operation_eland 8 points ago +8 / -0

I would imagine like most elites she got saline and a fake vax card.

operation_eland 5 points ago +5 / -0

I wouldn't engage in it because its for fags but I'm not going to tell people not to do it. Its nice seeing leftists getting what is coming to them.

operation_eland 4 points ago +4 / -0

Well its been on the cards for many years that they want digital ID. The dream of course switching from a system of manipulation and incentives constructed by the managerial state to a system of direct control. The technology has finally arrived to allow them to do it with "smart utilities" and the "internet of things" and nearly all electronic transactions. They seem to believe that "AI" will allow them to centrally plan the entire economy and every minutiae of peoples lives forever where the soviets failed.

I actually have toyed with the idea that COVID was a dry run for much of what they have planned in this brave new world. If I had to guess something that did give them pause in pushing ahead in 2022 was the deteriorating geopolitical situation in Eastern Europe and I really do think they never quite planned for the scale of resistance they started to encounter. They deployed their most advanced psychic weapons and still it seemed about 20 to 30% of the population still had the ability to resist and certain people were able to break the narrative battle lines. They never really had an exit plan and after the truckers blockaded Ottawa they were at risk of a global populist uprising against the globalist cabal which put to many other interests of the various other elite "capos" at risk. So they had to back off. For now. But they'll be back.

My guess is they will attack the food supply and try and create a new holodomor next. A starving population may be more compliant with their psychic weapons.

operation_eland 4 points ago +4 / -0

We're already there in Europe thanks to the tendrils of the American empire sponsoring green parties and then starting a war with Russia but my guess is either via elite actions or the repercussions of the war with Russia the US will end up in the same place Europe is within a decade due the weakening of their currency and the end of the petro dollar system.

operation_eland 2 points ago +2 / -0

I would not go that far. I think the regime has wanted to and made hints of "putting the woke away" for a few years now because they need white boys to die in their wars. They need to loosen off the noose around the white mans neck to extract more wealth from him until they have finally ethnically cleansed all the white populations the world over. Slaughtered the red heffers and built the new temple and destroyed all geopolitical rivals.

Whether the regime actually can successfully contain the woke at this point is difficult to know because while its had a lot of elite backing its fundamentally the result of the fact that most liberals and especially the midwits who administer the managerial state do not have an inherent moral compass and therefore rely on virtue signalling instead of making independent moral judgements which is why they only ever double down. Also "woke" is partly the result of what professor Edward Dutton calls "Spiteful mutants" - that is the large number of people alive today with large numbers of negative mutations and on balance negative mutations will display mentally because the brain is 80% of the genome. In times past those with negative mutations were killed by childhood illnesses. Today these people constitute the majority of the population.

Most of the people in these sorts of spaces who aren't dysgenic freaks would probably have been the norm for the population back in the 17th century. Today we're a minority.

If I had to guess - the regime will fail to contain it and quietly rebrand DEI and try to be quieter about it.

operation_eland 2 points ago +3 / -1

Stalin ruled for 25 years until his death without any opposition. He killed and enslaved so many people he moved the USSR from a backwards agrarian peasant economy to an industrial superpower. The Bolsheviks might have been our enemies but they understood how power worked.

Stalin once said "If there is a man, there is a problem. No man, no problem."

You are basically here giving a highschool civics lesson while the left would just have you all liquidated if it advanced their agenda. I don't have the meme to hand but the guys on their knees in front of a death squad and the lolbertarian tells the other guy. "Jokes on them. This is unconstitutional".

Trump is a Jew loving boomer faggot as well. Instead of taking the bull by the horns and getting his followers to eradicate his enemies he spent 4 years tweeting and crying instead of doing what Stalin would and having his enemies shot even when they stole the election blatantly in-front of everyone.

I hate boomers, I hate conservatards, I hate politics itself.

operation_eland 29 points ago +31 / -2

The problem with a lot of "the right" is they think leftists are just mis-guided and can still be reasoned with on some level. That they don't really mean what they say. No. They really do hate you and want you dead and will do anything to get their way.

