I would never subject myself to one of those shows. Imagine publicly humiliating yourself for the chance at being the #1235 dude to access the woman's vagina
Looks like it got report bombed and taken off. The better option would have been to keep it up and get it viral for maximum humiliation
It's a relatively dumb ambition to dedicate your life to win an Olympic gold medal. The window is small and the competition is fierce. Don't get me wrong it's inspiring as hell and I do admire those that get them, but you could put that dedication energy into a 1000 other areas (even sports related) and come out far better on average.
A Democrat is in office, so the chimpouts are limited to foreigners burning American flags over some fight 1000's of miles away.
Probably the only reason the ACLU gives a damn. Want to make sure THAT bit of propaganda flows unrestricted.
Yeah the kind of "Republican" that's voted Democrat every election and always has some criticism for her fellow Republicans.
Not a fan of a bidet in the form of a separate thing you have to sit on and maintain and take up space in your bathroom. Now the little shower head sprayer things you can install on your toilet are great.
The leftist way. Any time they are held accountable it's some kind of "ism"
And also have to take into account how much the FBI "rounds up" a lot of statistics into the White category.
Because it's not enough for them to infect the present and future, they need to control the past as well. Whites must never be allowed any reminders that they were the overwhelming majority in this country (or any western nation). Everything must be purged and cleansed and rewritten with race swaps, obnoxious grrlbosses, and SJW soap boxing.
Reminds me of the Sopranos sub in reddit. It is full of discussion, quotes from the show dripped into discussions in witty ways, etc. Just a bunch of fans of a nearly 30 year old show talking with like minded people of all generations.
But every now and then you get some leftist activist faggot getting brigade voted to the top when he whines about the racism and misogyny of the show. They just can't resist making everything about THEM.
X and even 4chan are rampant with shills right now. That establishment money is flowing for sure
Tulsi did that. The establishment rewarded her by having Google filter her out of search results.
People like that are used to flinging leftist turds over the wall and reporting any criticism as hate speech or abuse with favorable mods happy to oblige.
To be fair, I'm sure the FBI would count them as "White" if they committed those crimes here.
And since it's horrifying to hold women accountable for anything, the only solution is to surrender our culture to 3rd world savages apparently.
He was the perfect establishment puppet since he could actually read the teleprompter skillfully and even come off as human occasionally. The black skin, of course, got him 96% of the black vote (but the fact not all whites voted for him implies racism of course)
I've worked in the middle east around a lot of Indian laborers. They are such a pest the country bans "single men" on Fridays from the malls. This doesn't apply to western/white men since they actually go to the mall to buy things rather than loiter and harass people in packs of dozens.
Their lack of personal space annoys me to no end.
I thought the woman human character was exhibiting mary-sueness until it is sort-of explained how she is so knowledgeable.
I'm so tired of this grrlboss trope, even if they write reasons for it
4chan is also infected with rampant TDS and pro-Kamala spam.
Pelosi ripped up Trump's SOTU speech like a child throwing a tantrum. Stunning and brave, just like these NPCs here
Then they'll go legally harass Trump with the exact same accusation and sentence him to jail
This is why their obsession with calling Whites colonizers is pure projection.