simian 20 points ago +20 / -0

SEVERAL? It sounds like the problem might be the friend.

simian 18 points ago +18 / -0

I lost the ability to be for abortion when liberals revealed that "my body, my choice" was just an empty slogan meant ONLY for abortion. If it was a declaration of a universal truth, they wouldn't have been so eager to insist (demand, coerce) on the Covid vaccine, and been thrown in apoplectic fits about misogyny if someone dared throw "my body, my choice" back at them as a defense. And once that foundation of being pro choice was revealed to have no real value to the people who coined it, being pro-life became way easier.

simian 11 points ago +11 / -0

Is there anyone who isn’t compromised? Firefighters, maybe?

by folx
simian 12 points ago +13 / -1

The people who fall for it are still idiots, though. At some point the individual has to be responsible for their actions.

simian 3 points ago +3 / -0

I thought episode 3 made it clear that Palpatine was behind the immaculate conception. When he's talking to Anakin at the water opera thing he mentions a sith master who had managed to create life, then Palpatine and Anakin look at each other.

simian 5 points ago +5 / -0

Don't forget the new Spiderverse movie has a pregnant spiderwoman.

simian 27 points ago +27 / -0

Wanna' bet that the father will be a self-induced immaculate conception (like with Anakin) because Rey don't need no man?

simian 34 points ago +34 / -0

As a lifelong auditor (who hates his life) I’ve always hated how regulators assume businesses exist to comply with regulation rather than, you know, be a business.

by folx
simian 17 points ago +17 / -0

This. Vegetables can be great, but I’ve no interest in vegetables pretending to be meat. Just like I don’t bother with men pretending to be women. Somehow, I don’t think that’s a coincidence.

simian 8 points ago +8 / -0

Yeah. That was weird how two episodes of Book of Boba Fett were basically season 2.5 of Mandalorian.

simian 5 points ago +5 / -0

Dammit, you actually got a laugh out of me.

simian 6 points ago +6 / -0

I’m used to the Feds radicalizing domestic white terrorists and Muslim radicals (the only way they ever manage to catch someone is when they radicalize, train, and fund them) but do you think they’re branching out into trannies, too? I guess it wouldn’t surprise me. I just pity the poor bastard who has to paint his hair, get gages in his ears, and take it up the ass to infiltrate that crowd.

simian 8 points ago +8 / -0

This shit’s getting way too confusing. Maybe it would be better if they brought in the, what is it, 64 other genders?

simian 16 points ago +16 / -0

“Whitworth faces charges of attempted murder after allegedly making threads against schools in Colorado Springs, Colo.” JFC, have somebody proofread.

simian 18 points ago +18 / -0

Such a tragedy. He was, I’m sure the media will inform us, a day away from going into medical school and two days from discovering the cure to cancer.

simian 6 points ago +6 / -0

Aha! We're getting to the root cause. It's NOT because of an abundance of women. Those are only the indicator of why people really dislike these products: "a bottomless pit of hatred." We can dig deeper, and you'll respond with "yes, the root cause is that everyone involved is a misandrist." But you can't prove that one. We can say the writers sucked at writing, because they wrote something hateful and unpleasant, but it's a lot harder to get at their motivation for it. So we'll just leave it at "the writers sucked at writing."

simian 7 points ago +8 / -1

Yeah, except the original movie ALSO starred a lot of women and was a big hit. Big enough for them to adapt it to a series (30 years after the fact, wait, they’re was a TV series back then, too, but it didn’t do well). So the issue might not be the women. Damn, Imp, you’re as bad as most feminists. They’ll make a shitty product and say “they hated it because of misogyny.” Then there’s an idiot like you who sees a shitty product, and rather than point everything that made it shitty (writing, acting, message over story, cheap production, etc.) you’ll go “it’s because we’re all misogynists!”

simian 18 points ago +18 / -0

From what I’m reading, it’s Princess Peach: The Movie, co-starring some loser named Mario. Outside of that, the visuals are great, the story is threadbare, and there’s an over-reliance on pop music.

simian -1 points ago +3 / -4

I have to admit, I had trouble parsing what was going on, too. And despite Imp being helpful and explaining, I still downvoted him. :)

simian 26 points ago +27 / -1

As someone who suffered having a friend go trans, no, they don’t. Once he became a girl, being trans was literally all he talked about. Trans rights, being oppressed, why aren’t you supporting LGBT more, etc., etc. It was a shame. Before that he was just a bro I could talk anime and play video games with. Afterwards … well, I lost touch with him a long time ago.

simian 7 points ago +7 / -0

They’re blurry, like they’re taken with a 20 year old flip phone camera, whereas her picture is ultra clear and modern. I’d accuse her of running her classmates’ pictures through a filter to make them seem poor, but she’s probably not that smart. She just did a search for “Hispanic family” and found a couple of shifty ones to use.

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