The term terrorism has always been used to the governments favor. In the 90s it was used against militias, Post 9/11 it was used to discriminated against tanned dudes, and now its used against Antone who disagrees with the government.
As far as I'm concerned, terrorists dont exist. There are just different factions with different motivations and levels of decency.
Russia is corrupt. It works like most places, don't piss of the local governments and they won't mess with you. This is how it works in most parts of the world. In the end that means you have to tread carefully.
The USA however is moving in that direction so this point is rapidly becoming moot. Another plus is there is significantly less zionist influence in Russia.
Nowhere is free. America is rapidly splintering into communist and right wing theocratic factions who want to jail dissenters. Russia is indeed a corrupt post Soviet wasteland but to some people its an improvement. Muslims are a non issue, befriend them wherever you can, most will gladly help you out.
I suspect they messed with a heck of a lot more too.
"Salvation will come to the jews first, then everyone else"
Then Jesus comes along and contradicts all of that by saying the "last will be first" on jugement day.
Then a totally organic mob manages to get jesus arrested and executed...
Once I learned to see the Bible for what it was, it made my faith stringer but also made me separate from official religion.
Most right wingers including Trumpets are pretty socialist. More so now than before. Many of them firmly believe in high taxes and labor laws which was previously not popular among a Republicans. Couple that with the great firewall internet concepts that are all the rage, I'd say they are closing in km NatSoc ideas.
The VA is the closest thing the US has to a socialized medicine system and as you can imagine it's a death trap. Not to mention the overseers do a very good job of making sure injuries sustained while indentured are not covered.
Can we require ID to ban much pronzzz next? And while you're at it ban free speech so you can't criticise israel.