dylan 3 points ago +3 / -0

Been thinking this for a while, I just think none of us actually want to be a moderator and remove people like the pedopajeet and other rabble rousers.

dylan 4 points ago +4 / -0

Pretty sure if you filter out certain “Socio-Economic Factors” it goes up to around 10th grade. Still an indictment, but not as bad.

dylan 2 points ago +2 / -0

Is that not everyone’s morning routine in the UK?

I’d assume they’d have a bacon sandwich though.

dylan 14 points ago +14 / -0

It most likely plays into some insane black-originalist fantasy that is being pushed wherein “we wuz the REAL Anglo-Saxons”

Expect this to be used to drum up more anti-white hate because it’ll be implied/outright stated that the Normans genocided the Anglos of color.

dylan 18 points ago +19 / -1

But don’t you see? The arbitrary rules he put in place MUST be enforced!! He’s powerless against the bastard who established them. We all know that if DoM had his way, it would be a totally free speech place, but unfortunately his hands are tied.

dylan 20 points ago +20 / -0

Antonio, I recognize that being consistent in your moral philosophy may be foreign to you, but if I found out that Baron Trump (not Eric, as it would appear Hunter basically lived with Joe so I’m making it as 1:1 as possible) had dead children in his room I would 100000000% cease my support for Trump as it would be impossible for Donald to not know what was happening under his own roof. I would also look at the Republican Party with suspicion for the rest of my life.

The left hold no such morality.

dylan 9 points ago +9 / -0

My thought surrounding that specific case has ALWAYS been to charge him, and see how it shakes out. Doubly so now.

Force the Dems to defend Obama killing an American citizen with no due process and contrast it with them attacking Trump for all the meaningless stuff. Have them look the American people in the face and say the president has ALREADY killed someone without a court case, or the ability to face their accuser (what they’re claiming Trump could do if he gets back into power).

It would put the schizophrenic thought process they have on full display, and reveal to many that the Dems only loyalty is to power and the only way they view the world is through friend/enemy distinctions.

dylan 10 points ago +10 / -0

Except the onus would be on Biden to prove that anyone saying his faculties are diminished was lying, as truth is an absolute defense to defamation/libel.

dylan 20 points ago +20 / -0

It is the theology of Pride and Envy, what do you expect?

dylan 4 points ago +4 / -0

They don’t. Look at how Christian’s are treated in the Holy land.

Also, as for why many Christian’s are blindly pro Israel look no further than the Schofield Bible, and the conflation of ancient Israel with modern “Israel”. Modern Protestants believe judaism is a privileged path to salvation, despite the fact that jews deny Christ and His divinity.

dylan 4 points ago +4 / -0

No he’s saying that Israel, our greatest ally and the most moral army ever, laid a trap where they checks notes WILLINGLY AND KNOWINGLY let Palestinians breach their defenses, and attack a music festival indiscriminately as well as take hostages. Because it’s a good moral move to sacrifice your own people so you have a valid excuse to carpet bomb children who are a few shades darker and worship a different flavor of demon.

dylan 3 points ago +4 / -1

“being forced to deal with the consequences of letting a rando raw dog me and bust inside is the same as being sold into sexual slavery where I’m forced to be bred with a rich, powerful man and bear his children”

dylan 14 points ago +14 / -0

Utter chinsanity.

dylan 1 point ago +2 / -1

What made you a man was video games?

Jeeze maybe I’m on the wrong board, but that should not be the case.

dylan 10 points ago +10 / -0

If they kick him off state ballots I predict things going from cold to hot very quickly.

dylan 5 points ago +6 / -1

I disagree, if Trump loses I think they will drag out the appeal process and he will be thrown in jail where he will die. I do not believe that after tearing down hundreds of years of preventive precedent that they’ll pull back at the last moment.

dylan 4 points ago +4 / -0

She is hated because she wasn’t supposed to wield power. Like trump. The system gets angry whenever an outsider makes their way where they shouldn’t.

dylan 23 points ago +23 / -0

Israel and fellow Europeans

fellow Europeans

Glad you admit that Israelis aren’t indigenous to the region and have no valid claim to the land they’re on seeing as they’re Europeans by and large.

dylan 8 points ago +9 / -1

Vote to run up the credit card debt to the detriment of your children and their children’s children

Don't have more kids so this becomes an issue

Think bringing in unskilled, barely literate hordes from the 3rd world will not cause a bigger drain on the tax base

You’re not gonna make it.

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