user20461 1 point ago +3 / -2

Banning porn for everyone is how you ensure the GOP loses every competitive election.

Good thing our elections aren't rigged or else this would be a problem.

Nope all it does is makes it easier to move the Overton Window to push a central digital ID for every American and move us closer to a social credit system.

Where was all the outrage when online gun and nicotine purchases required an age verification?

A VPN gets around the id verification bullshit.

If you can afford and have the means to purchase a subscription to a VPN, you're probably 18+.

This was a shit bill that fixed nothing.

Laws against murder don't stop 100% of murders, but there would be a lot more murders if we didn't have them.

Pornhub traffic tanks 80% after Louisiana Smut Law

The fact is: : porn has ALWAYS been age-restricted

Enforcing that age-restriction on the internet shouldn't be a surprise and it should be welcomed considering how much society has declined with the proliferation of free, unfettered access to porn.

The GOP coalition has a lot of people who only joined because the left went full moral-scolds.

And then people wonder why cOnSeRvATiVeS dOn'T cOnSeRve AnYtHinG when we have to placate to degenerate refugees who never agreed with our way of life in the first place.

The nationalist way of doing things doesn't work and we're done being told we don't conserve shit when it's you people who introduced faggot and tranny acceptance and then tried to blame it on us.

If you don't want to watch porn, don't watch it

This lolbertarian meme has been debunked plenty of times. We have plenty of laws for things we don't do that we don't want other people doing and society would not function properly without these laws.

and it is ultimately the parents responsiblity to make sure kids don't watch it.

Yes, the parent SHOULD be more responsible, but you can't sell or distribute porn to a minor, so it's not solely on them.

user20461 3 points ago +3 / -0

I really don't care if two consenting adults want to commit to spending the rest of their lives with each other.

Famous last words right before you get pedophile rights movements

user20461 3 points ago +3 / -0

Honestly, I wouldn't even trust that poll.

The vast majority of Christians are social conservatives and Christians are still a big part of America.

user20461 17 points ago +17 / -0

SSM couldn't even pass in California but now 71% (all-time high) support it? In today's political climate?

BTW the tweet contains a fag flag which I edited it out, so NSFW


user20461 2 points ago +2 / -0

My company's org chart bullshit just added an option for pronouns.

It's everywhere. If they're gonna force this shit on us, we need to exercise our rights and sue them for discrimination if they don't like it.

user20461 6 points ago +6 / -0

Take it one step at a time since it's a lot to get into, more so for someone in your situation.

It's a good thing that you made this thread because there's lots of people like you and it's nice to know they're not alone. There's also a lot of people that got out of similar struggles and you should feel better knowing that you can do the same.

BTW don't be afraid to ask for help, like if someone knows of any job openings or has advice on careers to pursue. RW circles are very helpful and all you need is that one connection to turn your life around.

Hope your health improves. Take care.

user20461 4 points ago +4 / -0

In fact, longer, actually (five years).

It’s more practical for me to get the degree, at this point. It just is. No matter how much I might struggle with that…

Re: years: it sounds like it's based on location.

You know your situation better than I do, but I'll just say: be sure you have a job lined up when you complete college cuz you're just gonna be holding a worthless piece of paper + debt and you know how disadvantaged you are in today's corporate environment.

It’s not “self talk” as much as it is just reality, at this point. It’s not like I’m not trying…

It's both. You felt down about your friends selling you out and blamed it on yourself. You're also not happy with your life, but you shouldn't blame yourself for how your friends treated you. Either way, use that as motivation to improve your life.

user20461 5 points ago +5 / -0

However that raises the conundrum that all my friendships did that. Which means what? I had no real friends? Is that it? That’s the shatter point…

Would you treat your friends like they treated you? If not, were they really your friends or was your "friendship" contingent on something superficial?

For example, if you had lots of money, you'd have lots of friends because you're spending that money with them. But the moment you can no longer make money, they'll disappear from your life. Those people aren't "friends".

user20461 13 points ago +14 / -1

and then doesn’t include you in it (most hurtful thing: fucking none of them inviting me to their weddings. Not even my “best friend” growing up), it’s easy to feel like some sort of crazy freak…

I'd take that as a sign that they weren't really your friends to begin and exposed themselves.

