Every once in awhile, I like to sit and remind myself that ultimately what all these people are saying is some variation of, "I am mystified by my own genitalia, and you need to respect that."
Arguably. Things have gotten much worse since then. However, I think the problem of decadence existed among the elites since forever. The Industrial Revolution only made our surpluses so extreme that decadence could become a societal feature, rather than an upper class one.
I'm not sure it doesn't. Yes it was blown out of proportion and became adopted as a stupid trend even before the trans-trend started, but there have always been people with zero sex drive. You can claim that's simply a defect, not a "sexuality" (it's a lack of sexuality), but that's semantics. I'm not saying anyone deserves recognition for who they want to fuck, but if I was asexual and saw gay and straight being treated as valid sexualities, I'd feel pretty left out.
Good, you should feel that way because you are suffering from a mental condition. People have sex drives naturally to insure the continuation of the species. Not having one is unnatural and you should go see a specialist if you are suffering from this condition.
Imagine giving freaking magazine shoots to anorexic people and telling them you are celebrating their fear of food. Wildly inappropriate at every level.
If your deviant behaviors/disorders are causing you to feel detached from the rest of society, YOU need to change, not society.
That wouldn't help. We aren't goddamn fungus. Or single celled organisms. No one is fucking asexual. It's a scientific term used to denote a species that cannot reproduce sexually. This is not the same thing as some gaywad piece of shit that can't laid.
What is asexual reproduction? Asexual reproduction is a mode of reproduction that does not entail the union of sex cells or gametes. Unlike in sexual reproduction wherein male and female gametes unite to reproduce offspring, in asexual reproduction, this union is not necessary. The organism can reproduce in the absence of a mate in which, in this case, produces offspring which is usually a clone of the parent. The different types of asexual reproduction are binary fission, budding, vegetative propagation, spore formation (sporogenesis), fragmentation, parthenogenesis, and apomixis. The organisms that reproduce through asexual means are bacteria, archaea, many plants, fungi, and certain animals.
Sexuality is completely determined by hormonal values, so it is only natural to conclude different sexualities (or the lack thereof) are possible without being immediately labeled 'sick'.
Also, people are born with defects all the time. Is a person with six toes also sick?
Is a person with no sex drive sick?
Also, people are born with defects all the time. Is a person with six toes also sick? Is a person with no sex drive sick?
Yes they are sick in the sense that we deem it to be deviant or defect. A person with six toes either gets one removed or buys specialty shoes to accommodate their defective feet. They don't get Nike ads proclaiming how they are changing the face of footwear by making sure all shoes can accommodate six toes now.
Apparently it is very hard, because your concept of what 'sick' means is way the hell off.
Sickness and deviance go hand in hand, but aren't synonymous.
You can be defective but not be sick at all. Arguing otherwise just derails your own argument.
Anyway I was checking out an old social media site I used to use about ten years ago. Clicked on a random profile, 26 year old asexual white girl, looked at her friends list, only black men on it.
I don't think a genuine asexual person would give a flip about lingerie. They might dress up if it's for the sake of a partner, but they don't need anything to feel sexy, because they don't care about feeling sexy.
What statement is she actually making? I suppose there isn't a hidden dick in there somewhere. If so, how is this asexual? It shouts "Come Fuck Me...NOW!!!".
That is what is known as a dumb cunt. I'm asexual, here are my tities give me money small dicked low-T white men who jack of to me with tweezers and small children.
The more useful acronym is "Adverse Childhood Events" and it's a useful theraputic tool to measure levels of childhood trauma and assess its impact on adults.
This other acronym just puts a name to useless degeneracy.
Social media really was a mistake...it left everyone think they were fucking special. And when they realized they weren't special...they then had to go and look for new ways to make themselves stand out from the pack. It's bred a whole generation of narcissistic fools.
If there is any genetic component to being LGBTWTFBBQ, reproductive rates for these demographics are way down. Whereas 100 years ago many people would have been pressured into marrying and having kids, that's not such big a deal now.
Ironically, it's possible the LGBT*** movement ends up eradicating LGBTQ people.
It's also possible there's no genetic component at all.
Every once in awhile, I like to sit and remind myself that ultimately what all these people are saying is some variation of, "I am mystified by my own genitalia, and you need to respect that."
How the hell did we get here....
I'm not sure exactly when it started but participation trophies definitely lead to this.
Arguably. Things have gotten much worse since then. However, I think the problem of decadence existed among the elites since forever. The Industrial Revolution only made our surpluses so extreme that decadence could become a societal feature, rather than an upper class one.
Shouldn't it be a chastity belt?
Jokes on you.
I'm into that shit.
Asexual now means "Oversexualized", apparently.
An actual Asexual wouldn't be caught dead dressed like this.
If such a thing even existed beyond medical sterilization.
I'm not sure it doesn't. Yes it was blown out of proportion and became adopted as a stupid trend even before the trans-trend started, but there have always been people with zero sex drive. You can claim that's simply a defect, not a "sexuality" (it's a lack of sexuality), but that's semantics. I'm not saying anyone deserves recognition for who they want to fuck, but if I was asexual and saw gay and straight being treated as valid sexualities, I'd feel pretty left out.
