posted ago by Lethn ago by Lethn +41 / -2

I saw their trailer and honestly? It's not even necessarily about the gameplay anymore the way they set these trailers up annoys the fuck out of me. Who thought it was a good idea to make it so that trailers all follow the same theme of flashy jump cuts then shitty pop music all over everything? They keep doing it in genres that it simply doesn't belong.

Remember Game of Thrones? Remember when that had an awesome sound track and you could actually be hyped for what comes next? Now it's some crappy 'epic' pop music or whatever the fuck genre the normies listen to tons now BOOM BOOM BOOMing in the background and they've barely got the sound balance edited right because it's so obnoxious. It also seems like the music all sounds the same to me as well like they probably bought a library of the shit and are just throwing whatever at it instead of finding something that fits.

I know I'm almost nitpicking but when even their marketing material looks like shit these details really start getting jarring for me because it's so obnoxious.