There’s been a shooting of cops (and one civilian) in regional QLD, Australia, in the last couple of days…
Allegedly one of the perps, a former school principal was “active online”, involved in “online conspiracy theories”, and, in essence, according to the media, forums a bit like this one, and almost certainly 4Chan…
Naturally, the media is using this opportunity to attack people “whose online behaviour raises questions”, who “don’t believe the official narrative around the massacre that led to Australia’s gun laws”, and, because of course, “the wearing of camouflage materials”…
This will be used to bring in new restrictions. As Christchurch was. As Port Arthur (the massacre I mention) was. I don’t think you have to be a “conspiracy theorist” to see that…
My parents, in response to this, accused me of “being too active online”, “just like the murderer”, lol… NPCs actually believe that. Crazy…
So yeah. Just wait until you hear about “new laws” that will no doubt follow this, which most of the population, including my own family, will doubtless cheer on as “necessary” and “completely justified”…
Wiew. What a time to be alive…
However many or few there are left, there's one less now.