dagthegnome 3 points ago +3 / -0

Pretty much all of your typical Rackets stream is juicy. Especially if he's sauced.

dagthegnome 2 points ago +3 / -1

If it's so important to you to demonstrate your devotion to a Charlie Chaplin impersonator with a Napoleon complex, why don't you just cut off one of your testicles in solidarity?

dagthegnome 3 points ago +3 / -0

It makes sense that you'd want women voting, since they're so much more likely to vote for more of that socialist pegging you're so fond of.

dagthegnome 1 point ago +3 / -2

I don't expect Trump to do anything but break globalist toys, and he'll have more liberty for things like pardons during his second term.

I'm sorry if people's continued faith in democracy is spoiling your fantasy of living in a palace and lording it over the untermensch like the Disney princess your mommy promised you you'd grow up to be.

dagthegnome 3 points ago +5 / -2

Righ right. Every possible human society is just as totalitarian as any other, and all that matters is who is in charge. You just want to replace their tyranny with yours because you think you'll be in a position of influence when that happens. Imagine my shock at seeing yet another stormfag express view that makes you utterly indistinguishable from every other socialist.

dagthegnome 12 points ago +12 / -0

Electoral reform has already happened in Arizona, as is evidenced by the fact that the establishment were unable to rob Lake of the nomination, despite their obvious efforts to cheat. Similar reforms are also happening in Virginia, New Hampshire and Nebraska. There have even been grassroots reforms in Georgia, in spite of Kemp twiddling his thumbs.

On top of that, the electoral mood is very different now, and will be even more anti-establishment in 24, as people's quality of life declines further.

Your doomer obsession appears to result from your overestimation of the globalist elite. Their position is deceptively fragile. Their hold on power depends on large numbers of dissidents doing exactly what you're doing right now and giving up on the one force which is best positioned to destabilize them. It's true that MAGA is bigger than Trump, but every action our enemies take against him only further proves just how afraid of him they are, and that's enough to make me keep supporting him.

dagthegnome -2 points ago +5 / -7

How many authoritarian societies have to collapse into mass poverty and mayhem before you give up on your fascist fantasies? Your one-balled god was a miserable failure, and you wouldn't do any better.

dagthegnome 19 points ago +19 / -0

They incited race riots, utilized the pandemic they likely ordered China to create to force mail-in voting everywhere to make it easier for ballot fraud, social media companies like Fuckbook censored any stories that could help Trump and they fabricated harmful smears using the mainstream media.

Yep. They probably did all of that and more. And yet now most of the key swing states have strengthened their electoral laws and more Americans say they prefer Trump over Biden than vice versa.

I'm sick and tired of all of this black pill bullshit. Trump can win again in 2024, in spite of any establishment fuckery, but it's going to take people actually going out and voting for him, so stop trying to convince everyone not to.

dagthegnome 21 points ago +22 / -1

I would actually move heaven and earth to have this guy back in office.

dagthegnome 11 points ago +11 / -0

Cheaper to buy some heavy cream and whip it yourself anyway.

dagthegnome 12 points ago +12 / -0

The eastern European states only stay in the EU in exchange for massive subsidies and wealth transfer from western Europe. If the West's resources become so stretched that they can't keep that up, the eastern states will start leaving. Starting with Poland and Hungary, then the Czechs not long after.

dagthegnome 16 points ago +17 / -1

White women with college degrees and black women/men who blindly vote exclusively Democrat Women are why society cannot have nice things.


dagthegnome 6 points ago +6 / -0

There's actually quite a bit of evidence that at least some of our early ancestors didn't come from Africa.

dagthegnome 7 points ago +7 / -0

They were dying long before the Covid Swindle. It's a product of digital-age misanthropy. Most people would just rather watch films alone at home, or with their girlfriend. The quality you get on 50-inch home screen these days is as good as anything you'd see in a theater, and you don't have to deal with all of the fat, loud, sweaty people.

by folx
dagthegnome 17 points ago +17 / -0

The original Saints Row had just enough grit and edginess when GTA was over-the-top and campy. Then GTA 4 came out and it was dark, grim and humorless, with a washed-out color palette and no likeable characters. Saints Row 2 was released a few months later, and it was a breath of fresh air. It felt like a video game instead of a cheap knockoff of the Sopranos, and it had a lot of zany, outlandish elements while still retaining a good core story.

Then Deep Silver bought Volition and almost all of the original devs left the company. The SR franchise has been dogshit ever since.

dagthegnome 14 points ago +14 / -0

Most likely gunning for the WHO top job. Tedros' term is up soon, I think.

dagthegnome 18 points ago +18 / -0

Too much exposition? From the franchise that brought us 22-minute long episodes of powering up for one attack?

dagthegnome 19 points ago +19 / -0

Do they have that kind of money? Because if not this amounts to a token gesture. Maybe instead they should go to prison and get a taste of what they put those kids through.

dagthegnome 15 points ago +15 / -0

The only rational assessment anybody can make of the Ukraine situation is to admit that nobody has any idea what's going on on the ground, and that includes everyone who's actually there. That's the nature of war. Whatever anyone thinks of Russia's reasons for invading, or the role the West played in provoking them into it, none of that really matters now. I just don't want it spreading.

dagthegnome 6 points ago +6 / -0

That's not a right-wing problem: it's just human nature. Relative to the tankies and the globalists, we are actually not very hierarchical. Yes there's infighting between ideological factions and leaders, but the right is also prone to frequent regicide, justified or not, when their leaders disappoint. We do a much better job of that than our enemies do, however ineffective it might make us as a political group. But everyone on the left is marching to the tune of the same billionaire class, whether they know it or not, and have been for decades. And their leadership enforces its hold on power much more efficiently than any right-wing leader ever could.

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