This even above all the other shit is why you must take your children out of these schools because it is clear as day the government will go to any lengths to take away your rights and if that means they need to groom some mentally ill young male to slaughter your kids like animals while the police watch it happen we have seen time again they are more than willing to accept that trade
The police could of stopped this shooter without a single innocent casualty, they not only did not but were probably told not to
This even above all the other shit is why you must take your children out of these schools because it is clear as day the government will go to any lengths to take away your rights and if that means they need to groom some mentally ill young male to slaughter your kids like animals while the police watch it happen we have seen time again they are more than willing to accept that trade
The police could of stopped this shooter without a single innocent casualty, they not only did not but were probably told not to