It doesn't even work in its intended context, you are being judged by the action and its consequences, not the intention.
If I forget to change my ran-down tyres, aquaplane and kill some pedestrian, that's stupidity on my part - but I'm still guilty of manslaughter.
The left is right about a lot of issues. Unfortunately they're identitarian collectivists so every time they've got a point, they immediately throw it away by identifying some "it's the joos" level bogus reason as the cause.
melanin because their pineal glands
That's melaTOnin you dumbfuck nigger. Melanin is a) the stuff that protects us against UV light and makes the skin darker or b) a waste product of dopamine/norepinephrine/epinephrine synthesis (which is why you can find it in locus coeruleus and substantia nigra in the first place, their function is to supply other structures of the brain with norepinephrine and dopamine respectively).
blinded by their bread and circuses
That IS laziness. Any democratic system is as much duty as it is privilege, because it comes at the requirement of the citizenry staying involved and vigilant at all times.
The right have failed at that for an entire lifetime now (arguably ever since McCarthy).
Black Rednecks and White Liberals by Thomas Sowell is a definite must-read. So is his Basic Economics.