I am actually kind of entertained by any attempt to portray trans people in cartoon form. I just love imagining the artists agonizing over the question of how to make them clearly trans, but not be “offensively” stereotypical (nearly impossible) and yet also make all of them “pass” because all trans kooks think they are turning into beautiful women or big strong men and not clownish freaks. I’ve noticed a lot of art just plays the fantasy game and makes them look like their alleged “new” gender but uses context or storyline to convey that they are trans. This is obviously not like real life but that’s never worried the Movement.
Everything, and I mean literally fucking EVERYTHING is political to socialists / communists / leftists. It's literally ingrained in their deology that every facet of life (even to the most minuscule things) can be used as a tool and weapon to advance the cultural revolution. Leftists would respond to my claim calling me a "chud spreading the "cultural marxism conspiracy theory" ", and accusing me of "strawmanning their beliefs", but the likes of Antonio Gramsci for example, whose theories and tatics modern leftists basically use as playbook, basically highlight the whole "everything is political" thingy. So yes, fucking candy IS political (or moreso the advertising for said candy).
And I thought this was a joke when I heard about this. Imagine the problems that could be addressed if so much time and money wasn’t wasted on this delusional trend
The black guys they are tricking into fucking them by "stealthing" or just being a fucking prostitute who everybody kills because no one gives a shit about whores.
I am actually kind of entertained by any attempt to portray trans people in cartoon form. I just love imagining the artists agonizing over the question of how to make them clearly trans, but not be “offensively” stereotypical (nearly impossible) and yet also make all of them “pass” because all trans kooks think they are turning into beautiful women or big strong men and not clownish freaks. I’ve noticed a lot of art just plays the fantasy game and makes them look like their alleged “new” gender but uses context or storyline to convey that they are trans. This is obviously not like real life but that’s never worried the Movement.
"Joy is Resistance"?
But they'd probably hiss and run at the sound of this, even though it means the exact same thing.
The graffiti is factually wrong.
Is this when we get told that candy has always been political?
Everything, and I mean literally fucking EVERYTHING is political to socialists / communists / leftists. It's literally ingrained in their deology that every facet of life (even to the most minuscule things) can be used as a tool and weapon to advance the cultural revolution. Leftists would respond to my claim calling me a "chud spreading the "cultural marxism conspiracy theory" ", and accusing me of "strawmanning their beliefs", but the likes of Antonio Gramsci for example, whose theories and tatics modern leftists basically use as playbook, basically highlight the whole "everything is political" thingy. So yes, fucking candy IS political (or moreso the advertising for said candy).
"5 mg sodium"
I read that as 5 mg sodomy.
Sodomy is measured in units of length for obvious reasons
Don’t forget the angle of the shaft can make a difference.
It's the angle of the dangle - provided that the mass of the ass stays constant.
A black trans T-i-m-m-y-y-y-y-y on a Paralympic skateboard. It's real as well.
When your sparkle stars look like stink flies. 👌
"How will this help us sell more candy?"
And I thought this was a joke when I heard about this. Imagine the problems that could be addressed if so much time and money wasn’t wasted on this delusional trend
Once again, I have to ask: WHO'S KILLING THE BLACK TRANNIES?!!
Trayvon Martin came back from buying skittles at a local seven eleven when he was attacked by the white supremacist Ocasio Hernadez Cortez. ;)
The black guys they are tricking into fucking them by "stealthing" or just being a fucking prostitute who everybody kills because no one gives a shit about whores.
Remember when they had a huge Black Trans Lives Matter rally in NYC during the lockdowns?
Hypocritical bastards. I hope this fucking trend dies soon
I remember certain groups were still out spreading diseases like monkeypox.
“This is a parody, right?”
Friendly faggots everywhere
Humble nigs without temptation
Seems the designers just barfed the rainbow onto the packaging.
The character sitting on top of the ramp is the same height as all the standing characters. The 'artist' couldn't even get that right.
They taste titaniariffic!
"Skittles" are the smegma-infused pube-balls that emerge from neovaginas.