In 2020, the first 50-state survey on Holocaust knowledge among millennials and Gen Z found
that most young Americans lack basic knowledge of the Holocaust. For example, 63% of survey
respondents did not know that 6 million Jews were murdered in the Holocaust, nearly 60% did
not know what the concentration camp Auschwitz was, and 11% believed that Jews caused the
The kids are going to be okay.
Such Holocaust education should include, for example, instruction on the roles of Nazi racial antisemitism,
longstanding European antisemitism, conspiracy theories, and the propaganda during the
Holocaust, not just the facts of what happened during the 1930s and 1940s that resulted in the
systematic murder of European Jews
"Don't focus on facts. Blame European history as a whole."
World War 2 may as well be myth for all the Zoomies know. It's not like anyone treats it seriously these days, with frontline wahman soldiers and loot boxes on Normandy.
Even back in the day it was treated more like a mythological story than actual history.
That's what happens when you can't discuss it openly or with any details because they might undermine your indoctrination campaign to present the Jews as innocent perfect angels.
Even when I was a kid decades ago it was given all this special weight and then they'd talk about the same handful of empty, emotional bullet points over and over to the complete detriment of making anyone care.
The kids are going to be okay.
"Don't focus on facts. Blame European history as a whole."
meanwhile, what does genZ and millennials knowledge of the Armenian genocide look like?
Or the Holodomor, Mao's Cultural Revolution, Cambodia's Genocide...
And my axe!
Wait, wrong meme.
I'm sure the 60% non-White young demographic will feel deeply invested in this thing they have no link to.
Well they might dislike White people more. Which will extend into further dislike for the ''fellow Whites'' and what they do in the Middle-East.
Well... in a manner of speaking...
they fucked around and found out
11 percent of people are correct
World War 2 may as well be myth for all the Zoomies know. It's not like anyone treats it seriously these days, with frontline wahman soldiers and loot boxes on Normandy.
Even back in the day it was treated more like a mythological story than actual history.
That's what happens when you can't discuss it openly or with any details because they might undermine your indoctrination campaign to present the Jews as innocent perfect angels.
Even when I was a kid decades ago it was given all this special weight and then they'd talk about the same handful of empty, emotional bullet points over and over to the complete detriment of making anyone care.