el_hoovy 0 points ago +3 / -3

"guy just wanted to pay some jailbait chicks for sex, what's the biggie, man?"

everyone involved here is retarded and doesn't deserve civilization. "get what they want"? all men just wanna pay to have sex with vapid whores and degenerate the community they live in until it falls apart?

maybe you do, jackass. the fact that the guy offed himself before even being convicted of anything should be rather telling.

el_hoovy 3 points ago +3 / -0

there will be a reckoning

el_hoovy 15 points ago +15 / -0

this is some advanced distraction gibberish

el_hoovy 4 points ago +5 / -1

there is but one final litmus test

if they go unnamed there is not a single guarantee this isn't all still just a show

el_hoovy 0 points ago +2 / -2

AI art can't make a single original thing that doesn't need serious human intervention

unoriginal though, like what these guys make? yeah

el_hoovy 5 points ago +6 / -1

a solid 80% of music is already made by human robots, and we rightly call it pretty trash stuff.

i would warn this forum not to forget what art is in their quest to dunk on striped-sock-wearing midwits who are mad an AI can replicate Greg Rutkowski and they can't.

you don't want all art to be made by AI.

el_hoovy -1 points ago +2 / -3

bit of a sadistic thing to ignore all the implications just to go "sorry not sorry" internet-tough-guy style on some axewound pedo leftoids, isn't it?

it's gonna affect you too, unless you currently consume 0 art and listen to no music, view no paintings, play no games and avoid all websites that might have some imagery on them. if you think art today is shit, just wait until David ben-Shekel can churn it out by the million with his licensed AI.

el_hoovy 9 points ago +10 / -1

AI is gonna have two effects - it's going to put unoriginal artists out of business, and it'll give the powers that shouldn't be an unfathomable force multiplier in propaganda and misinfo.

you're right that the former is hardly important or indeed funny anymore when we are faced with the latter. these are not going to be pretty times. i fear the worst of the kali-yuga will rear its ugly head soon.

el_hoovy 17 points ago +19 / -2

i'm a writer, and theoretically i should feel threatened by stuff like ChatGPT, but i just kinda don't. not yet, anyway.

every idiot that wants to write yet another story about how the human and the elf save the planet with the help of the gods by killing the big bad goblin overlord is going to be shit out of business, yeah. and every idiot that wants to illustrate that, too.

the solution?

just get more creative, be more original. ChatGPT has a 600 "idea" limit per session. how many "ideas" does the average human draw upon when writing a story? probably a fuck of a lot more than 600, whether we realize it or not. same thing with visual art. right now, if you give Stable Diffusion a prompt that hasn't been done a million times before, chances are it's going to fuck it up and need human intervention. i don't think that's something that will be entirely solved within the decade.

funnily enough we might see a resurgence of real, meaningful art once the market for the unoriginal is flooded beyond belief...

el_hoovy 4 points ago +4 / -0

One thing you can count on: You push a man too far, and sooner or later he'll start pushing back.

el_hoovy 1 point ago +1 / -0

i do not think it is meaningless that the reveal of these powerful AIs has aroused dread within a good few people.

"chatgpt, write me a short article on how being worried about AI isn't just 'fearmongering'"

el_hoovy 1 point ago +1 / -0

so glad that eisenhower sent all those soldiers to prod bayonets and loaded rifles into teenagers' backs and get them to integrate! now we can all enjoy the african culcha of knife fights and rape.

by folx
el_hoovy 3 points ago +3 / -0

AI itself isnt a bad idea just like cars aren't. but it's a force multiplier. using AI to make a unique painting to hang up in your home, or make videogame textures to save on resources, things like that? i dont see why not.

but youre right. its not gonna be that. it's going to be Here's Why White People Need To Die, a very convincing argument by ChatGPT3, and Infinite Customized Porn Just 3.99 a Month Now With Auto Masturbator

el_hoovy 3 points ago +3 / -0

guys i dont know, if they wanted to genocide us wouldnt they like, tell us and come shoot us, man? like they cant just do it and not tell us that doesnt seem right man

el_hoovy 0 points ago +1 / -1

and again, the end result of this perspective is that a burglar crackhead that steals TVs to smoke up is displaying power with his "redistribution of wealth"... it's a materialistic view to the point of absurdity.

it makes much more sense to say that the crackhead holds no power over his addiction, and equally it makes more sense to say the woman holds no power against the people that have convinced her to hate men and love spending. and she did indeed require convincing, it did not come naturally.

el_hoovy 2 points ago +2 / -0

this is only valid with the perspective that consoomption is power, where many here would argue the direct opposite.

el_hoovy 4 points ago +4 / -0

Women control the large majority of consumer spending

this is like saying a slave controls the majority of the pickaxes he uses to break up the stones

el_hoovy 7 points ago +8 / -1

you need to understand that White Genocide is a multi-faceted approach. entitling the vulnerable, dumb minds of women serves to neuroticize them and lower White morale/birthrate as much as birth control, abortion, etc.

if women were truly in control there would be a genderstate into which men would not be able to enter except as de facto slaves, perhaps a small country in the middle east somewhere...

el_hoovy 2 points ago +2 / -0

unfortunately then you need a deadly 4 year demining project when the US govt is overthrown in 2074 and annexes mexico in 2078, nullifying the border

el_hoovy 2 points ago +2 / -0

the steam game is just the original pre-open-source, but the one mentioned in that one announcement is the tranny fork i mentioned.

el_hoovy 3 points ago +4 / -1

they've managed to get a few code monkeys (i insult monkeys here) to type away at the c++ source, but you know evil cannot create, so any actual content they come up with is pitiful. for instance, mods used to be the core part of CC, but they keep driving off all the modders with actual good ideas so they're just left with the sorta trash the few modder trannies they have can come up with. i left them with some very good content, out of pity for all the clueless players showing up, and they've taken to deleting it just out of pure seethe.

none of that compares to the awful atmosphere though... i don't have to tell you about that, do i?

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