krzyzowiec 4 points ago +4 / -0

Subjective morality is an oxymoron. If it’s subjective, then it’s an opinion. If it’s an opinion, then it’s not a moral standard. (which by definition applies to everyone equally)

Nobody who talks about morality is talking about their values. They are talking about standards which are universal and objective.

krzyzowiec 3 points ago +3 / -0

The odds are increasing, but I would say they are still low for now.

On the other hand, nothing of the sort seems to be happening, even though the US is supposedly being destroyed, stolen elections, inflation, tensions everywhere, left and right seemingly incapable of coexisting anymore, immigrant invasion, LGBT shit everywhere, people's kids groomed everywhere, and so on.

The election stuff is a little too abstract, and people are waiting to see what happens in the next one (is my vote going to matter?). Inflation is a huge problem, but I also notice that people are still spending, so it’s not enough yet to lead to major discontent. Most likely it will have an effect on the midterm elections.

The latter stuff is true, but here’s the real issue: America is already divided into liberal and conservative spheres. I, for example, don’t see any of this LGBT crap where I live. This is what is preventing war and why you see people only beginning to talk about it.

The reality right now is that there is a huge migration happening. People are fleeing liberal areas and heading into conservative ones. That’s my experience. There is a consolidation occurring. You won’t see a civil war unless one of the following happens: there is an encroachment on conservative territory, living standards decline precipitously, or people feel that they no longer have representation.

The last one almost happened, but people are working on fixing it and seeing if that fix takes effect or not. The others aren’t here yet.

krzyzowiec 0 points ago +2 / -2

To be fair though, both of the industries he chose were terrible for this experiment. Computer Science is heavily male dominated for good reason. These companies are searching for women to balance out the men, mostly because they have to. So obviously women will get more attention, because they already have a lot of men.

Restaurant industry? Come on. Of course they would rather have female servers or hostesses. The man is the one most likely cooking the food. I don't think this proves anything by itself.

krzyzowiec 5 points ago +6 / -1

It's not for personal pleasure. Women do it because they want to see what kind of man you are.

If you pass the shit test, then they know you have some backbone and might be a reliable form of security, someone who can keep them in check against their worst impulses. You're independent and not weak minded, a good complement for a woman.

If you fail, then they know you are a weak beta male and only suitable for your wallet. They will try to control you in order to "create their own security", which women can't really do.

krzyzowiec 3 points ago +3 / -0

GoG is actually down right now so I can't even get the game I paid for a while back. Sad times. :(

krzyzowiec 3 points ago +5 / -2

The shit test. I think there is nothing wrong with it, but men have been too weak to say no and it's embarrassing.

krzyzowiec 6 points ago +6 / -0

I’d like to see another picture of their staff even more recently to see if it’s the same.

krzyzowiec 3 points ago +3 / -0

They concentrate in the cities.

krzyzowiec 8 points ago +8 / -0

That's total bullshit. Poland is in the EU and yet resists taking in refugees. That example alone disproves the theory. Why is that the case btw? It's because the Polish people are strongly against it and vote accordingly.

krzyzowiec 5 points ago +5 / -0

Lol. Actually, survival of the fittest here would be the mentally sane people reproducing and continuing their lines, while you disappear into the void.

krzyzowiec 3 points ago +4 / -1

There is no such thing as "sexual orientation". There is sex as God intended, and then deviant sexual behavior. Everyone engaging in the latter are simply confused individuals.

krzyzowiec 1 point ago +4 / -3

They're not lying about this. The first link is Kadyrov, and the second is a statement by Oleg Morozov saying the same thing. They are talking about invading Poland like they did Ukraine.



krzyzowiec 10 points ago +11 / -1

Lol. Poland is not some backwards, corrupt "nation" like Ukraine suffering an identity crisis. Poles know who they are. If we see Muslim Chechens on the streets trying to take over the country, they're getting popped.

by folx
krzyzowiec 14 points ago +14 / -0

The depths that women will go to in order to do evil are shocking. We will all look back on this moment and wonder how men let women get away with “being independent”.

krzyzowiec 2 points ago +2 / -0

Lol degens. Quantum computers are not actually a threat. We could use encryption algorithms that are quantum resistant but they would degrade performance, so there is no reason to use them while the problem remains theoretical.

krzyzowiec 11 points ago +12 / -1

Lol, is that video supposed to contain riot footage? What is a riot in your mind exactly?

To me it involves property destruction and violence, not random walking around and talking through megaphones.

by xleb2
krzyzowiec 3 points ago +3 / -0

What’s going on there? That looks amazing.

krzyzowiec 2 points ago +2 / -0

Exactly. She’s saying that conservative women are safe (mentions weapons, grenades) and financially well supported. In other words, they can feel secure while leftist chicks must dominate the men to create security for themselves.

That’s just her mind of course. In reality only men can create security.

krzyzowiec 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don't see it as complicated at all. It is baby murder, whether you say it is to save the life of the mother or whatever reason is given. Pro life is just saying "don't kill the baby". Pro choice is one variation or another on the mother's rights/body/whatever taking priority over the baby.

I know you don't see it that way and it seems complicated to you, but it is clear to me. The vast majority of abortions are women electing to have sex and then electing to kill the baby. In the case of a rape, the baby certainly wasn't the one abusing the mother, so it makes no sense to give it the death penalty, regardless of how hideous a crime the father committed.

I'm not saying this from a position of superiority. I used to think it was complicated like you do now. Eventually I forgave and accepted God back into my life, and he gave me the clarity I needed on this issue.

krzyzowiec 1 point ago +1 / -0

The Bad Batch was interesting too.

krzyzowiec 4 points ago +4 / -0

Why is the baby’s body less important than the mother’s?

krzyzowiec 1 point ago +1 / -0

Depends on the game. Anything modern that supports vulkan for rendering is really well supported. There are things like World of Warcraft, Counter-Strike, Baldur’s Gate 3, Witcher 3, etc., which play flawlessly.

by folx
krzyzowiec 1 point ago +1 / -0

I blame the cucks and simps most. It couldn’t happen without them.

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