Principles are for suckers. Everything is about power. Most "rightists" are horrified by what people like Stalin did but Stalin understood how power actually works. Most boomer cons give you a highschool civics lesson where as Stalin liquidated 20% of the USSR's population to achieve his aims. This is why the right has never won.

operation_eland 9 points ago +10 / -1

Yeah. I lean towards an ANTIFA troon who was off the deep end and bungled the job.

operation_eland 14 points ago +14 / -0

You know around the mid 2000's when I first got unrestricted access to the internet on my own computer I remember seeing how much free pornography was available back then. I used to do some of my own web hosting and admin as a hobby and I knew how much web hosting cost and had some idea of what you could make from ads and it made me think the sums for the porn industry really didn't add up. That someone was ultimately bank rolling the internet being awash with professionally produce pornography.

I do think some of it is an inherent part of feeding people hardcore pornography for decades now, that a lot of people need more extreme stuff to get their rocks off because they need more and more stimulation. But yeah - the whole incest thing is definitely a top down agenda same with all the blacked stuff. Its a weapon. I know a lot of younger guys who are just fucked in the head because of it. A young guy I work with complains he is addicted to it and whacks off 7 times a day to porn. It broke up his relationship with his baby mama. What a disaster. I'm glad I never got hooked on that shit.

operation_eland 7 points ago +8 / -1

This technology isn't entirely some organic development - they have pumped trillions of dark money into the tech sector for decades. OpenAI is just this latest development probably born out of technology developed to sort through all the masses of data they are collecting every day. In the 90's it was Microsoft - now an operating system they control dominates desktop PC's. They did the same with Apple and Google in the late 00's to make sure they controlled all the smartphones. Now they are doing the same with these AI tools they want to sell everyone and get them dependent on.

operation_eland 7 points ago +7 / -0

Canada really is the main hot bed of the Khalistan movement these days. Even in the UK the movement is pretty much dead and has even been marginalised in Gudwaras in areas with large Sikh populations like the West Midlands.

Singh actually first had designs on trying to become an MP in the UK. I know people who knew him years back and he wanted to try to get elected in one of the West Bromwich seats but it never got off the ground. He isn't loyal to anything. The most orthodox Sikhs are always the most corrupt.

operation_eland 4 points ago +4 / -0

London is pretty much the main hub of global finance. All sorts of shady business that you can't even get away with in New York is routed through London. It's the capital for financial fraud and rehypthecation. From there money can be routed through countries like Ireland, Netherlands, Switzerland, Monaco to evade the tax.

In my opinion though, its all talk because to many powerful people with links to our political class don't want to upset this arrangement because they know if they can do it to Musk they can do it to anyone else they feel like going after. A lot of dirty money would probably move out of London to somewhere else.

operation_eland 3 points ago +3 / -0

Wasn't that basically the last series of the punisher on Netflix.

by Vebent
operation_eland 12 points ago +12 / -0

Oddly enough when I was still on reddit many years ago I got the distinct impression that an awful lot of those who were very active on the various UK subreddits were actually Americans. They seemed to have these very weird caricatured view of the country and there was just something "off" about them. Some obviously came off as very sad left wing blow hards - I have encountered people like this in my sisters friend circle from university. You also do get a very vocal Scottish nationalist crowd - they come off as somewhat genuine. I do know people like that exist.

Same thing with people who claimed to be Irish - always distinctly bitter and very anti-English even though I have literally not encountered a single person from Ireland who actually held views like this and I visit the country all the time and have travelled to the most remote corners where the local pub is also the local shop and petrol station and many people speak Gaelic.

by Vebent
operation_eland 23 points ago +23 / -0

It's all performative with them. They don't give a shit really, but its all about convincing others that they think they do.

operation_eland 4 points ago +4 / -0

Von Der Leyen is the quintessential example of someone who fails upwards. One scandal after another. Lays waste to everything she ever touches. The main reason she is EU president is they had to get her out of the German government before she did any more damage and her current job was considered somewhere she couldn't really do much harm since its actually the commission that's the real power.

operation_eland 5 points ago +5 / -0

You need to unlearn modernity.

