smokeypanda PRO 21 points ago +21 / -0

The ex-google troon was getting tier-1 providers to block IP routes to kiwifarms. These alternate domains are using IP addresses tied to mirrors or proxies. Reason 129 I hate proles, not grasping how evil it is for critical infrastructure to not be content neutral (not the bastardized "net neutrality" that wanted to compel ISPs(last-mile) to subsidize bandwidth-hogging streaming).

smokeypanda PRO 5 points ago +5 / -0

Persistent fads, like adolescent genital surgery, are sometimes real issues but they are always distractionary. Distractions would be too easy to quash if they were always phony.

smokeypanda PRO 5 points ago +5 / -0

Anti-natalist sentiments stem from a negligent ability to think in systems. Developed nations and non-poor (not beneath working and lower middle class) socioeconomic classes have sub-replacement fertility rates, so going after these families is scapegoating.

Developed nations have a nasty habit of allowing innovation and efficiency gains to be canceled out by parasitic behavior across the SES spectrum. It is possible to have the 22 y/o single-earner working class household by systematically analyzing and correcting policy changes taken place over the past century. Snarky comments about the cost of 8 kids are taking the status quo for granted.

Urban proles suck.

smokeypanda PRO 2 points ago +2 / -0

And yet r/shitpoliticssays users shove each other out of the way simping for Wal-Mart. You know that fucker will out you to the Stasi if he thinks it will earn him a promotion to shift supervisor. Almost like the RINOs and lolbertarians participated in BLM, they do not get that two wrongs don't make a right. Our managerial-class jackoffs would import half the third-world if it would afford them an extra bedroom on their yacht.

smokeypanda PRO 2 points ago +2 / -0

Agreed. Those two questions are meant to gauge someone's cooperativeness and curiosity, along with attention to detail if they're already acquainted with the problem. 0.999...=/=1 under non-standard number systems, and monty-hall probability depends on criteria assumptions. I would never entrust an HR drone with such a fickle, inefficiently reproducible task, as they are too egotistical and unimaginative to comprehend the questions' intent.

smokeypanda PRO 8 points ago +8 / -0

The central problem is Goodhart's law: When a measure becomes a target, it ceases to be a good measure. You need an open ended question with multiple right and wrong answers, and an intelligent interpreter. If you ask unpopular questions, they have to be plausibly deniable answers so the other person doesn't think you're a honeypot or strategically challenged; the general concept of shrouding.

Some from my rough draft of interview questions and other criteria, which have the different goal of organizational integrity, but might be applicable. Modify some to make questions non-leading or legally defensible.

Ask for social media logins.

"Nothing to hide, nothing to fear" (definitely rephrase to catch people pleasers).

What is real agile development? (this would be mentioned on the job posting so the candidate can prove they aren't just mass applying).

When is it and is it not okay to lie on your resume or for a friend? (Hopefully this would filter out chickenshits who know good answers but answer in a way they think a Taylorist corporation wants to hear)

General questions regarding financial and economic literacy (people who grasp socio-economic concepts are less likely to need layers of lower and middle management). A relevant one would be how handle or prevent the united airlines incident where the doctor is randomly and forcefully selected to be removed. Basic ones to ask about are common misconceptions, such as carrying a slight negative credit-card balance to "prove creditworthiness" or increased pay reducing your net income progressive tax brackets (the interviewer/interpreter has to account for, or be open-minded, when the interviewee is well versed in tax-avoidance and multiple categories of taxation effecting income).

Pay attention to some objectively bad habits, like using an ad-supported flashlight app instead of the phone's built-in toggle. I personally distrust people who don't attempt competence, dignity, and prosocialness (i.e. willing to forgo personal gain so bad behavior in others is discouraged) in all walks of life.

https://johnpublic.mataroa.blog/blog/the-asshole-test/ (this test has its own flaws).

Does .999... == 1 and the monty-hall problem (various right and wrong answers, and screens some agreeable and disagreeable personalities).

Side-note: If HR and recruiters are misbehaving, just let them know they are being monitored.

Edit: In any kind of social makeup, it's important to have intellectual diversity which includes seeking out those that know what you and others don't. This has to be balanced with the risk that people will derail a grouping by being either too harmonious or disharmonious. You have to be self-aware and intelligent to make sure someone else isn't imitating desired virtues.

smokeypanda PRO 2 points ago +2 / -0

Call of Duty 4, where one of the two player characters gets caught just outside the blast radius of a nuclear explosion after his squad takes a detour to rescue a grounded pilot. It's setup like other movies and games where the protagonist will get out in the nick of time after preforming heroics, so you're not expecting your character to perish.

