iiiiiimpppppppppbb i missed u
why shouldn't heritage americans be the primary focus of the federal government of america?
he was gay, but was he a homo?
foreigners having any say in our politics is a mistake that needs total correction.
why should any israeli have a say in what americans say in america?
exactly what they did to liz truss inthe uk
doctor jill biden, hunter are primary suspects.
everything wrong today can be DIRECTLY traced to the french revolution
kill baby robespierre
why is that foreigner allowed a government position?
it's been happening the whole time, they just stopped hiding it.
what do you think the channel migrants are carrying?
contribute yours then
he is not the president, he just holds the title.
reminds me of that shit in jamaica during the height of blm hysteria. like every member of the government is black and they're complaining about "white supremacy".
but wuddabout
dom needs to go.
where and how that temperature is measured matters too.
middle of an airport runway at high noon? fuck off.
a founder's words matter infinitely more than any "rights holder"
anyone dumb enough to fall for this shouldn't be allowed to vote.
because they're all traitors
i mean i wouldn't want someone i'm occupying after a 5 year war to be armed either.
ENOUGH from the faggots
and history has proven him right.
the "far right" solution to mass immigration involves the white cliffs of dover turning red for a bit.
this is why they lost. it's why they deserve to lose more.
well the awkward driver hippy tries to black power him but it goes totally over his head