When the Roman empire died it left its constituent provinces behind to fend for themselves. The Romans left Britannia in 411AD. Within 70 years of that Londinium was uninhabited and a ruin. The 4th largest city in Roman Britain is a ruin today in the middle of pasture land, its only about 40 minutes drive from me. There are the ruined remains of villas and forts all over the country, probably the only really noticeable trace is some of our A roads like the A5 follow the path of Roman roads to some extent. It was a long and difficult road with anarchy after the Roman withdrawl. You had the Anglo-Saxon heptarchy and then the Viking and Norman invasions and England would not really see the kind of centralised unitary government it had under Rome until the 18th century and England has institutions with more than a thousand years of history and a mono-culture on a relatively isolated island. Even in the 17th century many regions of England were essentially under strong man rule who pledged nominal allegiance to the crown while enjoying considerable domestic autonomy. The county of Cheshire was ruled by such a man.

The United States has no future. Its an artificial and rotting edifice of a once great empire but its no more. The federal government has no future, the US dollar has no future. Most kids if you ask them what America is would draw the Apple logo or say its about defending transsexual paedophile rights or something. The states and counties that make it up especially the more rural ones probably will find themselves left behind to pick up the pieces when it eventually dies.

Maybe you get an American Cesar who can turn things around or you get a Vladimir Putin or an Adolf Hitler or a Teddy Roosevelt but that is incredibly unlikely these days. Just look at how dysgenic and retarded the population has become. A nation where the paedophile in Chief in the white house has to invoke Star Wars or Marvel to make the blob shaped mulatto dross in Walmart understand why we have to start WW3 with Putin over Ukraine where at Putin goes on TV and gives an hour long dissertation about the history of Ukraine and the intricacies of the Soviet system is highly unlikely to have the ability to produce such a man.

Oh and I'm not some smug Euro-trash gloating over the death of the Amerifat empire either. As someone who has spent a lot of time in both Europe and America I would say as shocking as it is the situation in Europe actually seems worse in some ways. We haven't been hit as hard by the opiate epidemic or obesity in our post industrial hinterlands but there seems to have been an even more severe generalised cultural collapse and an even greater proportion of the population who have lost all semblance of the concept of self preservation. Europe's financial system is on the edge of the abyss and without access to cheap Russian energy most of Europe will not even be able to heat itself come winter let alone operate any industry.

operation_eland 30 points ago +30 / -0

A lithium battery on fire is actually 3 different kinds of fire - its a chemical fire, an electrical fire and a metal fire all in one. When the 787 dreamliner was experiencing battery fires I believe the fire brigade at Boston airport basically discovered nothing really put it out and they could only really stop it spreading with enormous volumes of foam. Basically your best bet with a lithium battery fire is to let it burn itself out and maybe put it somewhere where it can't set fire to anything else or put out anything near by that starts to burn.

operation_eland 3 points ago +3 / -0

I've noticed that as well. I cannot think of a more disastrous combination than the dysgenic trends in genetics coupled with an entire generation who have no actual life experience or useful practical skills and literally all they know how to do is play on their phones or make Tik Tok videos. I know exactly what you mean.

Growing up my dad was an industrial electrician and makes a point of turning his hand to most trades. My house was a building site growing up and I would always watch my dad or other tradesmen and then I would normally get given jobs to do. You learn by watching someone do it and then doing it yourself. My one grandfather was an electrical engineer and was also a mad inventor type on the side. I used to make money on the side doing all sorts of things for people I knew. I used to fix bikes for people, make things for them. Do things of questionable legality but those skills I developed as a kid have helped me immensely as an adult.

I think a lot like language - that you really need to have picked it up and be talking by a certain age and then be reading and writing at a certain age. I think the fine motor skills needed to do practical work also need to be honed when you're young. I wonder how many of these kids would be able to actually pick them up if they had to? Most western countries are going to become a lot like the USSR in terms of labour availability. In the USSR there were no tradesmen. You worked where you were told and labour was so short. If you needed wiring doing, your roof reshingling or your floor replacing or your car repaired you had to do it yourself.

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