I hope all the garage gunsmiths are busy building Lutys and 3d printing guns
This is what happens when you dismiss Rhodesia as just a racist fantasy and don't study Rhodie tactics.
It's more than just FALs and short-shorts https://selousscouts.tripod.com/drake_shoot.htm
Are...are they hiding behind a fucking mailbox? Thats not cover.
Just look at Swedens man-on-man rape statistic
Effexor for anxiety. Don't really get angry.
That assumes they'd use Afghan workers. They'll staff it with Chinese workers, and if the locals get uppity They'll send in the PLA.
Make selling sex a crime just like buying it.
Fuck dying against a wall or as FOD on a C17.
There is video of a waiting area/parking lot crammed full of discarded guns, ammo, body armor, helmets and lined up with armored vehicles abandoned by contractors. The country is awash in equipment.
If the Afghans wanted to fight its not a lack of tools that's keeping them from doing so.
Didn't the IRS do this under Obama
I haven't, but a full scale invasion of Taiwan would be on a scale not seen since the marines landed in Korea.
Big oof if that's the state of their army
Were about to see the first televised War.
Iraq 2003 was just a handful of embedded reporters putting all their info through official channels, this will be the first proper war where private soldiers film their own war.
Nobody wants to be the face of this, because they know its poison. And they're pushing Joe out to the front to let him take it, even if they need a couple of days to get him in a state where he can read a teleprompter for 10 minutes somewhat coherently.
Sweden had several 100 percent increase in man-on-man rape, and the perpetrators were almost exclusively Afghan men
Theres two reasons for this, they're hiding him because they know he'd get actual hard questions and crumble, or he's having a extended senior moment at the most inopportune moment and they simply can't let him near a camera and this is less embarrassing.
For fucks sake, the people at the airport could probably fight their way out if its only a handful.
They didn't make it that far, they're pancaked all over the city apparently
Any Rwandans in who can answer?
Right now all of the Taliban tops are out in the open figuratively and literally, probably running open comms via. Phone and radio.
They are ripe for a decapitation strike campaign. Kill anyone who is in a leadership role, then kill everyone who steps in.
But what is going to happen is the B52s airborne now will be dropping bombs to crater runways and wreck aircraft, as well as fucking up general infrastructure. And then the Taliban will show a bunch of dead civilians and scream on their official twitter account.
Remember the Iranian general who got whacked with the Hellfire missile that doesn't have a warhead, it just has a bunch of swords strapped to it?
That's the kind of foreign policy these people understand and respect.
Vee has a nice video showing how these people would live. https://youtu.be/a16btxOava81
Or listening to the screams of little boys being gang raped and knowing intervening will likely get you fucked over by command.
Nor could we create a motivated and competent fighting force.
While the politicians and generals were pocketing as much money as they could, the rank and file were busy smoking weed and fucking each other or the tea boys.
They're a proudly feminist nation ruled by a feminist government.