ernsithe 13 points ago +13 / -0

Yellow is labeled one. Check screen settings and/or eyes.

ernsithe 2 points ago +2 / -0

He's not particularly ugly. He is just very unremarkable. A true NPC in mind and body.

ernsithe 2 points ago +2 / -0

If they think the Second Amendment is conditional, then no reason the 15th and 19th can't be too.

Lets establish some three-letter agencies to see which of those individuals should be denied the vote. If any of them look scary, they're an exception. /s

ernsithe 2 points ago +2 / -0

Go ahead and try it. Just don't cry when they end up red-pilling your AI.

RIP Tay. You were best girl.

ernsithe 4 points ago +4 / -0

Which is why pure libertarian free markets don’t work.

They work just fine in a closed system. What you're seeing is equivalent to pumping heat into a system and then going, "and this is why the laws of thermodynamics don't work."

Importing invaders from outside the market is obviously going to destabilize any market. That's one of thousand reasons why they need to go back.

ernsithe 1 point ago +1 / -0

The answer to your hypothetical is if Dead Horse, Alaska can't draw anyone to work at McDonald's, it doesn't have a McDonald's and that is an absolutely acceptable outcome. We don't need to import an army of third-worlders to go staff a fast food restaurant somewhere that clearly isn't established enough to justify one's presence. If someone living in Dead Horse really wants to live near a McDonald's, they are the ones who need to exercise free movement.

If no American wants to go there to work at a McDonald's there and lack of garbage food isn't enough to make the current residents leave, then you have an equilibrium. The market is working just fine. Maybe some people are sad they can't have a Big Mac, but that is fine.

ernsithe 10 points ago +10 / -0

lays off 14 of 16 new union members

You don't hate journalists enough.

Former employee Stephan Reilly tells GamesIndustry.biz that 16 of 17 members voted in favour of unionsation at Joydrop. The voting period concluded on December 19, 2023. According to Reilly, Mikulec then proceeded to terminate 14 of those who voted.

They had 17 members. 14 of them were laid off. There was only one person out of 17 who didn't vote for unionization. He didn't happen to be one of the lay offs.

So they went from 17 people to 3. Two are union-members. One is not.

Prior to the termination, Joydrop won a Tech Alliance grant for $40,000 in November 2023, and was in the process of receiving Ontario Creates and Canada Media Fund grants which "several" of those terminated helped to compile last summer.

But fuck this company anyway. "Grant Money." I hope they lose every single cent of it to the vendors they probably owe. Fucking leeches.

ernsithe 4 points ago +4 / -0

I imagine they think you'd have borders between your land and your neighbor's land but no government borders because there would be barely any government, if at all. They think that the planet can just be a bunch of homesteads and everyone will play nice.

Libertarianism only "works" when there's a frontier and every conflict can be resolved by one party being forced to move along.

ernsithe 9 points ago +10 / -1

Faber also made it clear the Netherlands will ask Brussels for an opt-out of the EU asylum and migration policy

"Ask Brussels." Yeah, I'm sure that will be useful.

and instead "join forces with like-minded countries in Europe" in a move she said will strengthen control of the country's border.

Just do that without asking. Tell the EU that several of its members will start enforcing their borders and if they don't like it, they can fuck off. Start forming direct alliances and operating as blocs so that Brussels can't push you around anymore. Or just leave the EU.

ernsithe 23 points ago +23 / -0

It's far easier to [through peaceful and legal means only] intimidate every single potential employer of these people than it is the government.

"Hire invaders, go out of business," would send a very clear message. Of course the government would respond by attempting to make it illegal to boycott a business for the wrong reasons. Even more than they already have, I mean.

ernsithe 2 points ago +2 / -0

This. Just because something is cute, doesn't mean an angry pack of them can't still fuck you up.

ernsithe 1 point ago +2 / -1

Giving women additional, exclusive resources is not "based."

If they had a women-only train and a men-only train, then perhaps it could be.

ernsithe 33 points ago +33 / -0

“I think reparations is like a systemic dynamic and approach,” she added. “I mean I think there may be some people who would be offended by [that].”
Ben explained that he wouldn’t “turn down cash.” A solemn-looking Walsh then stressed the need to allow “ourselves to be uncomfortable.” He underscored, “This is something that I can do right now” and asked, “Why wouldn’t I do it?”
“I can go get some cash for sure,” she relented after struggling to beat back Walsh’s and Ben’s logic. “I don’t mind if that would be something that would be comfortable for you.”
After getting Ben’s blessing, DiAngelo then walked over to her pocketbook, pulled out roughly $30, and told him, “That’s all the cash I have.”

Maybe she had to delete her account before every black person on Twitter asked her for $30. It's not like she could say no.

ernsithe 2 points ago +2 / -0

Due to certain "quirks" of the Western education system, people in these nations only have one genocide as a reference point.

ernsithe 1 point ago +1 / -0

Stellar Blade being a PS5 exclusive is still baffling.

ernsithe 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hm. Not video but the one that comes to mind are those infamous Kanon (2002) faces: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FuGcYgyWYAYoSF1.png

ernsithe 2 points ago +2 / -0

People seem to be forgetting something: if the odds are actually even, you bet on Kamala as a hedge:

Trump wins: All your other investments go up, you win if you bet or not.
Kamala wins: US economy tanks, any gambling winnings work in opposition to your other losses.

So she should always have a bit of an artificial boost in the betting odds.

ernsithe 2 points ago +2 / -0

You're going to have to be more specific.

Unless you just mean this one that I found by typing "uguu," clicking the first link, and scrolling down slightly. It is 17 years old, so maybe?


ernsithe 8 points ago +8 / -0

>I work as a Director of IT, and most of my engineers are guys who live alone with their cats and girlfriends. If some Metal band endorsed this lifestyle, it would be a home run.
>guys who live alone with their girlfriends

Not the smartest bunch are they?

ernsithe 4 points ago +4 / -0

Calm down Mamoru. We all know the PC-98 was is the best.

ernsithe 4 points ago +4 / -0

Da goddess of victory waven hersa underwear in wesa faces!

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