America was never meant to be a democracy and the Founding Fathers wrote the Constitution to try and avoid being one.
A Monarchy was even considered ahead of it but was rejected because Washington fear of instabilty regarding succession after his death.
The bombings were a smart play for two reasons
Payback for the Crimean Bridge bombing and it shows the Ukranian government that the Russians outmatch them and hitting Kiev puts pressure on the government to the table from the civilians for a peace
It is bait from Putin to NATO to give Russia pointless sanctions that barely affect Russia if at all and continues to hurt NATO especially if Russia further restricts gas
This even above all the other shit is why you must take your children out of these schools because it is clear as day the government will go to any lengths to take away your rights and if that means they need to groom some mentally ill young male to slaughter your kids like animals while the police watch it happen we have seen time again they are more than willing to accept that trade
The police could of stopped this shooter without a single innocent casualty, they not only did not but were probably told not to
Now what I remember is the left called Trump a racist neo nazi when he wanted to ban travel to and from China and the left creates hug a chinese day
Then for over two years covered up anything that went against the WEF narrative on the Wu Flu
That's the thing though the East doesn't allow themselves to be flooded with these people, look what china does to ethnic minorities and India doesn't let themselves get flooded either
It's the west and only the west that have deluded themselves into believing in multiculturalism is a good thing when it never worked and now Sweden, Poland, Italy, Hungary are figuring this out and France and Spain aren't far behind
Stop focusing on federal elections and focus pn your states
Elect real local leaders or hell run yourselves and get enough states to invoke Article V and get a constitutional convention and circumvent the feds who are all bought by the WEF
You are human fucking garbage if you believe people should be assaulted because a state votes a way you don't like
Your logic the people in Ohio deserved the toxic water you retarded fucking white nigger