Either way, as you get older, you don't have as many friends (if at all). Even your own friends are going there separate ways.

INB4 TheImp, but this is why you find a good woman that you can spend the rest of your life with. You don't have to marry, but you're gonna want someone around.

I dunno. I’m spiralling. Today has been another reminder that I’m just… Probably not able to keep going, unfortunately.

Your self-talk sounds like shit. You gotta fix that because it's gonna make you depressed and the more time you spend alone, the more it matters.

Here's a link to the audio book of Cernovich's, "Gorilla Mindset". Just sit through and listen to the first few chapters.


The TL;DW is that, you wouldn't talk to a friend like how you talk to yourself, so learn to view and rephrase things in a positive manner.

As is not having a “professional” career. As is being a “loner”/not really having a friend group. As is being perpetually single in your twenties. As is not having a degree. So…

If you're a NEET, you gotta change that.

Pick up a trade like plumbing or electrician. About a year or two's worth of learning and you can make a good living.

Save your money and put it towards investments. Keep reinvesting those profits, too.

Also, hit the gym. You've heard this a million times by now so I won't go any deeper, but it's true.

Looking good = feeling good.

user20461 6 points ago +6 / -0

Exactly. Republican politicians are largely jew lovers and the ones that aren't don't necessarily hate jews, they just don't suck their dick. To think that nazis would ever support these politicians is retarded.

I've seen these plants since Romney ran back in 2012. They always do this shit and they got busted one time back in 2018.


user20461 32 points ago +33 / -1

My initial reaction is was empathy, but, on second thought:

  1. They voted for this
  2. They can afford it
  3. They get what they deserve
user20461 7 points ago +7 / -0

They can get away with this because their supporters and the public, in general, are stupid.

user20461 3 points ago +3 / -0

If you had seen an upswing in Covid related news, would you consider it a psyop or real?

user20461 10 points ago +10 / -0

They're not, it's merely a convenient foil to point against the pedophilia movement.

OP's been made aware of this numerous times. He just won't accept the answer.

On the flip side, here's what he sees as a solution:

In my opinion, the argument is framed entirely wrongly. It shouldn't be "save women or you side with trannies", it should be "Repeal Title IX and kill women's sports off for good."

He makes it seem like repealing Title IX is just one election away from happening.

The truth is, for that to ever happen, you'd have to raise 3 generation of children all across America to undo the brainwashing that their parents/grandparents/great grandparents endured.

Needless to say, his solutions are not going to happen any time soon (if ever).

I think we all wish his solutions were viable, but they're not, at least in the current political climate.

user20461 4 points ago +4 / -0

And if they still can't win, they just rig elections.

We're way past the ballot box. America will continue to decline until people realize that.

user20461 0 points ago +7 / -7

I'm not defending those people, I'm flipping it on you:

Trump sold out his supporters (some of them are rotting in jail) and you'd still fight for him?

He wouldn't have even been in this predicament if he had lived up to his campaign promises.

And you wonder why they call you a cult.

Stop worrying about "conservatives" and worry about your own damn self because not even your favorite president likes you.

user20461 9 points ago +9 / -0

In line with this should we anticipate that Reddit will begin compensating moderators for the significant amount of time and effort they put into maintaining their communities? If not, will Reddit's management consider foregoing their own compensation for the betterment of the company in the same way you're asking of moderators?

Imagine paying a jannie lol!

user20461 12 points ago +12 / -0

This is exactly why Islam is bullet proof. Teach your kids when they're young.

I posted a video a while back explaining why Islam will never be subvertted


EDIT: The account has since been suspended, but it basically showed a bunch kids throwing rocks at a western reporter who wasn't wearning her hijab and it was the mother encouraging them.

user20461 15 points ago +15 / -0

If I had to guess, it's the latter.

I think of it this way: Fox is still paying him $20mil/yr, so he doesn't need the money, he just wants to continue doing what he enjoys.

user20461 14 points ago +14 / -0

Just goes to show how much legacy media is propped up by special interests.

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