el_hoovy 2 points ago +3 / -1

i think you found a little more than some chicks with muff and torpedo tits, brother.

el_hoovy 1 point ago +1 / -0

wow, you're the real racists. he can call me, a White, retarded, but i can't call him a nigger??

imagine if the situation were reversed!

el_hoovy 3 points ago +3 / -0

you are aware that being exposed to extreme hardcore pornography at a young age and having it drilled into your head throughout your childhood is abuse, right?

el_hoovy 1 point ago +1 / -0

weed smoker mad

get high more it's all cooool maaannn lmaooo

el_hoovy 7 points ago +7 / -0

they're not exactly rushing to replace africa with anything else, though...

even a minority of Whites is still a threat. believe you me, they want us gone.

el_hoovy 3 points ago +4 / -1

they also made catskin hats out of the large nosed ones, oy vey it was so terrible...

el_hoovy -4 points ago +3 / -7

considering the abuse on both the partakers and the watchers it is as free a speech as child pornography is, or as free a trade as the trade of black tar heroin.

el_hoovy 6 points ago +15 / -9

jewiest user more like

el_hoovy 6 points ago +6 / -0

just mildly rephrase and use "brains" instead of "money" and you'll soon figure out you wouldn't want them "legally" applying either

el_hoovy -7 points ago +4 / -11

the average marrying age in ye olde medieval times was around 20-22 and mainly if not almost always with other 20-22 year-olds

i do not care what lies you pull out nor do i care about "she was 17 and 11 months you sick fuck", if you cannot keep your dick in your pants and try to grab at dumb girls when you're 30 and losing it i will bash your head in same as the guy trying to touch babies.

el_hoovy -8 points ago +7 / -15

ackshully it's ephebophillia!!

God i hate that shit so much. no, you're not an ephfttpebophile, you're just a chomo, fuck do we need to take language back.

el_hoovy 2 points ago +2 / -0

everything that you need to be told has already been written in the previous comments but i'll just reinforce that they're truthful for better impact.

they don't care. they do not wanna fight fairly, they wanna put you in the ground and touch your kids. if you so much as give people around you an inkling of a semblance of the possibility of any other option than touching kids, the lefties in power will do everything they can to unperson you, except for an image they'll leave up of you that is as unappealing to the unaware normie as is humanly possible.

in this regard there is no justice in the world. you have to make your own, even if the way there is uncouth.

el_hoovy 3 points ago +3 / -0

i can only assume there are hidden intents to him saying this considering he is best buddies with the same people Europe is dancing to the tune of...

el_hoovy 2 points ago +2 / -0

our beliefs are so widespread that even your precious niggers would agree with us on principle if you went to africa and asked them, but you think you're the majority?

el_hoovy 16 points ago +17 / -1

despite your usage of trust me, i do not trust you, seeing as "human rights tribunals" also always put Whites at the back of the line...

el_hoovy 2 points ago +2 / -0

i was about to try to disprove you but you're right

i just want to leave them alone to be tribal in africa and spear each other to death, but the original woke jews thought to enslave them and trade them around

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