i think the solution isn't to side with psychopathic superpower 2 over psychopathic superpower 1, man. especially when they ultimately serve the same global psychopathic interest which just wants to hurt the common, not-psychopathic man such as you or me.
i think they have a quota niggers have to meet and until it's met they keep em out of prison
a spook that rapes and kills one White girl is usually let go to do it again but this ape blasted through the minimum with his parade thing so in he goes
when you realize jews killed a minimum of 60 million White Christians over the course of their death career they called the soviet union that little 6 bajillion number starts looking a bit fucking low anyway
all this fucking worry about the numbers, ooh the math, the 6 million pizzas with just the three ovens in the pizzeria, who the fuck cares?
did they deserve it? do they deserve it today? back then they genocided russians and tried to do the same to Germany with a luckily failed similar attempted revolution (but they did nonetheless succeed with making weimar a degenerate shithole). now you just look at all the shit they're pulling again now and ask yourself, do they deserve it?
unless you look at the fact that they are overrepresented by thousands of percents if not tens of thousands in every single position today that fucks shit up - media conglomerates, important government positions, bankers, CEOs/basically-CEO-board-members - and decide nahh... can't be good ol jews, the austrian man maybe shot a few so they're absolved of all sin. he was voted in to do it for no reason at all, even. none at all.
that's the last thing they want, are you crazy? if even a fraction of us banded together and "acted out violently" this parasite infestation of ours would be over in a heartbeat.
no, they want us demoralized and agitated and acting out against ourselves in our own homes, thinking just like you do. so far they appear to be succeeding, but only time will tell how much the White Man can keep taking on the nose.
it is not outside the realm of possibility that a nation that has treated its people like cattle since 1917 is still treating them like cattle despite a new coat of paint
in fact i wonder what changed in 1917 and what significance the word "cattle" has relating to that...
only took the whole world uniting against it
surely that's gonna happen every single time, right? brits are gonna look at their paki rape gangs and go "yes chap we must defend this a second time from those no-good krauts"
if we need to turn into little satanic minions to have our own ethnostate maybe God had a point when He said everything in this world is of the devil
however we have proof that you don't need to do that in the form of an obscure little world-war-2-era nation...
"this group is bad"
"no this group is bad"
"lul apes!!"
"nobody is bad??"
"no... everybody is bad..."
everyone here was paid 0.03 shekels per post
call me when respected, powerful and wealthy jewish leaders stop calling you dumb cattle made to serve them, antonio
faking politeness, respect, civility, and reason is how the powers that shouldn't be avoid facing issues directly. all the pilpul around how everything has to go through the "proper process" (muh... muh 40 seconds sir... i will deduct your 40 seconds...) serves to practically flashbang the normie onlooker trying to make heads or tails of this stuff.
they just leave with a vague sense that civilization was somehow accomplished, though they couldn't tell you how or why, and they're placated for another day. it's astonishing how many facets of corporations and governments operate like this.
not saying whoever did this isnt kind of gay for spamming in general, but the LAST thing feds wanna do is attract attention to the jewish question. note that all fed groups in existence never named them, just vague stuff about globalism or the elite or satan - none of which were wrong enough to drive away their targets, but all of which skirted around the real rabbit hole. going under the radar as just "Whites but in israel" excepting when they pull the hollercoaster shit is how they survive, they dont want bad publicity.
They want war so they can justify implementing their full globohomo agenda.
they don't need to justify shit, they can try any day of the week just like theyve already managed to do a lot of heinous shit without needing justification.
this is JUST arrogance. it's just their demonic need to preach their evil. it's a good thing for us, since it might wake up the asleep. hard might, most people are still hopeless morons, but nonetheless, it might. and it's better than them being good at hiding this stuff.
evidently AI has gotten good enough to fool even art contest judges, though, which certainly complicates the whole deal... the future human painter might just be the guy that picks out the one good piece of art from 200 pieces of AI-spewed randomness, like this guy did for this contest.
i wouldn't be so very hostile just because you wanna dunk on stock art brokers. fine art, actual artsy human art, that sorta thing - it's understandable to be annoyed about that potentially being replaced.
if you flooded the 'market' with all this robot-generated stuff you'd be erasing one of the strongest incentives - recognition and empathy - for people to actually engage in art. it's already easy to be drowned out by a million other artists no matter your skill level, but imagine the raw drownage when there's billion dollar AI data centers in the mix too.
articles and shit are already AI generated, fuck em, who cares. but the real art, which frankly this AI painting fills the role of (it's quite beautiful), is probably best in human hands if we are to keep ourselves from sliding down the ever-steeper hill of soul death.
i mean, if he simultaneously believes in the merit of a person being more important than his skin color, and that non-Whites generally earn less merit by virtue of being less capable...
doesn't sound very anti-racist. in fact, Patton sounds like a race realist here - known to our enemies as "racist".
would you please tell me what the german national socialists did so as to be lumped in with the same sort of people that burn dogs alive so they "taste better" and psychopathically genocide and kill each other on the regular
nobody tell him the rise in landwhale dyke whores is due to (((left-wing))) hatred of women too...