He ran his first wife's trading business, so he could probably read well enough to understand a list of goods and prices. Probably couldn't write. I've heard Muslims argue that it's proof that the Quran is the word of Allah because how else could an illiterate shepherd produce such a work. Having read some of the Quran it's about what I expect from an illiterate shepherd.
Having read some of the Quran it's about what I expect from an illiterate shepherd.
A thousand-year-old Quran was found some years back in Sanaa, Yemen. Within weeks, there was sectarian infighting in the region and nothing has been heard about it since.
You'd think if the text was actually unaltered since 800AD they'd be proudly displaying it to the world instead of possibly locking it away, or destroying it under the cover of the Yemeni civil war.
It was probably even worse at one point than it is today.
He ran his first wife's trading business, so he could probably read well enough to understand a list of goods and prices. Probably couldn't write. I've heard Muslims argue that it's proof that the Quran is the word of Allah because how else could an illiterate shepherd produce such a work. Having read some of the Quran it's about what I expect from an illiterate shepherd.
A thousand-year-old Quran was found some years back in Sanaa, Yemen. Within weeks, there was sectarian infighting in the region and nothing has been heard about it since.
You'd think if the text was actually unaltered since 800AD they'd be proudly displaying it to the world instead of possibly locking it away, or destroying it under the cover of the Yemeni civil war.
It was probably even worse at one point than it is today.
The Saudis have also paved over the entire architectural record of Muhammad's life.
There were actually times that caliphs ordered the mass burnings of Qurans to get rid of discrepancies betweem them.