women expect money for spending time with them. The norm is that men pay for most dates, rarely the woman will pay as a virtue signal.
Relationshits require a massive sacrifice of time. Any obscure hobby that does not benefit her will be criticized and considered a waste of time.
She’s not really your friend. Friendships are mutually beneficial. Relationshits are about men trading provisions for sex.
Reality can be sad if I eat up the stories woman feed me about sex and relationshits. I choose not to, I go my own way.
I find men who say stuff like this have the least experience with women. That or they've never been with a girl who actually likes them.
My relationship with my wife consisted of her coming over twice a week, either bringing food or cooking dinner, have sex, then hang out while I watch a movie or play videogames (which I was going to do anyway).
Total cost: $0 Total Time investment: Zero.
Now of course being married the kids suck up the most time, but you can't have kids with Pornhub, can you? The future belongs to those who show up for it.
Yep. Its usually men that have seen how crappy most women are, and they aren't high status enough to get an attractive woman to want to be with them. I understand the mindset but it's still pathetic.
My wife is more than sex. She completes me and has given me beautiful children. She also sacrifices constantly so we can build together and be better together.
These guys see women through the porn lens of: how cheap can I get my nut?
To some extent though I blame society. Like, these guys don't get their attitude in a vacuum.
Everywhere you look, TV, movies, etc. reinforces the MGTOW view of women. When the president of the united states simps for his ugly manboon wife, the message is clear. Everyone says your job as a man is to be a woman's slave.
I don't have that relationship with my wife yet I still hold my tongue when relatives say things like "Shes the boss, right? Heh heh heh." No she's not, and she'll be the first to tell you that, except then I'd get accused of abuse.
At the end of the day I know my wife is more than a live-in prostitute and I pity any man who feels that way. But I do dislike having to hide the fact I have a traditional patriarchal marriage.
I met gals who liked me, we did things together, she would come
over and make food. Food that was going cause me to gain weight, so I dumped her. I didn’t lie to myself about what it was and was not once it ended.
I have no desire to have or raise kids. Kids are a lot of work and as you said they suck up most of your time.
She’s not really your friend. Friendships are mutually beneficial. Relationshits are about men trading provisions for sex.
Family? Children? Partnership? Not only carrying on your line, but all of humanity?
Look, you do you. To be clear, I'm not saying you have to or should be in a relationship. And if you're happy, sure, like I said, you do you. But to act like relationships are completely one-sided is utter bullshit. Yes, there are problems with modern dating/relationships. Big ones.
But you're only looking at the negatives or potential negatives. Again, don't engage if you don't want to. But I don't think your portrayal is accurate.
I don’t think relationshits are one sided. I am saying that what woman offer is not enough.
I have a family. I don’t want to have or raise children. The world has a human population over 8 billion, humanity will be fine without me having kids.
Partnership, you mean friendship? I have a better experience of friendship with men.
By now you've realized porn is detrimental to you, I don't need to "refute" anything. Its up to you to decide if you want to do better or just languish in front of a screen like a toad.
"Porn allows me to stay hidden away jerking to pixels, and I justify it because I didnt get an std. I have no family and no children. But I've got porn!"
I definitely jerk and watch porn in private, it is not a public activity.
I have a very large family, huge. No children, they’re a lot of work. I do have plenty of time and freedom for all my hobbies. I work less than 20 hours a week, that’s another benefit of nutting to porn instead of chasing pussy.
I guess it's easy to be an entrepreneur when that's just showing your tits and hawking products. My judgement about the line of business aside, it's based if they set up their own thing.
most college degrees are useless, and they sell students on the idea that they can easily get a job doing theoretical physics or some other bullshit when they graduate.
if your degree isn't in STEM, law, or medicine, it's 100% useless from a career standpoint. especially business degrees, the biggest lesson you learn in business school is that you got conned. If your degree is in one of the aforementioned categories, you are entering an oversaturated market and your piece of paper likely comes from a degree mill that leaves you out to dry when you graduate. more than likely, you will not get a job in the field you studied, or any close equivalent.
combine this with the sheer amount of useless classes they force you to take to extend your tuition, and it's easy to see how bullshit college really is in today's day and age.
to be honest, these are the things I think give the highest odds of getting ahead in life:
get lucky, but seize the opportunity when it happens.
finish high school. be able to read, write, and apply mathematics at an adult level.
seek education with a specific career in mind. Don't fall for "once you finish our education, the jobs will come to you!", that's a scam. rather, seek opportunities that have some kind of job placement, be they apprenticeships, trade schools, or internships.
network. keep your friends and professional acquaintances in contact. associate with people who are both intelligent and have the drive to get ahead in life when you can. the more people you know, the higher the odds of getting lucky with an opportunity.
make your colleagues successful. it is not enough to just do a job, you have to make sure everyone you work with is doing their job well, and if they don't, train them until they do. uplifting your team increases your own success, and also reduces the chances of layoffs.
