It's amazing how I literally had never heard of or seen Tate before that actively started banning him all over social media. And having seen clips on YouTube, I feel I know his personality and the short of it is he's a cunt. But he does have a few good soundbites in there. But his personality grates to hard on me to take him seriously.
Mudbloods gonna mudblood
Do they count black-on-white ones?
I miss the way he said it
Pelosi down in Chinatown saying to come on down, the Chinese aren't dangerous.
Area 51 is a silly place for alien tech anyways, it's value is in the nearly 365 days of perfect flying weather and the privacy afforded by being inside the NTTR.
When you look at the known programs they've run out of it, from U2 and SR71 tests to the stealth Blackhawks they used in the Bin Laden raid, and the test and evaluation programs of captured soviet equipment, the secrecy of the place makes sense.
I'd put the alien research up in Alaska, you're not going flying 5 days a week so you don't need the weather, and the ufo watchers won't camp out in the mosquitoes or snow.
They should start dumping the dead bodies they pull out of the Rio Grande and find in the desert in her lawn.
First artificial wombs, now robot dishwashers.
4th box? Isn't it soap, ballot and bullet?
Those are "orientals"
Clearly she's not in the elite since they gave her the real vax and not the placebo the politicians took.
Ciaphas Cain series is fun. Hellsreach is also good and its just the one book.
Their kid is going to get trannied or fucked up.
Warhammer is such a male hobby that its got more trannies than bio females it seems.
A plea of innocence is guilty of wasting the inquisitions time
Not just one, there was a bunch of the cunts who got fired from a hospital.
The officer should be sued and held personally liable. Bankrupt him and take every pension payment he gets.
However many or few there are left, there's one less now.
Not autist, actual literal retard.
Not just buried, a lot of people have taken up home making guns, ranging from crude attempts at Lutys to the famous jeweler who made MAC copies better than some of the actual factories.
They scared people into mass psychosis
Should have used a disposable card and done a charge back after.
Kinda on point, the mini figs sometimes do end up a bit fucked up anyways, and even GW official art has had some less than stellar portrayals of even Emps and Sanguinius.
Wasn't he also actively involved in lying to Trump about the troop numbers in Iraq and Syria, failing to execute the direct order to withdraw?