That wouldn't help. We aren't goddamn fungus. Or single celled organisms. No one is fucking asexual. It's a scientific term used to denote a species that cannot reproduce sexually. This is not the same thing as some gaywad piece of shit that can't laid.
What is asexual reproduction? Asexual reproduction is a mode of reproduction that does not entail the union of sex cells or gametes. Unlike in sexual reproduction wherein male and female gametes unite to reproduce offspring, in asexual reproduction, this union is not necessary. The organism can reproduce in the absence of a mate in which, in this case, produces offspring which is usually a clone of the parent. The different types of asexual reproduction are binary fission, budding, vegetative propagation, spore formation (sporogenesis), fragmentation, parthenogenesis, and apomixis. The organisms that reproduce through asexual means are bacteria, archaea, many plants, fungi, and certain animals.
That wouldn't help. We aren't goddamn fungus. Or single celled organisms. No one is fucking asexual. It's a scientific term used to denote a species that cannot reproduce sexually. This is not the same thing as some gaywad piece of shit that can't laid.
Can you do that, faggot? No you cannot. Shut the fuck up and get back on the short bus, mouth breather.