posted ago by TheGreatFirewall ago by TheGreatFirewall +48 / -0

I've always thought that starting a family would be inevitable because that's what happened with my parents and their parents etc. But given current events (and honestly events that happened before my mom popped me out), trying to start a normal family free from the leftists' tentacles is near impossible. It seems that the only way to start (and maintain) a nuclear family right now in the US is to:

  1. Play along with leftist propaganda and play to the whims of your lefty wife else she takes more than the kids.
  2. Become a tradcuck, convert to christianity, move to the rural part of a red state. And both options still leave you vulnerable to the state courts if she wants to divorce for any reason.

Personally, I still want to entertain the idea of a wife and kids. Maybe it's just human nature that I am in denial and MGTOW is the way to go for generations to come. It also doesn't help that I'm currently stuck in Commiefornia where lockdowns are still a thing and everyone I know drank the Democratic kool-aid. So my irl options are limited. I also don't want to use online dating as pretty sure 99% that I am going to match someone who will be a lefty believer. I'm curious what this sub thinks on this topic as it seems that there is mix of MGTOWs and those who are married and have kids.