I don't believe this has actually passed yet, though I'm sure this pozzed hellhole will.
Where'd you end up going? I'm trying to get out in the next year myself. Looking for somewhere with the least amount of "diversity" and not terrible winters.
I mean, sure. But I would expect a pretty steady trickle of them over time rather than a flood of them in a very short time period
Also someone must be funding their migration - no way all these people are getting here via driftwood raft.
Why are they zerg rushing right now?
They've reportedly been doing that for several years now
It gets a little weird with ConsumeProduct and KIA2 in close proximity to each other .
Since when? I thought GabeN was keeping the troon plague in check.
Newsom is Nancy Pelosi’s nephew
He technically no longer is - that relationship was by marriage. They're still gonna cheat regardless.
Should I know who this twitter faggot is?
SJWs -> Woke Cult -> Globe Spanning COVID Cult