Just for the record, Muhammad was a rapist and a career criminal. He was a con artist, a thief and a swindler. He was also illiterate, and couldn't even read the holy books he stole most of the Quran from. He had to dictate his own inane ramblings to a scribe because he was too fucking stupid to write them down himself.
He ran his first wife's trading business, so he could probably read well enough to understand a list of goods and prices. Probably couldn't write. I've heard Muslims argue that it's proof that the Quran is the word of Allah because how else could an illiterate shepherd produce such a work. Having read some of the Quran it's about what I expect from an illiterate shepherd.
Having read some of the Quran it's about what I expect from an illiterate shepherd.
A thousand-year-old Quran was found some years back in Sanaa, Yemen. Within weeks, there was sectarian infighting in the region and nothing has been heard about it since.
You'd think if the text was actually unaltered since 800AD they'd be proudly displaying it to the world instead of possibly locking it away, or destroying it under the cover of the Yemeni civil war.
It was probably even worse at one point than it is today.
The woman in 2009 held two seminars entitled "Basic Information on Islam," during which she likened Muhammad's marriage to a six-year-old girl, Aisha, to pedophilia.
My friend's secret language is just this. You just stress different parts to say different things. It is basically base 4 I think (but I am a math retard). Anyway, it goes like,
Mohammad was a PEDOPHILE, Mohammad WAS a pedophile, MOHAMMAD was a pedophile, Mohammad was A pedophile, Mohammad WAS A PEDOPHILE, MOHAMMAD was a PEDOPHILE, MOHAMMAD WAS a pedophile,
Just for the record, Muhammad was a rapist and a career criminal. He was a con artist, a thief and a swindler. He was also illiterate, and couldn't even read the holy books he stole most of the Quran from. He had to dictate his own inane ramblings to a scribe because he was too fucking stupid to write them down himself.
Also he was a pedophile.
He ran his first wife's trading business, so he could probably read well enough to understand a list of goods and prices. Probably couldn't write. I've heard Muslims argue that it's proof that the Quran is the word of Allah because how else could an illiterate shepherd produce such a work. Having read some of the Quran it's about what I expect from an illiterate shepherd.
A thousand-year-old Quran was found some years back in Sanaa, Yemen. Within weeks, there was sectarian infighting in the region and nothing has been heard about it since.
You'd think if the text was actually unaltered since 800AD they'd be proudly displaying it to the world instead of possibly locking it away, or destroying it under the cover of the Yemeni civil war.
It was probably even worse at one point than it is today.
The Saudis have also paved over the entire architectural record of Muhammad's life.
There were actually times that caliphs ordered the mass burnings of Qurans to get rid of discrepancies betweem them.
The EU appears not to understand freedom of speech. Apologies to our European friends.
Free speech doesn't exist anywhere in Europe. And the Europeans are fucking proud of it.
EU Court - save us from mean tweets!
They never have. Hell until 1918 most of them were Monarchies.
Europe is a bunch of trash, and they get what they deserve. Fuck 'em.
What about calling him a groomer
Give it a read. The Court's reasoning is, almost textually : blasphemy against Islam is illegal.
( The court also lies and claims it's not factual that Mohamed was a pedo. He had sex with a 9 years old child. That's pedophilia.)
Muhammad: "I'm NOT a pedophile. I have relationships with women, and sex with Aisha."
And Aisha was by far his favorite wife- and by far the youngest- funny how that works.
Mohammad was a faggot pedophile who fucked sheep on the side
Don’t they realize when you start banning speech it will inevitably come back on you
I mean, if it's only marriage...
Ok, groomers.
heads up: title references "recent attacks", but the article is almost 4 years old.
of course it's a travesty of a decision, the entire concept of protected groups is fucked, etc.
“Recent”= Salman Rushdie and the 41 Christians burned alive in a church in Egypt
yes, I know about the attacks. I just found the title misleading because it implies the decision came around the same time as these attacks.
Didn't prophet muhammad also fuck a pig or something?
How about calling him a minor attracted person? Can Europeans use the left's own weapons against them?
This why we need to build a wall around Europe to keep the stupidity inside.
My friend's secret language is just this. You just stress different parts to say different things. It is basically base 4 I think (but I am a math retard). Anyway, it goes like,
Mohammad was a PEDOPHILE, Mohammad WAS a pedophile, MOHAMMAD was a pedophile, Mohammad was A pedophile, Mohammad WAS A PEDOPHILE, MOHAMMAD was a PEDOPHILE, MOHAMMAD WAS a pedophile,
And so forth