Later games in the series jumped the shark by trying to up the shock value, and generally abandoned the ordinary solider theme of early CoD and Medal of Honor.

smokeypanda PRO 2 points ago +2 / -0

PC hardware is still a lower value proposition than 2015-2019, so your best bet is connecting your laptop to a monitor. An IPS monitor with optional blue-light filter will help with headaches, and high DPI (1440p at <24 inches, 4k at 27+ inches) is a bonus. Keep in mind that a lot of USB hubs suck if your machine doesn't have hdmi or didsplay port, and a good dock will cost money bettering spent on a mid budget desktop. All the OEMs with good reputations (AFAIK, I don't keep up with this shit regularly) start at $900, example.

Linux is more respecting of older hardware than Win10/11, and less sketchy when it does work (some laptops have incompatible wifi modules, check Arch Wiki). If you do get a desktop for games, consider loading Linux Mint (most newb friendly) onto your laptop, and do everything else on that.

smokeypanda PRO 3 points ago +4 / -1

This extended squad is just pandering to and beneficiaries of the progressive stack. If Israel were dissolved, they'd move on from Levant Muslims to another crybully demographic to shed crocodile tears over. Just give Israel full permission to subdue Palestine, then cease foreign aid.

smokeypanda PRO 14 points ago +14 / -0

Waiting for the whole country to implode (i.e. psychobitch retaliation) is going to leave ghastly blowback on our culture. Hopefully the next society realizes that innocence =/= virtue, and keeps enablers(normies) in check.

smokeypanda PRO 2 points ago +2 / -0

Right, physical attraction. I wouldn't be involved with anyone under the age of 23. Heck, I couldn't stand most school-age girls when I was the same age. Many women remain emotionally immature past adolescence.

smokeypanda PRO 3 points ago +3 / -0

The rough equivalence to gratuitous violence is ephebophilia. We all joke about scoring points by running down pedestrians, and a man who finds no physical attraction to 17 years 364 days 23 hours 59 seconds 999 miliseconds old women has no inner monologue. Those are healthy impulses or invasive thoughts that don't correlate or have a common cause with other undesirable traits. You've got a dependable record of contribution to gamergate, so I trust that your occasional loli appreciation (iirc from one of your comments on this site) isn't anything more. However, the average person isn't dependable, and thus a random with a severe perversion is a danger of particular untrustworthiness. Be wary of unhinged individuals hijacking your website, just as normies have eternal september'd every sizable social phenomenon.

A fury gives off similar red flags to an HR drone putting up motivational posters and requesting pronouns; a lack of discernment, taste, or awareness, with a propensity for impressionability. Similarly, my concern with lolicon enthusiasts is that their minute preferences leak into other facets of their life, more than that a few can't separate fantasy from real life.

smokeypanda PRO 6 points ago +7 / -1

Serious question, how of the anti-lolicon crusading is directed at clothed depictions, moes/chibis/-chans and other casual anime norms? That shit is more suspect than anything. I still object to nude and hardcore lolicon (along with abominable fetishes like tranny and scat), but desiring to criminalize it is arrogant and imprudent.

smokeypanda PRO 7 points ago +7 / -0

Since the complete censorship of anything alt-right by 2017, the remaining conservative subreddits lost any edge and capacity for good-faith debate; groupthink faggotry. These are the type of people that supported Bush in '04 and Romney in '12, only paying lip service to Trump when enough Americans thought following the establishment narrative was unconscionably uncool.

by Lethn
smokeypanda PRO 7 points ago +7 / -0

According to Godot subreddit, CyberReality had only been running the forums for 2 months. A lesson in not ceding ownership without a trial period.

Computing would benefit from an explicitly right-wing, classically liberal community. Utilize the late 80's—2012 draw of code quality and respecting user freedoms, identify and contribute to ethical software, and hostile fork anything prominent that baizuos in an official capacity (why are devs mimicking undergrad women?) or has an abusive code of conflict.

