mikhalych 24 points ago +24 / -0

its not the Geneva suggestion, its the Geneva checklist at this stage...

aw, shit we missed point 12.3.b... load the white phosphorus, we're lucky to have a nursery in range.

mikhalych 7 points ago +8 / -1

Not a big fan of diluting the concept of pedohilia in this manner. There's a difference between groomers abusing 15 year olds and pedos raping 3 year olds. They should be dealt with similarly, but with the way lefties keep pushing the overton window I think its better to maintain an explicit distinction.

mikhalych 2 points ago +2 / -0

its more about the inconsistency. they screech about twitter nazis calling feminists fat, then when a real sieg-heil-ing one shows up, they get all wet and give the guy a standing ovation.

mikhalych 2 points ago +2 / -0

none of this matters as long as they can just cheat on election day.

mikhalych 1 point ago +1 / -0

When the Nazis, who had done nothing to hom or his people at that point,

except, you know, putting it in writing that 90% of his people should be exterminated, while the remaining 10% serve as slaves for the great aryan race

mikhalych 13 points ago +13 / -0

Informed critical thinkers are unfit to work on assembly lines, which is where the founders of compulsory education wanted the vast majority of people to work.

The quality of education was way better it the times they needed more warm bodies for the assembly line. The students were given a much broader knoledge base to base their critical thinking on, than they are now.

mikhalych 3 points ago +3 / -0

somewhat in their defense, the EU basically said to them "do as we say or we sink your economy". It takes balls to answer "do it". Meloni didnt have any. Apparently she expected the EU to respect the democratic choice of her people lol.

mikhalych 3 points ago +3 / -0

a decade ago, shooting just a couple of boats would've been enough. a hundred dead maybe. now you'd need a hundred times that to send the same message.

mikhalych -2 points ago +2 / -4

Pollution is still a problem though. Toxicity in the environment does damage to humans

so is using non renewable energy sources tbh. any source of energy that simply cannot run out in the forseeable future is objectively better than finite ones. energy sources that dont get your country held by the balls by foreign suppliers get bonus points too.

trouble is, most modern day "renewables" are crap by this definition. solar is barely energy positive if you count production costs. so its technically not a "solar" panel. its a "coal plant in china" panel that only provides power when you don't really need it.

mikhalych 8 points ago +8 / -0

and candles come from exploitation of bees. horrendous speciesm that the people should self flagellate for, forever.

thankfully, in a winter without heating, that shouldn't be too long.

mikhalych 1 point ago +1 / -0

and what if the next ad is based and involves liberal use of flamethrowers?

mikhalych 8 points ago +8 / -0

you know whats funny. A big guy in the Chechen branch of the Russian army actually spelled it out in an absolutely surreal video a couple months ago. "Hey Russians, you're the pillar nation of our country, if you fall we all fall, and you're not doing well. So when you go home on leave, please take care of your wife and knock her up. aim for five kids. kthxbai."

mikhalych 23 points ago +23 / -0

this. there is a kind of people who are just not wired with the abiliy to consider second order effects. it makes democracy an absolutely terrifying form of government.

mikhalych 3 points ago +3 / -0

And if we're being honest, they probably also know the right has a very short memory when it comes to stuff like this. So there's probably more than a little bit of "playing for time" going on.

the whole debacle has been pretty unusually memorable, though. I cant imagine anyone picking a can in a year's time asking themselves "why did I quit buying those already?"

mikhalych 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm pro not letting criminals walk free to murder dozens of innocents. I'm still anti death penalty, and anti executing innocent people. Both can be true.

You cant have your cake and eat it too. an imperfect judiciary can be either too cruel or too merciful. in the former case innocents sometimes get executed, in the latter innocents sometimes get murdered by people wrongfully released from prison. Both are equally the fault of the judiciary, but in the latter case, the state is almost never actually held responsible. In the former case, it is much easier to have the state accept fault and pay compensation.

suppose we lock them all up instead, theres no guarantee that some moron politician isnt going to try some "rehabilitation" crap down the line, voiding decades of social cleanup.

Then we could talk about the costs of locking people up, and how those resources could be used to save innocent lives too. by investing in healthcare for example.

Though I guess that part could be solved by using labor camps. somewhere on Mars.

again, all this getting hung up on maybe a couple people wrongly executed every decade is missing the forest for the trees. how many people died of the state's incompetence during covid? Wrongful executions wouldnt amount to a hundredth of that in a century.

mikhalych 1 point ago +1 / -0

i'm not attacking you, i said the argument is disingenuous, not the person . "muh wrongful conviction" is always the first argument to come up in any discussion about death penalty. People think its some kind of gotcha no one supporting the death penalty ever considered before. its tiring, its a bad argument, and the people who thought it up (which I assume you're not part of) were extremely disingenuous.

We all heard that "better 10 criminals walk free(and murder a couple dozen innocents) than an innocent man be sent to the gallows" crap a hundred times already.

mikhalych 2 points ago +2 / -0

And if that person happens to be wrongly convicted?

people die of government/judiciary incompetence all the time, and no one cares. this focus on hypothetical wrongful convictions is extremely disingenuous. Especially when the discussion is usually around getting rid of biotrash caught in the act.

mikhalych 1 point ago +1 / -0

aren't all Disney Films losing money anyway? you know, for tax purposes.

mikhalych 5 points ago +5 / -0

the leaders don't want to spoil their relationship with china

the average people dont know about it or don't trust the Western-aligned media reporting on it

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