Western commies have no loyalty to third world commies, because all the former cares about is globohomo, while the latter are often an impediment to globohomo. By all means remain skeptical of any third world commies, you absolutely should, I'm just cautioning against assuming that they're more our enemies than neoliberal globalists.
A lot of third world commies are just nationalists who use commie branding because it's a good propaganda skinsuit. Not saying they're good or should be trusted, but it's also important to remember that appearances can be deceiving, much like how Ukrainian "Nazis" are fighting for Zelensky and Blackrock.
Welp, the US is gonna become no different from the UK, EU, Australia, Canada, etc, in terms of our civil liberties. Say hello to "hate speech" laws, "human rights" tribunals, gun bans, having no right to a lawyer or to not talk to police, having judges able to grant search warrants on demand, being compelled to self-incriminate and required to attend re-education camps and pledge an oath of political loyalty in order to not be tortured in prison, say goodbye to any remaining semblance of religious liberty, etc etc etc.
On the plus side, we'll get quite a few of our own Count Dankulas who go viral from being criminally prosecuted over jokes.
I wanna believe this, but frankly I've heard this "crossing the Rubicon" talk my whole life.
The first couple of Dune adaptations are good, but not great. DEI shit isn't so blatant that it can't be ignored, and it really should have been a TV series since so much of the book has to be cut, even with it being a film trilogy. But I won't pretend like the second one wasn't visually spectacular, especially the depiction of the Harkonnens.
The Expanse had great world-building and the diversity actually made sense, but the supposed realism was undercut by that retarded protomolecule shit and the Martian woman action hero. Would have gone from good to great if they actually stuck with realism and simply focused on interplanetary military operations.
When preteen girls have their first experiences with tingles and start fantasizing about men, they're not fantasizing about you.
Every drunk/intoxicated driver should get the Rodney King treatment. It's insane how forgiving we are of worthless trashbags who get innocent people killed with their obscenely selfish behavior.
I love to see that more and more gamers, even normie-adjacent ones, have figured out that they can just ignore this sad attempt at shaming. Power on ahead, they'll call you any name in the book just to make you shut up, and they'll get really mad that their shaming tactics just aren't working anymore.
It could hardly be more obvious that she's the regime's hand-picked candidate and yet there are retards who think that being pro-Kamala is some brave stance.
To be clear, I take anything tankies like her say with a barrel of salt, and I certainly don't think that Venezuela is anything more than a commie shithole, nor do I think that Maduro is anything more than a crooked greasy thug. However, it's really important not to allow the opportunity to expose just how shitty the US election system is, even by the standards of third world shitholes, to pass us by.
I also have a certain level of respect for her because she acknowledges that Trump was obviously the target of an attempted assassination by the Deep State, that characterizing Zionism as "white supremacy" is retarded, etc.
The real chosen people were the Persians who gave the world Zoroastrianism, which eventually became Gnosticism. And the Magi were relaying the lost knowledge of the Atlanteans.
It's not like we have any reliable, original, verbatim documentation of anything Jesus ever said, all we have are conflicting accounts which paraphrase what he allegedly claimed.
Iran is certainly not our friend, but yet they're still a better friend than our "greatest ally" who's yet to condemn this desecration.
Jacobin is retarded, but when you consider that the labor force nearly doubled after the 60's, this isn't as cut and dry as OP is making it sound. You can't complain about how white people aren't having enough kids but then pretend like so much time isn't being wasted on making muh GDP go up.
The arrangement is supposed to be - Hollywood makes entertainment, everyone else pays for it. When the fuck did Hollywood become a charity?
Is this like how Ukrainian men supposedly all wanna fight for Zelensky and Blackrock?
If you're expecting standards in the social sciences, lol
If you're expecting standards in the social sciences used by professional bullshiters in the corporate world, lmao, even
B-b-but the only reason it was male-dominated before is because of invisible sexism that can never be falsified, so this is just leveling the playing field!
People forget that Germany also had the most advanced military in WW2
Plus the really fancy equipment is vulnerable to sabotage if you have enemies anywhere in your supply chain
Also because socialism originated as an extrapolation of liberal reasoning.
These are the same people who tore Dr Disrespect to shreds for way less, so they absolutely understand the point, they just don't care when it's someone they like doing the grooming.
The notion that Kamala was soft on crime isn't gonna land because that's just retarded. You don't attack her by saying she's either too soft or too hard on crime, you attack her by saying she's a corrupt psychopath who kept innocent men in prison by suppressing exculpatory evidence, allowed crooked prosecutors to get away with fabricating evidence, and kept men who had already served their time in prison so that they could be forced to fight the California wild fires for pennies.
Also, she only went after petty criminals, while allowing white collar criminals to do whatever they wanted.