postracial society was a psyop. every other group was solidifying their core while we were taught doing so is evil.
what happened to caresseda dick?
why keep him alive?
good, they should feel threatened.
how did we manage before these enlightened ones handed down their knowledge?
thank god they're not speaking german!
do it faggot
1776 will commence again
and their enablers.
auslander and his money raus
peer review is also fake and gay
so the ticket is a far left extremist foreigner (miss me with that birthright citizenship shit) who directly fundraised for rioters and the far left extremist governor who let them riot
no serious person can look at south africa and say they are better off now than they were on this exact day 30 years ago.
there shouldn't even be enough of them in england for them to form one patrol.
if there is no edl there should be an edl. the english should matter a thousand times more than any foreigner in england.
i never assumed it was skeevy, but the result of some cheap plugin that does automatic captions.
auslander raus
but he was apparently
we already have one traitorous tyrant, what's one more?
they always do that when they're losing.
pedo trannies hide in the shade given to the precious totally real heckin valid trannies.
did that actually happen, or is that story just the media jacking themselves off as to how important and impactful they are?
you need to start respecting us more.