Thread by @Uncommonsince76 on Thread Reader App
@Uncommonsince76: The NAACP, was never about the advancement of Black People for black interest…. It was a Jewish led movement for Jewish interest. Let’s explain. 🧵 1/13 When you actually dig into the founding and f...…
I was listening to something by the prudentialist the otherday, about a book called 'what went wrong', basically a history of this exact thing, jewish-black relations like their running of the naacp and how those relations deteriorated, from the perspective of a jew. Quite interesting, and you'd sound like a raving pol antisemite if you accused them of being behind it all, but it got a pass because it a jew saying it as though parts were positive.
Like the 'Great Replacement', you are only allowed to acknowledge it if you say that it is a good thing.
Jews were behind BLM, too. And did you notice how an election year came and went without a peep from BLM? It's because the BLM figureheads came out in public support of Palestine. Their jew handlers didn't like that, so they withdrew. Without the competent management, financial backing, and most importantly media support, BLM was nothing.
Oh ffs. Why does every single conspiracy always go back to CIA and Jewish Bankers? Every single one.
Because there just aren't that many groups behind the conspiring once it's laid out
Because it's the conspiracy that won.
Nobody's gives a shit about the coups that failed and the psyops that never happened.
If you doubt this Google the full name of a bunch of museums dedicated to "black" causes, a surprising amount are something like, The Schlomo Goldberg Museum of Black Thing.
The cultural conquest has been going on for 3/4 of a century.
First we let them take over the positions that indicate to the people what is high status and low status behavior, because we didn't realize how important that was.
Then they create the conditions any ideas or actions that prevent the cultural subversion as low status.
Suddenly anyone who sees what is happening and tries to do something about it is isolated and ostracized.
It was so elegant and brilliantly cunning that I don't know if there could be a defense beforehand.
There were multiple lines of defense. Blacks weren't allowed in white schools or neighborhoods and jews weren't allowed in the country clubs. There was also a group in Europe in the 30s that showed how to take a country back from the malefactors.
The NCAAP is essentially The American Society of Magical Negroes. Same founders, same purpose.
Archive here:
I was retarded and accidentally copied the URL from the top of the archive page instead of my browser...whoopsie.
I think it's nice to have the regular link too for those times the captchas give you trouble.
Here is a book where they document it and brag about it.
I watched Straight from Compton (movie about Niggaz with Attitude, rappers) last year and there was this jewish guy played by prominent 90s actor who was the cause of inner label struggles in regards to ownership and creativity and such. He basically broke NWA down from the inside. They even had a thing in the movie where he called someone antisemitic. Knew after watching it there was something funky going on.
Manning Johnson, in the '50s, a black ex-communist, eviscerated the scam.
Sam Hyde? 🤔
Samuel hydestein
Contrary to popular black belief, people running businesses isn't "detrimental to Black [sic] people". Or are you also going to proclaim that the Rooftop Koreans were exploiting blacks?
Handler? Rumors? LOL. The woke right really is retarded.
Is that the same Al Sharpton who incited deadly riots against Jews based on lies?
People will believe literally anything.
From my understanding it likely means money lenders and landlords, in places like NY. Yeah, a lot were shit.
Not you too antonio? You, dev, Lindsey and Triggernometry
He was a ghostwriter, even the nyt admits it: . wikipedia too, crediting him as a co-writer of the dream speech.
Tony's always been a leftist in denial. It's disappointing but not surprising.
As far as I understand it, many blacks are angry at people running businesses in black communities, like bodegas and stores, because these supposedly exploit the black community and take up the space for black businesses. The word 'businesses' would suggest that, rather than money lenders and landlords.
That's where I got it. I don't agree with how broadly they use it, but there are some seriously nutty people in the online right. There was someone here, RaceCreatesCulture, who unironically argued that white women should be raped by minorities.
That is not a 'handler'. Though I suppose it's a good thing, because no one takes seriously someone who claims that MLK had a 'Jewish handler'.
From a purely PR perspective that is a monumental embarrassment of a phrase, you're using the exclusive language of two groups you're denigrating to insult them. Everyone outside of those groups has been cringing every time someone says "woke [anything]" for like the past five years so it's a phrase that is either incredibly out of touch, or is engineered to annoy basically everyone to further some martyr complex.
As I recall it the supposed exploitation was buying up the only general store in the area and hiking up prices on basic goods so that buying a loaf of bread in a black neighborhood was considerably more than outside, and also accusations of using shared blacklists between businesses as a means of blackmailing community members with withholding access to basic necessities. Now everyone there's an incredibly unreliable narrator, and it's arguable the the increased costs of running a store in a black neighborhood maybe even justified the extra premium, but at the very least their stated reasoning wasn't just simply "we're exploited because they're not black".
Their proposed solution to the problem was black business owners, but that's because the black community is infested with the idea of "we dindu nuffin" and the idea of a black business owner ever exploiting people was simply impossible to them, so black store owners would fix everything.
Using the phrase “woke right” is on par with calling everyone who disagrees with you a leftist (Gitz), a stormfag (Imp), or a snowflake. They all mean the same thing coming from a “conservative”: insufficiently philosemitic.
What it means is, "I'm one of the good ones! See? I found the real racists/sexists/whatever right here! But I'm a good one, I promise! I'll rat out anyone you want me to, please spare me!"
That's not a thing though. The reasons for why a loaf of bread is more expensive in a black neighborhood are well-known. As Sowell said, the mark-ups are higher, but the profits aren't. As you say later on.
