It's no coincidence that the VERY FIRST political issue after the 18th amendment was passed was the social justice cause known as Prohibition.
Nanny state authoritarianism with man hating thrown in is their first major issue, not something important like WW1 veteran affairs (big fuckn prob at the time) or economic policy. No. It was a dried up cat lady nanny yelling about mean men
Prohibition also came with the elimination of saloons, prostitution and an attempt to curb other male pastimes. Including hunting, coffee houses and... The playing of games.
Specifically cards and dominoes. The mind set was that anything a man was doing that wasn't devoted to productivity was bad. I am sure you all have never heard that before.
This is why women have historically been denied a say in anything of importance and were basically noisy property.
It's no coincidence that the VERY FIRST political issue after the 18th amendment was passed was the social justice cause known as Prohibition.
Nanny state authoritarianism with man hating thrown in is their first major issue, not something important like WW1 veteran affairs (big fuckn prob at the time) or economic policy. No. It was a dried up cat lady nanny yelling about mean men
The 18th was Prohibition. Women's Suffrage was the 19th.
The pity is the 21st only corrected one of them.
Prohibition also came with the elimination of saloons, prostitution and an attempt to curb other male pastimes. Including hunting, coffee houses and... The playing of games.
Specifically cards and dominoes. The mind set was that anything a man was doing that wasn't devoted to productivity was bad. I am sure you all have never heard that before.
I never heard that. If it's true then it's... odd.