posted ago by The_Shadow_of_Intent ago by The_Shadow_of_Intent +48 / -0

Our alien whistleblower David Grusch had his day in Congress this past Monday, reiterating his claims that top secret people told him we have alien spacecraft and bodies. Some observations:

  • An increasing number of "high-ranking intelligence officials" have anonymously corroborated Grusch. These people obviously think we're a bunch of idiots.
  • Do these aliens have brakes on their cars?
  • The US inspector general overseeing the intelligence community believes the classified evidence (photos, documents etc) presented to them by Grusch is "urgent and credible." Since they've done such a great job of reining in the intelligence community from everything else (take your pick), I also find the inspector general's office urgent and credible.
  • A government that has character assassinated or just assassinated anyone who revealed anything about them is letting some guy blab unchecked on national news about the most explosive secret of all time.
  • The aliens don't seem to care about dudes crashing on earth and getting imprisoned for life.