Invest in the people who invest in you. if a superior or subordinate shows you loyalty, reward them with loyalty. at the same time, do not give loyalty to people who demonstrably don't give it back.
none of this is cut and dry. It's a lot more complicated than "just get a degree!", but so is life.
That said, they're also largely correct, and the issue isn't them per se, but our fucked up culture, lack of shame, and extremely fucked incentive structure. We have a culture that allows and incentivizes this behavior.
The worst part for me isn't that they don't see college as valuable (it's not, at least how normies use it), but that they literally don't seem to understand the very basic concept of...learning.
Also, that ending, if it's not a joke, is one of the stupidest things I've ever heard. can't be a doctor or a cop just because you made some money being a whore. That's not how this works, that's not how any of this works.
In addition to not understanding "learning," I'm not even sure they understand how occupations work, or anything beyond the visual level. I assume they're talking about dressing up as 'sexy doctors' and 'sexy cops.'
To end with how I started...holy shit are these broads retarded.
Also, that ending, if it's not a joke, is one of the stupidest things I've ever heard. can't be a doctor or a cop just because you made some money being a whore. That's not how this works, that's not how any of this works.
The part you missed, but was heavily implied, was that they would be role playing in the bedroom.
I get the discouraging and maddening aspect of the death of morals. I don't see where
These people vote
necessarily enters the picture here. These two seem somewhat savvy to how the modern world is and how to take advantage of it, at least in the short term.
This clip on its own doesn't show me much evidence to say they should have no voice in politics. They don't present a political argument or try to defend one.
I think this is like a man working as a mercenary. Men have natural skill at killing stuff. Women have natural skill at whoring. So it's like Ok you got a mercenary contract. That's... great. A lot of people can do that. All you really need it to be physically fit and do a very normal thing. There's substantial risk. It's based you're working for yourself. Maybe that's the thing that you can do that pays the best.
When the wall comes, it will shatter them into a million pieces.
The Wall isn't coming for any one hoe anymore, it's coming for our entire civilization!
The first chick isn't even conventionally attractive. Just easy.
There is no wall. There is not a single vagina life support system on this planet who doesn't have the "indian fallback" option.
I don't even know who is the one settling in that scenario.
Imagine the smell.
That’s true if you look at it worldwide.
But India is if Satan literally controlled a country.
"Just be pretty...wait, holy shit, I'm not pretty?!"
Womens rights are a meme.
Because women are a meme.
Why get a gf when I can watch porn for free and spend all my free time on my hobbies or with real friends?
Because then you get lectured about how you need to "man up", "lift" and "touch grass" in order to be a "real man" and "wife up" one of the women on Tinder, Hinge or Bumble otherwise you're a "misogynistic" "incel" "anti-social loser" who lives in their "mothers basement".
Sigh. And that's all I'm saying about this video before I end up going into an Imp style Rule 16 violating rant.
I get told that shit and I have a wife and a girlfriend lmao
My experience is that happily married men such as yourself aren't the ones engaging in this kind of shaming, and they often sympathize with the manosphere's concerns about the divorce courts even though they decided roll the dice themselves. It's the ones that are obviously miserable and probably raising someone else's kids that get offended when guys like me say mean things about marriage on the internet. I'd pity the latter if they weren't trying lure others into the same trap they fell for. As it happens I'll laugh when they get divorce raped and rope themselves.
Nah, a lot of married (and divorced) men love joining in the chorus of harpies shaming other low-status single guys.
They love that getting married once gives them supposed moral superiority over the rest of the guys deemed "Not People".
I think "such as yourself" does the heavy lifting. I'm mainly talking about married men who participate in dissident right spaces such as this site. You're definitely correct about the broader population.
No we don’t.
We just don’t like being told by pimple-faces 18 year old MGTOW kids that our marriages, that are working well, are wrong and will just end up in failure.
The younger generations are fucked. I seen someone mention in a post about the younger generations views on "age gaps" so I went to the gen x forum and gave it a search. I had some good laughs.