Edit: He might have been co-moderating for much longer.

smokeypanda PRO 10 points ago +10 / -0

1960s NASA had a bunch of white guys who dressed alike and had the same haircuts. It was diverse since they actively recruited scientists and engineers of disparate educational backgrounds and work experiences. Hiring staff of similar actual backgrounds, but colored females, is the reverse of conceptual and cognitive diversity, where even homogeneous formal qualifications (in modern NASA's case, having a masters degree relating to aerospace) are deprioritized to satisfy skin-deep political fashion.

Wokeness and other late civilization frivolities will see the West's militaries fall behind China's, or victim to third-world terrorism.

smokeypanda PRO 5 points ago +5 / -0

That shit is insulting to high-schoolers not living in a high crime city, let alone legal adults. I dropped out of community college a decade ago, partly because of patronizing shit like teachers expecting an excuse to not attend a lecture. Easy to fake, but that attitude really had me questioning the value of my scholarship funded education. An expectation that students install any app on their personal phone would have me buying a decoy phone, if there were no other options.

smokeypanda PRO 1 point ago +1 / -0

For Americans, if you're not from an upper middle-class family or not going into a formalized profession, just get an online degree that's indistinguishable from a brick and mortar. Most schools de facto expect you to teach yourself, so what's the point of living in a metropolis or college town where available service industry jobs don't match rent?

smokeypanda PRO 6 points ago +6 / -0

After reading the 2nd parent comment, I watched the 49 second clip to verify. First, that gives no context as to whether the overalls stabber was following beforehand. Second, Duncomb wasn't carrying the knife or bear spray in his hands, which that comment and a few others were too eager to emphasize. Probation is too light a punishment, even if Duncomb was being a shithead.

smokeypanda PRO 3 points ago +3 / -0

With children, absolutely there is accidental or negligent misdiagnoses; 3x incidence from birth year 92 to 08 is more than just awareness. With teens and especially adults, there's a bizarre trend to enthusiastically self-diagnose, with the casual criteria overlapping with introverted habits or slight autistic traits. Makes it tricky to differentiate from an actual high-functioning who's well practiced at social rituals.

The spectrum should have been given a different name and separated from the condition. Makes it apparent at first glance who self-diagnosed.

smokeypanda PRO 2 points ago +3 / -1

Before the Frankenstein buzzword abuse in the tweet, weirdos who claim their autism is a mental superpower (barring the 1 in a million savants) almost justify the severe bullying of the pre-Y2K grade schools. Despite my autistically-intense distaste for neurotypical monkey social rituals (at least those who think only in that dimension) and other imitative, boilerplate inanities, not being able to readily process human social behaviors would terrify me.

With the modern spectrum nonsense, it's tricky to know if those who genuinely believe they are clinically autistic are being accurate or honest. Of course, an "introvert spectrum inconvenience" doesn't qualify for disability benefits and peer-pity.

smokeypanda PRO 2 points ago +2 / -0

What gets me is that casual Dem voters won't inform their permanently connected (TV or WWW) acquaintances that earnestly arguing this point is retarded. Or, notice and acknowledge how retarded their die-hard friends are.

The silver lining of having had a Facebook account was witnessing that a chunk of people I went to school with or met in my 20s were undependable, imitative dipshits. Wisdom and experience coming with age is bollocks, at least when it's uttered.

smokeypanda PRO 3 points ago +3 / -0

Even when they did happen, it was fraternity/sorority shenanigans. Unless your field needs those connections, just don't become a frat boy/sorority girl. Or do, it's not risking lasting harm like walking alone drunk at 03:00 in nightclub clothes.

smokeypanda PRO 1 point ago +1 / -0

If a woman has thong swimsuit photos on social media before the man starts a relationship, he deserves any resulting inconveniences and calamity heading his way. That's worse than nude-art, as women wear beach-thongs in family friendly venues.

smokeypanda PRO 3 points ago +3 / -0

Some really are NPCs who can't objectively gauge whether a certain action is objectionable. They observe too-tight yoga pants becoming mainstream and add it to their wardrobe, as popularity is their only barometer.

A continuation of baseline behavior is consciously seeing how a woman reacts to reasonable and unreasonable feedback. If she's swallowed the propaganda that conflicting preferences are "controlling behaviors", just walk out before any argument brews. If she's an emotionally tangled people pleaser, she's not contributing to the relationship and is just as bad as the "modern woman".

Woe to any man who doesn't figure this shit out past 25 years of age.

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