Yeah, I mean it's 4chan so huge grain of salt, but the fact that almost all of this is plausible is just ... sad.
could have been infiltrated by writers and artists who would
I would be very surprised if they weren't.
Could have meant that they just use pronouns at all, unlike every other NPC. Maybe meant to be like a "Psycho Mantis" moment for the gender-retarded generation (otherwise why bother having muh pronouns if they serve no purpose in the game).
/v/ seems to think it's boring, trash. Plenty of vitiligo representation and forced pronouns tho.
Not even worth a pirate until mods fix it I reckon.
Upon seeing the mod the tranny janny almost sharted their dilator across the room.
Oh no.
This is the correct answer. I am anti-"anti-reality" not "anti-reality", and reality has more than its fair share of uggos. It only becomes anti-reality when you try to pretend an uggo is attractive, not there mere existence.
Would be interesting to see someone try to use a "not conventionally attractive" woman and through writing make her attractive to the audience.
Everyone in this equation is a faggot.
The mosquito burgers are quite good as well. Great gaymer fuel for when I'm watching my wife taking a load of diversity on her face.
Pretty sure Alex worked through "her" butthole.
Big Trouble in Little China
Those faggots wouldn't dare
by outing transgender, non-binary and gender non-conforming students.
Uh, aren't those idiots gonna be outing themselves?
And if you're an NPC, since forever, as two weeks is as much memory as they have
Those poor, sexy goats....
the reason for the high suicide rate is depression, social isolation, victim mentality, lack of social support, etc.
plus being retarded and batshit insane doesn't help.
LET 👏 THEM 👏 IN 👏.
Of course, that place is infested with tranny jannies
Met my wife in college like 16 years ago. Basically revealed my power level from the get-go - never bothered to soften or keep my opinion to myself. Wasn't really a plan so much as I wasn't really into her in the beginning because I had a particular type and she wasn't it. Establishing a relationship based upon brutal honesty has been good, I think in the long term. Now that we're getting older she can believe me when I say I think she's attractive in contrast to the times I've told her she looks like shit.
Also I can call her retarded niggerfaggot, so I've got that going for me.
I'm not interested in a relationship without complete honesty and a good sense of humor, but it will take some convincing of the utility of that for the average person, who is increasingly retreating into puerile fantasy.
Tumblr finally getting the #Representation it wants.
The "dindu nuffin" defense is airtight.
"March peacefully" is CLEARY a crypto-fascist nazi dog-whistle for "rape AOC and behead everyone in the capital". Also staying within the rope-lines is very white-supremacy adjacent.
Don't gaslight me.
Someone remind her to let Josh out of the cuckshed
Expectations subverted!!
Cavil was the only watchable part of that. Everything else was gay aids.
You're right. There I go thinking like a sane person again.