They make such a huge deal about age, but the women dont care to fuck 50 year olds if it pays for their college tuition.
Just dont have the nerve to fall in love with someone older than yourself I guess.
Like those retards who pretended to be a 18 year old girl and lure a 20 year old and then beat the shit out of him call him a pedophile.
I stand by my original statement.
Wait, and? Does the wife know about the girlfriend?
Hope they don’t know about each other.
Sounds infinitely preferable than allowing these gutter sluts to ruin your life. Keep in mind that misery loves company, and the losers doing the lecturing are footing the bill for some whore who's fucking Tyrone on the side. They just want to feel better about the poor decisions that they're trying to shame other men into.
You do need to man up and lift to be a real man unless you're disabled. You do not however have to marry some hoe off a dating app
Imp is just an act. You are allowed to feel that way irl.
If sarcastic, good point. If not sarcastic, that's sad af.
It’s unfortunate how much pornography has destroyed in our civilization.
I always have good points
That’s not sarcasm. I’m not sad about my freedom.
You did attempt to appeal to emotion rather than refute any of my arguments.
Reality can be sad if I eat up the stories woman feed me about sex and relationshits. I choose not to, I go my own way.
I find men who say stuff like this have the least experience with women. That or they've never been with a girl who actually likes them.
My relationship with my wife consisted of her coming over twice a week, either bringing food or cooking dinner, have sex, then hang out while I watch a movie or play videogames (which I was going to do anyway).
Total cost: $0 Total Time investment: Zero.
Now of course being married the kids suck up the most time, but you can't have kids with Pornhub, can you? The future belongs to those who show up for it.
Yep. Its usually men that have seen how crappy most women are, and they aren't high status enough to get an attractive woman to want to be with them. I understand the mindset but it's still pathetic.
My wife is more than sex. She completes me and has given me beautiful children. She also sacrifices constantly so we can build together and be better together.
These guys see women through the porn lens of: how cheap can I get my nut?
To some extent though I blame society. Like, these guys don't get their attitude in a vacuum.
Everywhere you look, TV, movies, etc. reinforces the MGTOW view of women. When the president of the united states simps for his ugly manboon wife, the message is clear. Everyone says your job as a man is to be a woman's slave.
I don't have that relationship with my wife yet I still hold my tongue when relatives say things like "Shes the boss, right? Heh heh heh." No she's not, and she'll be the first to tell you that, except then I'd get accused of abuse.
At the end of the day I know my wife is more than a live-in prostitute and I pity any man who feels that way. But I do dislike having to hide the fact I have a traditional patriarchal marriage.
I agree that I am not high status enough to attract an attractive woman. My status is so low that I spend my time responding to married men like you.
You’re exactly correct. Why buy Gucci when the thrift store has what I need at a bargain?
I met gals who liked me, we did things together, she would come over and make food. Food that was going cause me to gain weight, so I dumped her. I didn’t lie to myself about what it was and was not once it ended.
I have no desire to have or raise kids. Kids are a lot of work and as you said they suck up most of your time.
Family? Children? Partnership? Not only carrying on your line, but all of humanity?
Look, you do you. To be clear, I'm not saying you have to or should be in a relationship. And if you're happy, sure, like I said, you do you. But to act like relationships are completely one-sided is utter bullshit. Yes, there are problems with modern dating/relationships. Big ones.
But you're only looking at the negatives or potential negatives. Again, don't engage if you don't want to. But I don't think your portrayal is accurate.
I don’t think relationshits are one sided. I am saying that what woman offer is not enough.
I have a family. I don’t want to have or raise children. The world has a human population over 8 billion, humanity will be fine without me having kids.
Partnership, you mean friendship? I have a better experience of friendship with men.
By now you've realized porn is detrimental to you, I don't need to "refute" anything. Its up to you to decide if you want to do better or just languish in front of a screen like a toad.
Fantastic ad hominem.
I never got an STD from porn. No dealing with a crazy jealous ex. The porn I watch doesn’t expect me to do anything, just watch and enjoy.
"Porn allows me to stay hidden away jerking to pixels, and I justify it because I didnt get an std. I have no family and no children. But I've got porn!"
I definitely jerk and watch porn in private, it is not a public activity.
I have a very large family, huge. No children, they’re a lot of work. I do have plenty of time and freedom for all my hobbies. I work less than 20 hours a week, that’s another benefit of nutting to porn instead of chasing pussy.