No, not just. But that's definitely part of it. And there's a good reason people they regard as 'outsiders' are often targeted. I don't think they would be torching black businesses for high mark-ups, for example. Maybe in a 'racial justice' protest.
Did you think woke = nutty? It means politically correct. It makes no sense when it’s used like this.
The woke blame everything on ze evil white men. The woke right blame everything on...
That said, I don't generally favor that term because it might harm the fight against the woke.
Wow, way to avoid the point.
It really is a lazy insult. It's like when leftists tried to use cuck as an insult and it almost never worked the same way. Because that's all you're trying to do. You're trying to appropriate a label that has been successfully applied to a group and utilise it for another unrelated group and praying it receives success as a result. It's not only incorrect usage, it's incredibly lazy because you can't get your own labels to work. So you use already successful ones in the wrong way.
It's not like that at all. They can't use the word 'cuck' because they are the cucks. If you want to use an example, maybe use people on the right who call leftists 'the real racists'. That indeed never works, because they own racism. Similarly, the Stormfags can engage in any sort of IDPol without being woke.
Unrelated? I just showed you.
It's absolutely like that. Even now, you brought up the exact same type of example, where one side tries to use the language of the other side because they see success of said other side using it. It doesn't matter what the term is, so long as it's used by an opposing side.
Preceded by...
Your relation that you provided was literally just an overlap in the usage of IdPol. It's fucking hilarious then for you to say that the usage of IdPol wouldn't necessarily be woke if it's done by StormFags.
You're grasping at straws, Tony. All you do by using that language is essentially signal to others where you stand. Might as well unironically use "chud", since that is just as forced of a term.
I don't remember RCC saying women should be raped, but rather he didn't believe in protecting any woman who wasn't having sex with him. Still an incredibly selfish position, but not quite the same.
Might have been a different thread or comment, because I remember the comment you cite as well.
Look up abortion clinic neighborhood statistics and then come back. Sure, people running businesses isn't detrimental in the surface, but some businesses are detrimental and they have people running them.
If questioning jewish people and their actions was woke, then nobody in the media would've glommed onto it the way they did. It's a stupid phrase patently designed to be absurd.
It’s extremely ineffective and lazy rhetoric that really calls into question “muh verbal IQ” lol
Who told you to not 'question' Jewish people? I told you not to be a retard, that's all.
Oh no.
Why would you willingly link yourself to retarded grifters? There's got to be a better way to make your argument.
The people pushing the 'woke right' narrative are the type who condemn anti-Zionist Jews as Nazis, for example. They're using the same stupid playbook, and they're the same stupid leftists.
They hate the "woke right" pretty much exclusively because the "woke right" isn't a fan of Israel. That's it. So they smear them as racists and Nazis...sound familiar?
Blowback is a thing, in all situations. Someone tries to manipulate a group, prop them up, and it might work for a while, but then they turn on you. Not even saying that's what happened, for the record, but just because someone turned on Group X (in this case, Jews), doesn't mean they weren't run by Group X. It's just not a solid argument.
I haven't seen that. I have seen some stuff that I don't agree with, like condemning Tucker Carlson.
The order wouldn't make sense, even if I accept all of this arguendo. Blowback comes after the manipulation. This guy claimed that Al Sharpton is a Jewish agent right now. That would mean that the manipulation now caused blowback in the past.
The "woke right" attackers are lumping everyone in, and are basically just less upfront neocons. Don't have a problem with Russia? Woke right! Want to stop sending money everywhere? Woke right! Criticize Israel? Woke right! Don't want massive legal immigration? Woke right! You get the point.
The US is currently funding Al Qaeda. Sense has nothing to do with it. And division is useful.
I don't think James Lindsay is a neocon. I don't even get the impression that he cares about Israel that much. He just overreacted to Tucker's interview with that amateur historian who wasn't very good, and who made some highly dubious assertions as well as accurate ones that they spun.
The Russia and Israel thing may be the case for Konstantin Kissin, who has a serious case of Russia Derangement Syndrome, but not Lindsay - though as I say, he goes too far.
At any rate, I'm not a champion of this word. I just used it as a synonym for 'Stormfag'.
Right, but it's not 'blowback' if it comes before supposed manipulation. Point is, Al Sharpton is not a 'Jewish agent'. He's just a moron grifter.
Why not just say that, then?
Also, I have almost never seen anyone who smears someone as "woke right" or "stormfag" win an argument. People who are trying to pull off that tactic should probably think about better ways of getting their point across.
Call it whatever you want; it's possible - and happens - that an organization or group actively funds another group that calls for the death of the funders.
I'm just calling out the logic; again, not saying Sharpton is a Jewish agent, just that your argument doesn't do anything to disprove the idea.
What if it's not a smear?
I'm very confused. If pointing out that Al Sharpton incited deadly anti-Jewish riots isn't very strong evidence against the unproven and unsubstantiated claim that he is a "Jewish agent", then what does? This is the equivalent of the feminist claim that "a woman being friendly with a guy she's accusing of rape isn't evidence against the rape".
Let's be real. It's not even my job to "disprove" that. It's Mr. Retard's job to prove it, which he didn't. And not only did he fail to do that, he cited a guy who incited deadly anti-Jewish riots.
And the US is funding the same group of people who did 9/11.
I think the hurr durr jew are responsible for all evils in the world crowd are stupid too, but let's not use the term "woke right"
It just makes you sound retarded.