the native ameriacan solution then? put them on reservations? might not be a bad idea the place has been ravaged by warlord related problems and the local government seems impotent to fix it... they've been on basicly life support for so long and the aid is doing the opposite of what its suposed to... likely a money laundering operation of some sort i bet... but with no recipts its just hot air.
agreed the corperations seem to forget its not them who in the end dictate canon its the fans they can try to say something is cannon but if the fanbase rejects it the corperation has little option but to try to force it causing further ill will.
sadly he has a rather good smokescreen opertunity to use a bio weapon now and theres a good chance china will get the blame for it. he could cripple the west and do so quietly. so no need for a nuke just drop the virus and watch the usa tear itself apart... again.
damnit brain... when i seen the name o riley i thought both of that one owl meme and that auto part store and they kinda merged....