Lol the new age version of "Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free."
College is bullshit 90% of the time anyway.
Source: Got a degree.
can corroborate
Source: also got a degree
I was gonna say not sure if dumb or super based.
I guess it's easy to be an entrepreneur when that's just showing your tits and hawking products. My judgement about the line of business aside, it's based if they set up their own thing.
most college degrees are useless, and they sell students on the idea that they can easily get a job doing theoretical physics or some other bullshit when they graduate.
if your degree isn't in STEM, law, or medicine, it's 100% useless from a career standpoint. especially business degrees, the biggest lesson you learn in business school is that you got conned. If your degree is in one of the aforementioned categories, you are entering an oversaturated market and your piece of paper likely comes from a degree mill that leaves you out to dry when you graduate. more than likely, you will not get a job in the field you studied, or any close equivalent.
combine this with the sheer amount of useless classes they force you to take to extend your tuition, and it's easy to see how bullshit college really is in today's day and age.
I don't know what to tell people to do then. Something useful I guess.
to be honest, these are the things I think give the highest odds of getting ahead in life:
get lucky, but seize the opportunity when it happens.
finish high school. be able to read, write, and apply mathematics at an adult level.
seek education with a specific career in mind. Don't fall for "once you finish our education, the jobs will come to you!", that's a scam. rather, seek opportunities that have some kind of job placement, be they apprenticeships, trade schools, or internships.
network. keep your friends and professional acquaintances in contact. associate with people who are both intelligent and have the drive to get ahead in life when you can. the more people you know, the higher the odds of getting lucky with an opportunity.
make your colleagues successful. it is not enough to just do a job, you have to make sure everyone you work with is doing their job well, and if they don't, train them until they do. uplifting your team increases your own success, and also reduces the chances of layoffs.
Invest in the people who invest in you. if a superior or subordinate shows you loyalty, reward them with loyalty. at the same time, do not give loyalty to people who demonstrably don't give it back.
none of this is cut and dry. It's a lot more complicated than "just get a degree!", but so is life.
These girls are dumb as rocks.
That said, they're also largely correct, and the issue isn't them per se, but our fucked up culture, lack of shame, and extremely fucked incentive structure. We have a culture that allows and incentivizes this behavior.
The worst part for me isn't that they don't see college as valuable (it's not, at least how normies use it), but that they literally don't seem to understand the very basic concept of...learning.
Also, that ending, if it's not a joke, is one of the stupidest things I've ever heard. can't be a doctor or a cop just because you made some money being a whore. That's not how this works, that's not how any of this works.
In addition to not understanding "learning," I'm not even sure they understand how occupations work, or anything beyond the visual level. I assume they're talking about dressing up as 'sexy doctors' and 'sexy cops.'
To end with how I started...holy shit are these broads retarded.
The part you missed, but was heavily implied, was that they would be role playing in the bedroom.
Just what I need, when I require a doctor or police officer.
That's like, totally just as good. Exact same thing, why go to college, lol?
Like I said, these chicks are duuumb.
If they are retarded how did the one girl get into college? /s
She's 5% right. Women shouldn't go to college. Period.
Or vote.
I get the discouraging and maddening aspect of the death of morals. I don't see where
necessarily enters the picture here. These two seem somewhat savvy to how the modern world is and how to take advantage of it, at least in the short term.
This clip on its own doesn't show me much evidence to say they should have no voice in politics. They don't present a political argument or try to defend one.
They shouldn't have a voice in politics because they have no interest in maintaining a working society
Inb4 "sex work is real work"
Yeah, I agree voting isn't the main issue here, as I said in my other comment. Culture is.
But calling them "savvy" is a huge reach. Saying they have room temperature IQ would be a compliment.
If they're savvy, it's exclusive to one field; being a whore. Not even a joke.
I think this is like a man working as a mercenary. Men have natural skill at killing stuff. Women have natural skill at whoring. So it's like Ok you got a mercenary contract. That's... great. A lot of people can do that. All you really need it to be physically fit and do a very normal thing. There's substantial risk. It's based you're working for yourself. Maybe that's the thing that you can do that pays the best.
Women understand self preservation. Nothing savvy about it.
When you let women chose to be anything, most will choose to be whores.
Easier to flash tits than use your brain.
I know man, using your brain, is like really hard and stuff.
Women scientists arent really known for prioritizing looks/sex appeal over, actual work.
Marie Curie is prolly a good example of that .