there isn't a single qte in a cutscene in the game, are you talking about some other game? or are you literally talking about the one intro sequence interaction where it has you sneak into a house to grab your sword and calling a scripted mission a "qte"?
you have precisely 0 idea how much a bad programmer can run in circles. you'll ask for 1 + 1 = 2 and they'll give you 3 + 7 = 37. undoing Samir's masterpieces when they inevitably end up in a dead end is always costlier than just spending the time to find one of many sane programmers from a civilized country where they don't bathe in cow excrement.
third world programmers are mostly retarded, even the "good ones". any game studio that chooses Jar Punjab and Miguel from Brazil over any European country (even the cheap ones) is going to find out really rapidly that it's much cheaper to pay one guy to do it right over a month instead of 10 guys to each fuck it up over a year.
the only reason the outsourcing industry is this large is because most software jobs are copy/paste idiocies to make yet another checkout page on a website, and Rakesh can handle that just fine. any game they lay their hands on goes to shit, though.
Eastern Europe is gonna drop a lot of costs without affecting the quality much at all - hell, the innate cultural pushback against DIE stuff might actually end up making it better, assuming their hiring managers look for literally anything but the dumbest stooges. 30% of a san francisco salary is kingly living in Romania.
south east asia, though? lol, aren't outsourced rakeshes already ruining all their code?
really the issue is that these .win communities have been made hostile and unproductive by repeated, successful forum sliding and infiltration. everyone's out for a fucking fight all the time instead of actually figuring shit out.
you are either of deeply flawed character to prioritize "owning" someone online over actually learning how to unfuck this fine Earth of ours, or literally paid to be like this.
not sure which is worse.
Then I asked myself: Are these men worthy of belonging to a great people? The question was profoundly disturbing; for if the answer were 'Yes', then the struggle to defend one's nationality is no longer worth all the trouble and sacrifice we demand of our best elements if it be in the interests of such a rabble. On the other hand, if the answer had to be 'No--these men are not worthy of the nation', then our nation is poor indeed in men. During those days of mental anguish and deep meditation I saw before my mind the ever-increasing and menacing army of people who could no longer be reckoned as belonging to their own nation.
i live in a small farming village where i know everyone of note. my direct neighbor told me about the gaza-israel situation and asked my opinion - i told him it's best for us if they wipe each other out, because they both hate us.
i'm active anywhere i can be, and this includes mostly online, where many people have credited me with "redpilling" them and i have saved a sizable indie game community from turning into yet another tranny mill - i still regret two kids i couldn't save who turned into complete degenerates, but there are some still there that i've had to genuinely protect when sad neurotics send them porn.
you make the grave mistake of believing controlled ops. anything and anyone you see on TV is fake. until we can coalesce into something bigger, these individual battles are what we have to fight. it's just the nature of the situation. the avenues that control what is viral and what shows up on TV are controlled by the enemy, so we need to build up and emerge from the deep.
to get back to the topic at hand: i've used windows all my life, been very open offline and online, caused real, tangible difference and pissed a lot of people off who wouldve gladly doxxed me were they capable, and i'm still fine. this isn't a "i'm better than you and i don't even need linux", this is a "brainpower is a valuable resource and you are wasting it on learning terminal commands".
you're supposed to figure out theory of mind around ages 4 to 5... just because you're a lazy idiot who thinks he's saving the world by trying out different linux kernels doesn't mean i'm as idle as you. i've gone around developing games, making music, and leading people away from the jaws of trannies all on windows, and not once has Billy G remotely shut down my computer. i use o&o shut up and crowbar out anything i don't like. i haven't seen an update in years.
of course, compared to your lordship's grand effect whining about things on this forum, all that doesn't matter, right? i'm "just a glowie" because i dare disagree with you and your scaredy-cat ineffective thought processes. nevermind that it doesn't make any fucking sense, it's just a magic word you use against people you don't like, precisely like our enemies utter the word "racist" and kabbalah mind control turns everyone into rabid dogs.
wake the fuck up, dude. look into the mirror, practice some introspection. if your next reply is as retarded as the last there is every chance in the world you are the one paid to disorganize this forum. glowies asking you to meet under bridges last happened 30 years ago - people pretending to be members but only sowing division are very, very real.
you know, i see people reacting so viscerally to this stuff over and over as if each time a little apocalypse happens -
do you plan to win over the world as an anonymous nobody? do you plan to do it without having a single enemy know who you even are? is bill gates going to wake up one day in a prison cell with all his assets seized scratching his head, wondering "how did all my spy tools fail?", and you will triumphantly reply, "i used linux"?
once your enemy wants you dead he will try to find where you live so he can kill you. unless you are blackmailable, it is of literally no consequence that he also knows you play video games or browse .win sites. i don't like it either, but eventually we need to stop being shocked at our enemies fighting us, and stop prioritizing making broken tranny OSs work over actually fighting back. if you use your PC to fight back they don't have the technology to brick it yet, even on the most up to date windows, and i'd rather fight back than trawl old documentation for two hours on how to make desktop icons not show up.
you're self-defeating. the more you celebrate and propagate porn addiction, the less likely japan is to survive the coming world order collapse to produce your little girl cartoons, because they'll be too busy gooning to loli just like you.
some guy on that thread said it can't ever be assumed artists nowadays aren't far leftists, because any "genuine conservative" who could make art too "had their creative spark snuffed by their boomer parents".
so, in essence, "i can't be sane AND make cool art, my boomer parents didn't let me!"
and we wonder why our side of the culture war seems to be in charge of so little of the pop culture we are trying to change. i hope this gets figured out eventually. people buy 60 dollar AAA games to whine the franchises were ruined, but can't spare a minute or a dime to find a third positionist artist to support instead, in an age where we KNOW being sane makes every institution seek to bankrupt you...
the part where you're already seemingly dead, and pressing x moves the cutscene forward and has you ball up your fist next to the sword before a cut to black? that's a rant-worthy qte?
you have awful taste. not only is it, as far as i remember, the only instance of such a cutscene input in the game (one that was so non-egregious i even forgot about it, as you could tell), but if anything, it's an effective use of player input in cutscenes. had it just been a cutscene, it woulda been some crappy marvel "wow he's not dead!! omg" shot.
so this is a miss, and you're exaggerating/lying just to yell about a video game that, by the sounds of it, you're bad at, since you're blaming the mouse and keyboard i just finished a full Lethal run on. you should probably keep to reviewing anime visual novels or whatever it is like you better set in japan.
okay, now that i'm finished being mean, do try the game out for real. Lethal is fun, it does what hard difficulties should do and makes both you and the enemy easy to kill, rather than it just being mega sponge city like Hard. the combat is predictably the best part of the game.