spambot 4 points ago +4 / -0

will do my best to chronical hazy memory so take with a grain of salt, they had what i could only describe as a hateboner for bionics and other cool shit, one of the earlyist changes i could rember was the autodoc. used to you could install bionics manually provided you numbed the pain now they require an auto doc or doc follower and anastesia which was a pain to track down, ok annoying but still manageable as bionics could still be salvaged from zombies, then they changed that. need tools to reset them and a specialized tool called an autoclave and pouches to steralize them which can only really be found in a lab, they floated bionic slot limits i noped out after that change after seeing a downward trend last i heard they added nutriton and obesity to the game so theres yet something else to kill you. the problem with the gates is too much rng is also on top of them. your not gurrenteed to brave a lab one of the most dangerous locations in the game and still get an autoclave and without salvaging them bionics esp useful ones are rare and need a power source bionic like a battery system or metabolic interchange to work... starting to see the problem? bright nights did away with a lot of the bull but some of it is still there.

spambot 8 points ago +8 / -0

thats what the block feature on a lot of websites is suposed to be there for dont want to engage with a user hit the buttion however it should be the users choice sysadmins blocking a user from sight without an outright ban is deplorable even then the ban must be just.

spambot 5 points ago +5 / -0

thanks for the fork will watch with intrest... forks are the only thing thats going to save co opted rougelikes or just ones thats devs went pants on head... i remember when cataclism dda was pretty good then cleverraven and his goons started adding in a bunch of unfun gated bullshit to the game using realism as an excuse, then i found the bright nights fork (the power grid they did was just a cherry) and the fun continues as does the cycle of boom and bust.

spambot 2 points ago +2 / -0

as far as the trump assassnation they got options, one of which is kamakazi drone with a small explosive attached sic 10 of em on trump at once and his security team wont be able to shoot em all down. annother option is disposable pawn either suicide bomber ot as you said gunman and if hamass is still around im sure one of em would take the opertunity even if they knew it was bait. theres also the increasing computerization of cars and we know the feds love to build backdoors into things to make their job easy all they would have to do is cause a car accident either with trumps car or a nearby one.

spambot 3 points ago +3 / -0

lets just hope someone doesnt get the bright idea of lets drop all our own nukes on one specific spot on ourheads unless we get our demands met.

spambot 3 points ago +3 / -0

they most def could and if they included the baron shit would get real dire real fast my memories bad on this so doubble check but if baron samedi refuses to dig your grave you wont die for better or worse, unfortunately he tends to be less then coopertive even at the best of times.

spambot 3 points ago +3 / -0

yeah, all they had to do was just licence things set back and collect the money and maybe once in abit get something translated... instead they tried to sublimate anime with watever high gardian spoice was.

spambot 2 points ago +2 / -0

personally i hate that kinda person, use shiny toy because shiny... that kinda short sighted thinking will cause proplems for the company or outright sink it one day... ah well i guess spellcheck counts as "ai" right? i bet even if you cite the times ai got people in hot water like the chatgpt legal case, or githubs codetheft bot that they will just dismiss it.

spambot 7 points ago +7 / -0

can agree with this but theres this little problem of forced public offerings being a thing. basicly in america if your company meets certan criteria the gov can force you to go public, i think thats bullshit myself. i suspect that that will be weaponized and made super loose if people stop participating in the stock market and pet causes willingly.

spambot 4 points ago +4 / -0

thats right keep showing people the downsides of always online dependent features.

spambot 7 points ago +7 / -0

hmm this could be a prime oppertunity for fuckery... i wonder how hard it would be to sneak goatse into the mix...

spambot 15 points ago +15 / -0

dont forget sending whats tayler swift to preform for that mann school for the deaf... shame she diddnt go deaf people can still apreciate music.

spambot 2 points ago +2 / -0

idk... if they are willing to eat long pig it might still be useful...

spambot 4 points ago +4 / -0

i do that a lot... jalapeno chedder is too damn tasty, i think i might have a problem.

spambot 3 points ago +3 / -0

hold stocks in us companys that pay dividends long positions are exempt from capitol gains tax for a time... but a better idea look at the third world for skills you can use such as recycling alluminum or other soft metals into useable products as you will be able to make more money doing this then just scrapping em for quick cash, and with the net you can expand your customer base making this a bit more viable. just look into what your using for what lead is bad for plates and eat ware after all.

edit if that dont appeal then hoard seed's and learn to grow a few simple things like tommatoes or potatoes if the economy goes depression food and water will be a priemium item you can sell for a sum. as for drinking water a solar still or boiling it and collecting the vapor can produce drinkable water.

spambot 4 points ago +4 / -0

eh, kinda in a zombie form. but its still around kinda surprised its not had a resurgence tbh.

spambot 2 points ago +2 / -0

i seem to remember red shell does that ring any bells or am i misremembering again... edit looks like i misrememberd it was iron source they merged with...

spambot 4 points ago +4 / -0

nah, its madne$$ i think its a scheme to justify annother piracy crackdown but cant rule out plain greed... they really did not think this thru though they made the old pirates killed our gamestuido bit real... hell you might not even need the whole game just whatever verifcation code/program they use and some simple automation and some proxys/vpns boom dev now has an extra expense and where they made this retroactive they made any company basicly install a bomb if they used unity for anything...

spambot 5 points ago +5 / -0

yup... perhaps that was the plan to justify annother piracy crackdown. unity just gave people a damn nuke they can use,,, theres now way they didnt miss this its got to be on purpose.

spambot -3 points ago +2 / -5

i can agree with that forcing things on people breeds a special kind of hate.

spambot 2 points ago +2 / -0

... oh come on!!! whats next smart jumpsuits made by apple that have almost all the functions of an iphone?

spambot 2 points ago +2 / -0

i agree this SHOULD be the case, the INTERnet is a vast worldwide comunication and entertainment network no one goverment should have juristiction over the net.

spambot 3 points ago +3 / -0

i can agree with this, its how the slimeballs operate they target a palatable victom in this case porn and then try to ram thru the most draconian shit they think they can get away with while people are charged with emotional rhetoric and thus not thinking too far ahead as to how the legislation will be used... or further leverage it will create.

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