oy veyyyyyy
all they had to do was make the thrawn trilogy. they could have easily added some younguns to the cast to set them up for the future.
gosh i hope nothing happens to their boat
the dangerous muggle artifacts are just normal shit you have around your house that fuck with magic in the setting.
it amazes me that this paper american was ever allowed near a government position.
two foreigner parents, raised in canada? what part of her is even of this country?
why is there a single mosque in england
and they want one of these to lead our country
oy vey it's anuddah shoah
well there is the one where wesley breaks a plant and the alien god wants to kill him for it because that's the rule.
all skinfolk are not kinfolk
it belongs in a padded room wearing a straight jacket.
"lacking in inclusivity and diversity"
that is unquestionably a plus
a deranged tranny claiming to be the victim of a drive-by shooting by gamergate at an intersection that doesn't exist.
you have to go back maya
harris is not american and should never have been allowed any kind of government position.
just fucking nuke tos already. they're all fake and gay.
he needs to go.
why is someone nursing a baby even on the job?
i remember playing this when it ccame out and i absolutely hated it
no citizenship granted since 1965 is valid.
i am an indigenous american. my family have been in this land since 1620.
my bruddas, i am calling for total communist death
shut the fuck up european
they deserve it.