Good, you should feel that way because you are suffering from a mental condition. People have sex drives naturally to insure the continuation of the species. Not having one is unnatural and you should go see a specialist if you are suffering from this condition.
Imagine giving freaking magazine shoots to anorexic people and telling them you are celebrating their fear of food. Wildly inappropriate at every level.
If your deviant behaviors/disorders are causing you to feel detached from the rest of society, YOU need to change, not society.
It's "avorasexual", thank you very much, and deserves all the representation it can get!
That wouldn't help. We aren't goddamn fungus. Or single celled organisms. No one is fucking asexual. It's a scientific term used to denote a species that cannot reproduce sexually. This is not the same thing as some gaywad piece of shit that can't laid.
Can you do that, faggot? No you cannot. Shut the fuck up and get back on the short bus, mouth breather.
It does. I have a distant relative with a severe hormonal imbalance. They are technically fertile, but can't be bothered to fuck.
So they are sick . . . ie not naturally like that . . .
Sexuality is completely determined by hormonal values, so it is only natural to conclude different sexualities (or the lack thereof) are possible without being immediately labeled 'sick'.
Also, people are born with defects all the time. Is a person with six toes also sick? Is a person with no sex drive sick?
Yes they are sick in the sense that we deem it to be deviant or defect. A person with six toes either gets one removed or buys specialty shoes to accommodate their defective feet. They don't get Nike ads proclaiming how they are changing the face of footwear by making sure all shoes can accommodate six toes now.
For fuck's sake this isn't that hard.
Apparently it is very hard, because your concept of what 'sick' means is way the hell off.
Sickness and deviance go hand in hand, but aren't synonymous. You can be defective but not be sick at all. Arguing otherwise just derails your own argument.
That's a lot of words to say that you disagree with me.
As3xual is literally just "I'm not horny all the time, so I must be different!"
No. Asexuals are incapable of feeling sexual desire at all. Probably because of the amygdala not making the proper hormones.
An actual asexual... you mean, like a starfish?
Don't bring Starro in to this. It's already doomed to be in the Suicide Squad sequel.
Wanna know what a demon looks like? They never did have horns or hooves, you know. They always looked just like this.
What???? Huh?
I just can't wrap my head around this one.
I have an idea, lets make the world more inclusive for asexuals and design games and children cartoons for asexuals only.
It is about time we did that.
And I mean actual asexuals not the whore looking one in the post.
That's a man, right?
Anyway I was checking out an old social media site I used to use about ten years ago. Clicked on a random profile, 26 year old asexual white girl, looked at her friends list, only black men on it.
It does look like it has a cock.
I think this one is Asexual like Tess Holliday is anorexic.
Whenever I see her I think of becoming asexual...who thinks this landwhale is hot?!
By Allah, cover yourself, woman!
the wrong Benoit died
lol. Plants are asexual, not humans. I don't get this movement.
The left is disgusting.
God she’s so fucking stupid
Also, since when does being “asexual” mean you’re special? You’re nothing amazing just because you gave yourself a made up internet label
I don't think a genuine asexual person would give a flip about lingerie. They might dress up if it's for the sake of a partner, but they don't need anything to feel sexy, because they don't care about feeling sexy.
No actual asexual has a partner, that's the opposite of what being asexual means.
There's literally no such thing.
What statement is she actually making? I suppose there isn't a hidden dick in there somewhere. If so, how is this asexual? It shouts "Come Fuck Me...NOW!!!".
[insert Inigo Montoya meme here]
That is what is known as a dumb cunt. I'm asexual, here are my tities give me money small dicked low-T white men who jack of to me with tweezers and small children.
asexuals aren't real.
ACE is acronym appropriation.
The more useful acronym is "Adverse Childhood Events" and it's a useful theraputic tool to measure levels of childhood trauma and assess its impact on adults.
This other acronym just puts a name to useless degeneracy.
Cue efforts to exaggerate how bad asexuals have had it. "They used to be lynched in the streets I tell you!"
There was one male priest who was killed during the Salem witch trials, but I think that's about it.
Yes, this is definitely not sexual in the slightest. Not at all.
Social media really was a mistake...it left everyone think they were fucking special. And when they realized they weren't special...they then had to go and look for new ways to make themselves stand out from the pack. It's bred a whole generation of narcissistic fools.
This bitch used proud 1 too many times lol.
So... when does taliban or isis take us over? X.x
You know what, just roll with it.
If there is any genetic component to being LGBTWTFBBQ, reproductive rates for these demographics are way down. Whereas 100 years ago many people would have been pressured into marrying and having kids, that's not such big a deal now.
Ironically, it's possible the LGBT*** movement ends up eradicating LGBTQ people.
It's also possible there's no genetic component at all.
Do they know what asexual is?
Their sexuality is that they're cock-teases.
I am not interested in sex or relationships. That's why I want to dress so that I attract someone...?